Zhuo Bufan followed everyone into the baptismal pool, and the dark power from the King of Hell began to invade everyone's souls.

The so-called baptism and blessing of the Father God was just to turn these gods into obedient dogs.

"Here it comes!"

Zhuo Bufan felt the invasion of the dark power, and he fell into darkness.

Once again came to that chaotic world.

This dark world this time was different from the previous one.

This time there was a terrain, and it was an uninhabited dark city.

There was a faint light like a firefly around, which allowed people to see the light a little.

At this time, the glazed green fairy lamp hidden in his body slowly emerged.

The glazed green fairy lamp was the guiding light left by the Green Emperor to Zhuo Bufan.

This small green lotus lamp helped him overcome many difficulties.

And this time, it also showed its divine power.

When he saw the green fairy lamp appear, Zhuo Bufan calmed down a lot.

This was his amulet in hell.

However, this time, the situation seemed a little different.

In this dark and chaotic world, Zhuo Bufan found that he was not the only one.

This time, everyone was brought to this world.

Everyone looked confused and didn't know what to do.

"What is this place? Why is it so dark?"

"I don't know, but this must be the so-called baptism of the Father God?"

"Then what should we do now? What should we do next?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to do at all.

"The Lord God didn't say what the so-called baptism is?"

"Where is the Father God? Where is the Father God?"

Everyone was confused, only Hezuo Bufan, who felt that there was a conspiracy waiting in the dark.

Just when everyone was confused, suddenly a rainbow light appeared above their heads.

Then, a red sun appeared in the sky.

At this time, the red sun wheel made a majestic voice.

"My people, welcome to my world!"

"Next, you will have a brutal battle. Those who survive in the end will be eligible to receive the blessing bestowed by their father."

"As for the others, they will fall into darkness forever and cannot be resurrected."

When everyone heard this, they smacked their lips.

"What? Cannot be resurrected?"

Obviously, this last baptism has become even more cruel.

After death, there will be no resurrection, what a cruel thing.

The people in this world are used to resurrection. Suddenly telling them that they cannot be resurrected obviously makes everyone feel like they have been thunderstruck.

"What a joke? I want to quit this battle, I want to quit."

"I have finally cultivated to the eighth level, I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

"It's just a mere general, there is no need to pay for it with your life."

These people began to shout, they are willing to pay such a painful price for the position of general.

"Humble people! This trial is extraordinary. The last one among you who survives is not only a general. He is also a reserve temple god in the future."

"Don't you want to become a temple god?"

After hearing this, everyone hesitated again.

The final winner of this trial is qualified to become a temple god.

Obviously, this is not a simple general.

"Become a temple god?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

If he can become a temple god, wouldn't his authority be higher?

"Yes, your father will decide whether to let you become a temple god based on your performance."

"After all, you are so excellent."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the red sun in the sky and smiled faintly.

"This old thing is shameless and calls himself the father god."

"You are just a thief."

After knowing the Avici beast, Zhuo Bufan realized that the so-called King of Hell became the world god of this world after eating the heart of the Avici beast.

He changed the rules of this world and became the supreme father god of this world.

Zhuo Bufan didn't have a good impression of this King of Hell.

After all, it was this King of Hell who turned Wang Xingba into Kuiba from the beginning, forcing Bai Su to seal herself.


"Just kill these people in front of you?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

This time he was not joking. If he killed them, they would really die.

"Children, fight! Unless the final winner is born, none of you can leave this world."

The red sun in the sky slowly disappeared after saying this.

For a moment, everyone became nervous.

Originally, everyone was standing together, ready to join forces and make plans.

But the words of the King of Hell made them realize once again that everyone around them might be an enemy.

"What should I do?"

After everyone dispersed, you looked at me and I looked at you, and no one dared to take action first.

Zhuo Bufan stood aside calmly, watching these people.

He was going to wait until these people killed each other before taking action.

Obviously, no matter who took action first, it would definitely cause others to attack together.

So for a while, no one took action.

"Why don't we disperse first and see if we can find another exit."

Someone suggested that we disperse first and then look for an exit.

Others agreed.

In fact, it was clear to everyone that there was no exit.

I just want to find an excuse to disperse first.

Only after they have dispersed can they do it alone.

Everyone identified their own targets, and then when they dispersed, they began to bravely move in the direction of their prey.

When Zhuo Bufan left, he found that he was being targeted by two people at the same time.

Obviously, they were eyeing Zhuo Bufan and thought he was a weakling.

"Are you targeting me?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly, and then he began to speed up his pace and shuttled through the darkness.

The two people saw this and hurriedly followed.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan led the two of them to a secluded place.

Then, Zhuo Bufan stopped and looked back at the two of them.

"You two followed me all the way. Is something okay?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

He guessed right, there were indeed two old guys eyeing him.

These two guys, one of them wearing a green robe and the other wearing a high hat, looked like they were coming with bad intentions.

"Boy, in order to get out of this hellish place, we have to sacrifice you."

The man in green robe said this to Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he laughed.

"Hahahaha, interesting. You decided to sacrifice me, right?"

"Then I really want to know, even if you sacrifice me, even if you two survive in the end. But only one person can leave, what are you going to do?"

Zhuo Bufan asked a very pointed question. After all, in this decisive battle, only the final winner can leave alive.

This is why everyone has become very nervous.

"That doesn't matter to you, you must die anyway."

The two of them didn't talk nonsense or compete too much with Zhuo Bufan.

They took out their magical weapons and started to kill Zhuo Bufan.

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