Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 797 The Return of the Gods

The fifth temple god——Tian Tong!

Suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

He came quietly without making any sound.

When he appeared, everyone present was quiet.

Even Zhi Yin, who would greet everyone, shut up.

No one went to greet the temple god, and Lian Tian Can did not confront him.

Tian Tong stood quietly on the pillar, looking down at Zhuo Bufan.

"Everyone, am I not late?"

At this time, the sixth temple god came on a white cloud, breaking the silence of Yunshang Mountain.

After the sixth temple god landed on his pillar, a report came from the sky.

"Yun Xiu, return to your position!"

After the sixth temple god Yun Xiu returned to his position, he also saw the Tian Tong temple god.

Then, the scene fell into silence again.

"Interesting, it seems that this Tian Tong temple god is not welcome at all!"

Zhuo Bufan found that everyone was wary of the Tian Tong temple god, and the atmosphere on the scene became inexplicably tense.

"I'm here!"

After the scene was quiet, another temple god suddenly appeared, like a ray of light, and landed heavily on a pillar.

"Xie Gu, return to your position!"

After the seventh temple god Xie Gu returned to his position, there were only three pillars without temple gods.

"Hahahaha, Xie Gu, you run really fast!"

Just one second after Xie Gu returned to his position, another powerful temple god came down with thunder and lightning.

"Silver Dragon, return to your position!"

The eighth temple god Silver Dragon followed closely and landed on the pillar.

He was wearing a silver armor, with a dragon head and a human body, obviously a dragon man.

In the blink of an eye, eight of the ten great temple gods of the Northern Kingdom descended.

"Oh, it seems I'm not the last one."

"There are still two people who haven't come, Demon Snake and Golden Horn."

"Golden Horn is always procrastinating, and he is the last one in every meeting. But Demon Snake is so active on weekdays, why hasn't he come so late today?"

The remaining two temple gods, Golden Horn and Demon Snake, have not arrived.

"Oh, they are coming!"

The evil bone temple god looked back and saw an old turtle flying in the clouds in the distant sky, climbing towards the Yunshang Mountain.

On its back, there was an old man with golden horns.

He sat on the turtle's back, drinking wine, singing songs, and swaying all the way.

"Sorry, sorry, I kept everyone waiting for a long time. On the way here, I encountered dry land and made a rain."

Golden Horn rode the old turtle and landed on the ninth pillar.

"Hehe, Grandpa Jinjiao, I think you went to find some wine to drink?"

The friend next to him laughed secretly.

When the golden horn heard it, he rolled his eyes at her.

"Little girl, you called me Brother Jinjiao two days ago, but you call me Grandpa today?"

"Let Brother Jinjiao see if your breasts have grown again?"

"Old pervert!" Tiancan started his way of scolding people again.

Zhuo Bufan, who was standing in the center, looked around.

Nine of the ten great gods have arrived.

"By the way, the guy Demon Snake may come later."

"I heard that a tough guy appeared in his territory and he needs to do it himself. He should come after he solves it."

The God of the Golden Horn brought news from the God of the Demon Snake.

Obviously, the Demon Snake was delayed by Xuanyuan Hao's affairs.

At this time, Tiancan stood up from the pillar.

"In that case, we won't wait for him."

"Today's meeting will be hosted by this temple."

Tiancan looked around and saw that no one had any objections, so he continued.

"The main reason why I invite you all here today is to convey the will of the Father God."

"I believe you all already know that the Father God personally selected another Temple God some time ago and gave him the title, Juejian!"

"Now, let me introduce to you, the one in front of you is the eleventh Temple God of our Northern Kingdom, Juejian."

"Juejian, you come and say a few words to everyone!"

After Tiancan Temple God finished speaking, he handed the stage to Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and said without any fear.

"I believe that everyone has learned about my identity from my colleagues in the Southern Kingdom."

"Here, I don't need to hide it."

"I am the leader of the Kuangmen, Zhuo Bufan, who founded the Kuangmen in the Southern Kingdom and liberated the entire Southern Kingdom."

"Of course, now I am also the leader of the Juejian Temple, Juejian."

When Zhuo Bufan revealed his identity, the scene became a little quiet for a while.

Everyone present had learned about Zhuo Bufan from the Temple God of the Southern Kingdom.

At first, they couldn't believe it at all.

Zhuo Bufan, a mere mortal, could actually liberate the entire Southern Kingdom and compete with the eight major temple gods of the Southern Kingdom.

Most importantly, he actually obtained the organs of four of the four temple gods.

The temple gods present knew how important the organs were to them.

They were very worried that Zhuo Bufan would secretly take their organs into his hands.

"Jue Jian, right?"

At this time, Wuji Temple God looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Since you have become a temple god, why don't you return the organs of Jiu Wushen and others?"

"You should also know what organs mean to us temple gods."

"Since we are all colleagues now, why bother to embarrass everyone?"

This Wuji God was entrusted by Jiu Wushen of the Southern Kingdom to ask Zhuo Bufan to hand over their organs.

However, how could Zhuo Bufan hand it over so easily?

"Inorganic God, right? I don't have your organs in my hands, so why are you so excited?"

"Please tell Jiu Wushen and the others that I, Zhuo Bufan, will take good care of their organs. I am here, and the organs are there!"

Zhuo Bufan will never hand over his organs.

"Hmph, as a temple god now, it is really shameful for you to use such means to threaten other temple gods."

"Yes, if you don't hand over your organs, we will not recognize your status as a temple god."

"Who knows if you will plot against us secretly?"

"Cripple, tell me, should he hand over his organs?"

All the temple gods present asked Zhuo Bufan to hand over his organs.

However, how could Zhuo Bufan hand it over so easily?

"If I don't hand it over, what can you do?"

"Boy, don't get too carried away!" Inorganic God said angrily.

"What, do you want to rob it?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Inorganic God and it was obvious that he wanted to use force.

After hearing this, Inorganic God fell down from the divine pillar, then pointed at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"I'll fight you. If I win, you hand over your organs."

"What if you lose?" Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

"I lose? Just because of you?" Inorganic God sneered.

Seeing that the other party was so confident, Zhuo Bufan said.

"Let's do this! If you win, I hand over all my organs, including my own."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, everyone present's eyes lit up.

"But if I win, you hand over your organs."

When he finished his second sentence, all the temple gods present took another deep breath.

No one expected that Zhuo Bufan would use his organs as a bet to fight the Inorganic God.

"are you serious?"

Tian Canshen was standing aside, looking at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Yes, I am serious. This is the only way you can get back these organs in my hands!"

"Four organs, plus my own. Whoever gets it will be able to control the power of the other five temple gods."

Zhuo Bufan's last words moved Inorganic God's heart.

As long as you defeat Zhuo Bufan, you can obtain the organs of the five temple gods!

Among the nineteen temple gods, five of them are used by himself. Adding himself, this power is unimaginable.

One-third of the power is within his control.

The Inorganic God looked at Zhuo Bufan again. He had just been promoted to the palace god and was obviously not afraid of him.

"You said it, you can't regret it."

"Of course I don't regret it. All the temple gods present can testify. If anyone regrets it, we will jointly kill him without mercy."

"In that case, Sky Battlefield, please do it!"

As soon as the voice of the Inorganic God fell, a pair of wings suddenly grew from behind, and then it flew into the sky.

On the battlefield of the sky, once again, the battle begins...

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