The second match of the God General Conference was not about who was better, but about life and death.

Only those who survived were qualified to continue.

The battle was cruel and shocking.

The whole sky, a hundred miles in radius, was full of roars.

After one decisive battle after another, in the end only one person in each group stood up alive.

"Get ready for the eighth match!"

Soon, they ushered in the eighth match.

And the eighth match was Zhuo Bufan's battlefield.

"I'm going, don't follow me!"

Before leaving, Zhuo Bufan whispered to the Avici Beast beside him.

The Avici Beast made a humming sound and hid.

Then, Zhuo Bufan jumped up and flew into the air.

Now there is no arena, and the whole sky is a battlefield.

The five people in the eighth match flew into the sky one by one, and then stared at each other.

For a moment, everyone noticed the slave mark on Zhuo Bufan's forehead.

"Ninth level?"

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan was the one with the highest cultivation among them.

So, the other four people pointed their spearheads at Zhuo Bufan at the same time.

"Haha, are you targeting me?"

Faced with this situation, Zhuo Bufan obviously did not dare to be surprised.

"Everyone, how about we join forces to kill this ninth-level person first?"

"He is one level higher than us, and he is obviously the biggest hidden danger."

One of the guys with a big face looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smug look on his face.

This guy was mobilizing the emotions of others, wanting everyone to target Zhuo Bufan.

And his little trick was successful.

The other four people, one after another, began to mobilize the power of the seal towards Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this scene, people outside the field also began to worry about Zhuo Bufan.

"It's really not easy for a young boy to have such a high level of cultivation!"

"But the other four will obviously start to target him. One against four, he is not at an advantage."

"Look at the man holding the electric whip. He is the Lord of Thunder City, Lei Hong! Although this man has only an eighth-level cultivation, the electric whip in his hand is an unparalleled artifact, known as the God Whip. He used this artifact to kill the previous eighth-level Lord of Thunder City when he was at the seventh level."

"And the old man with white hair mopping the ground, the walking stick in his hand is said to be a magic stick he got from a certain ruins! This walking stick is called the Vajra Crutch. I don't know how many strong men this old man has killed with this walking stick."

"Look at the hunchback again. This hunchback is not simple. He is called the North Cold Divine Camel. It is said that the hunchback carries a sacred mountain. He used this sacred mountain to suppress many powerful people. This sacred mountain is also called the Burial God Peak. "

"Finally, it is the guy with the mask. That guy is called the Thousand-Faced Ghost Princess! It is said that she is a woman, but there are also rumors that she is a man. No one knows whether she is a man or a woman, but they only know that this guy likes to collect human skin masks. It is said that the mask he wears is called the Ghost Lord's Face. He can communicate with ghosts and gods, and he is also a difficult character. "

"Lightning Whip Thunder Bomb, Iron Crutch Zhang Gong. Hunchback Li Mang, Ghost Face Demon Princess. These four people can kill a ninth-level strongman together. I am afraid that the Ghost Armor God General may not be the opponent of the four of them. "

Some people who watched the battle knew Zhuo Bufan's opponents very well.

It is obvious that none of the enemies Zhuo Bufan faced were small characters.

This is a huge test for Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, in Zhuo Bufan's view, these four people just look weird.

"Electric Whip, Iron Crutch, Camel Hump, Mask! The artifacts on you four guys are pretty good, I like them."

Zhuo Bufan was not afraid of the four masters, but instead set his eyes on the artifacts in their hands.

Zhuo Bufan found that in places like the North Country, artifacts were rampant, and it seemed that everyone had one.

Just like the Kaitian Bow in his hand, it came from the boy named Zhang Yijian.

In fact, the North Country is the origin of this world.

Under the land of the North Country, there are many ruins. So far, the discovery of the ruins is less than half.

Many people will get a lot of rewards after entering the ruins.

So in the North Country, artifacts will become very rampant.

"Boy, dare to think about grandpa's magic whip, I think you are looking for death!"

The electric whip Lei Hong saw that Zhuo Bufan was not afraid, but was thinking about the artifacts in their hands, and suddenly became furious.

He raised the electric whip in his hand and whipped Zhuo Bufan.



The electric sparks of the electric whip made crackling sounds.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan moved nimbly in the air and dodged Lei Hong's whips again and again.

"Interesting, the electricity of this electric whip actually has a considerable paralyzing effect."

While Zhuo Bufan moved gracefully, he also tried to touch the current on the electric whip.

In the end, he found that the current on the electric whip was really not simple.

This is different from ordinary electric current. It has extremely strong penetrating power and paralyzing ability.

"What are you guys still watching? Aren't we going to kill him together first? Hurry up!"

Lei Hong hit with whip after whip, but every whip missed.

Lei Hong was forced into a corner and began to jump off the wall.

Seeing this, the other three no longer held back and rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Boy, take my crutch!"

On this side, Tieguai Zhang Gong raised his Vajra crutch and smashed it towards Zhuo Bufan's head.

Zhuo Bufan pushed back and pushed the crutch onto Lei Hong's electric whip.

Lei Hong's electric whip wrapped around Zhang Gong's crutch.

For a moment, the white-haired old man was electrocuted to the point of fuming.

"Hahaha, old man, how does this whip feel?"

Zhuo Bufan laughed. It was really funny to see the old man being electrocuted to the point of fuming.

"Stinky boy, don't be so arrogant."

At this moment, suddenly a huge peak covering the sky and the sun appeared in the sky.

It was the hump of Hunchback Li Mang, which was a divine weapon for suppression!


The huge peak, completely ignoring Lei Hong and Zhang Gong who were also below, directly suppressed them.

"Li Hunchback, you old thing, do you want to suppress us together?"

Lei Hong was entangled with Zhang Gong's divine weapon and could not escape at all.


The Divine Peak suppressed and crushed the two on the spot.

However, Zhuo Bufan broke a corner and broke through the sky as soon as the Divine Peak fell.

"Hunchback, take my arrow!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know when he got behind the hunchback, and then pulled the Kaitian bow.

A golden arrow began to condense on the bowstring.

"No! Suppress it!"

Li Tuobei could feel that Zhuo Bufan's golden arrow was very powerful.

So he took back the Divine Peak as soon as possible, and then stood between him and Zhuo Bufan.

"Want to block it? Can you block it?"

Zhuo Bufan loosened the bowstring!


The golden arrow broke through the air and pierced through the Divine Mountain.


The last arrow pierced through the hunchback's eyebrows. A bowl-sized gap was directly opened.

The golden arrow blessed by Zhuo Bufan's divine power has reached the point of being indestructible.

On the battlefield, things change rapidly.

In just a blink of an eye, the electric whip and thunder blast, Iron-crutch Zhang Gong, hunchback Li Mang, three people died tragically.

In the end, only a ghost-faced demon girl was left.

Zhuo Bufan looked around and found that the guy who was neither male nor female was gone.

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind Zhuo Bufan.

He looked back and was shocked!

"Su Su?"

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