Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 802: The Gate of Hell

Zhuo Bufan killed Wei Yu instantly with a thunderous move and obtained his organs.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning, and no one reacted.

The most important thing was that Zhuo Bufan didn't look injured at all.

After the rumor came back to life, Zhuo Bufan strangled his lungs.

"you you you……"

Xu Huang pointed at Zhuo Bufan, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he smiled.

"Don't get excited. Do you want to ask why I wasn't hurt?"

When Zhuo Bufan said in person that he was not injured, everyone realized that they had fallen into a trap.

All of this is Zhuo Bufan's trick.

"Damn it, you lied to us?"

Rumors pointed at Zhuo Bufan and cursed.

However, Zhuo Bufan looked at him innocently.

"Lie to you? When did I lie to you? Did I say I was hurt?"

"All this is just because you hope that I get hurt."

The actor Zhuo Bufan completely fooled everyone.

"Ahhhh, bastard, bastard, give me back my organs, give me back!"

Rumors rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan squeezed his organs again.

"Hey, why do you do these useless things every time?"

Rumor was the third person who wanted to kill Zhuo Bufan after learning that his organs had been obtained.

However, Zhuo Bufan once again used the same method to make the other party become honest.

Ten minutes later, inorganic, evil bones, and rumors.

The three palace gods all became Zhuo Bufan's younger brothers.

Their lives now are all in Zhuo Bufan's hands. If Zhuo Bufan wants them to die, then they have no chance to resist.

The Golden Horn Palace God on the side couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

Fortunately, it wasn't him who bet with Zhuo Bufan just now, otherwise, it wouldn't be the rumor but his Golden Horn that would be miserable now.

"Hahaha, God of the Golden Horn Palace, didn't you just say you wanted to compete with me?"

"Does it still count?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't forget to tease Jin Jiao.

Jin Jiao cracked the corner of his mouth and showed an awkward smile.

"Haha, you are really insidious. You pretended to be seriously injured and then lured us into a decisive battle with you."

Yinlong looked at Zhuo Bufan, obviously dissatisfied with his behavior.

"Jue Jian, you won. You collected the organs of so many people. What on earth do you want to do?"

And the God of Yunxiang Palace even cursed directly.

"You brat, are you going too far? I request to see God the Father and cut this son off from the priesthood."

Of course, there was also a bosom friend, who landed next to Zhuo Bufan in an enchanting way.

"Little brother, can you let my sister be your woman? My sister likes unrivaled heroes like you the most."

Among the temple gods, some accuse, some curse, and some flatter.

Zhuo Bufan just smiled calmly.

"Everyone, the world is dangerous, and I just want to find some means to protect myself!"

"You are already a temple god, who can do anything to you?"

Silver Dragon scolded.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at the man wearing silver armor and having a dragon head and said.

"God of the Silver Dragon Palace, right? I am a timid person. I feel that even if I become the God of the Palace, I won't be able to sit back and relax completely!"

"So everyone, I'm offended."

"You can rest assured and leave your organs to me. I will take good care of them."

Zhuo Bufan laughed and took away the organs of the three temple gods.

Zhuo Bufan made a good harvest in this conference of temple gods, collecting three organs directly.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan basically controlled half of the temple's power.

Then, Zhuo Bufan can really do whatever he wants.

"Tiancan, please say something, Tiancan!"

"Cripple, do you want to watch this guy act recklessly?"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan mastering half of the temple's power so easily, everyone felt dissatisfied.

Especially Wuji and the others were even more regretful.

Wuji chases Tiancan, hoping that Tiancan will take action to stop Zhuo Bufan.

However, when Tian Can saw this, he shook his head slightly.

"I can't beat him. Let's stop this!"

Tian Can said something that made Wuji and the others despair.

He bluntly said that he could not beat Zhuo Bufan.

And what he said is true.

There should be no one who can beat Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan, who possesses divine power, is an invincible existence in the same realm.

Perhaps in this world, the only one of the same level who has the ability to fight Zhuo Bufan is Xuanyuan Hao.

When Xuanyuan Hao was at the ninth level, he was able to kill the Demon Snake Temple God.

It's hard to imagine how terrifying he would be at the tenth level.

"It's over, it's over!"

The Inorganic God knelt on the ground, obviously his mood had sunk to the bottom.

He didn't expect that he would not be able to escape Zhuo Bufan's clutches in the end.

I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in!

The Inorganic Temple God roared unwillingly.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"That's almost enough, Wuji. Let's get along well in the future!"

Now that Zhuo Bufan has the organs of the three palace gods, it can be said that he will be able to do whatever he wants in the future.

This is equivalent to half the combat power of the temple!

"Three of you, you are willing to admit defeat. You cannot blame others."

Tian Can did not sympathize with the three of them, let alone intercede with them.

Since it is a duel, you must bear the victory or defeat yourself.

"Today's Temple God Conference actually has three things to announce."

"First, let's introduce our new Temple God, Juejian. Now, I believe everyone knows him, right?"

After Tiancan finished speaking, Wuji Xiegu Feiyu and the other two immediately gnashed their teeth.

Now they are more than just acquainted with Zhuo Bufan, they simply hate him to the bone.

"The second thing is to give Juejian a fiefdom. I am willing to divide a part of my territory to Juejian, what about the others?"

Tiancan said, still looking around.

At this time, Zhiyin smiled slightly and responded.

"Then I will also give Juejian brother two cities! Juejian brother, don't forget your sister."

In order to please Zhuo Bufan, Zhiyin also gave him a fiefdom.

"That's it, that's enough. I am a lazy person. I don't care if there are too many fiefdoms."

Zhuo Bufan did not continue to ask for other fiefdoms.

At this time, Tiancan continued to speak.

"The third thing, and the most important one, is about the Gate of Hell. Let's wait for the Demonic Snake to arrive and announce it together."

When Tian Can talked about the Gate of Hell, everyone's spirits suddenly lifted up.

Even Wu Ji and the others were trembling.

"The Gate of Hell, what is that?"

Zhuo Bufan asked weakly.

He really didn't know about the Gate of Hell, so he asked.

Seeing this, Tian Can explained a little.

"The Gate of Hell is the passage opened up by the Father God to the Yin and Yang worlds. I'll tell you the details when the Demonic Snake arrives."

"Hahaha, Lame Man, are you waiting for me?"

Just at this moment, a triumphant laugh suddenly came from the horizon.

Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a man in black, stepping on a flying giant python, flying towards the palace on the clouds.

The long-awaited Demonic Snake Temple God finally arrived.

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