When Zhuo Bufan heard that Xuanyuan Hao was captured, Zifan might be killed.

He was furious and rushed directly to the Demonic Snake Temple.

At this moment, in the dungeon of the Demonic Snake Temple.

Xuanyuan Hao was thrown into a snake pit.

In the snake pit, countless poisonous snakes were entangled together, which was creepy.

Xuanyuan Hao's body was full of poisonous snakes' teeth marks.

The God of the Demonic Snake Temple wanted to control Xuanyuan Hao in this way.

"Divine power? Interesting, power from the underworld?"

The demon snake was still thinking about the divine power in Xuanyuan Hao.

He had seen the power of this divine power, so he wanted to take this power for himself.

"How can I absorb the divine power from him?"

The demon snake did not understand the source of the divine power, so he was completely confused now.

He did not dare to kill Xuanyuan Hao, so he could only torture Xuanyuan Hao in this way.

Intended to let Xuanyuan Hao tell the way to obtain the divine power himself.

However, Xuanyuan Hao was a man of steel, and he obviously would not reveal a single word.

At the beginning, Xuanyuan Hao was imprisoned in the dungeon by Wang Xingbadao, and his skin and bones were peeled off, but he still stood firm.

So torture was useless to Xuanyuan Hao.

This man's willpower was even more terrifying than his talent.

"Boy, hand over the divine power in your body, and I can spare your life."

"Otherwise, I will make you want to live but not die."

The demon snakes kept threatening Xuanyuan Hao.

The poisonous snakes bit Xuanyuan Hao's body like crazy.

Then they poured venom into Xuanyuan Hao's body.

Now Xuanyuan Hao was full of poison.

The whole person was blue and purple, and it was unbearable to look at.

"You kid, you are so stubborn! In this case, then you can enjoy the snake punishment of this temple!"

After the Demon Snake Temple God said this, he turned and left.


At this time, outside the Demon Snake Temple.

There are two heads sneaking around...

"Brother Zifan, this is the temple in front of us, are we really going to go?"

"Well, I have to find a way to get in. I want to know, who is that man? What does it have to do with me?"

Bai Zifan frowned.

He recalled Xuanyuan Hao's spirit and always felt that he was familiar.

Unfortunately, Bai Zifan lost the most important part of his memory.

"Lin Xi, you and Xiaolang wait for me outside."

"No, I want to go with you, brother Zifan."

"It's too dangerous. I'm not going to fight this time. Don't worry! I will disguise myself as someone from the Demonic Snake Temple, and nothing will happen."

The future is dangerous, Bai Zifan can't take Lin Xi to take risks.

The two of them were deadlocked for a moment, and finally Lin Xi compromised.

"Okay, brother Zifan, you must come back safely. If something happens to you, I, I won't live either."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Bai Zifan tapped Lin Xi's forehead with his finger, and then he said no more and sneaked into the Demonic Snake Temple quietly.

"Master, will you be my master?"

Bai Zifan disguised himself as a servant in the Demonic Serpent Temple and began to inquire about Xuanyuan Hao.

However, after a lot of inquiries, he did not gain anything.

The fact that the Demonic Serpent captured Xuanyuan Hao was a secret, and so far, few people knew about it.

"He must have been locked up. Where would he be locked up?"

Bai Zifan searched hard but to no avail, and became a little anxious.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside.

"What happened?"

Bai Zifan grabbed a servant and asked.

The servant replied.

"Someone is coming to kill me. I heard that they are here to kill the Demonic Serpent Temple God."

Bai Zifan was stunned after hearing this.

"Come to kill the Demonic Serpent Temple God?"

"Did I hear it right? Who is so powerful?"

Bai Zifan knew that the Temple God was an immortal existence.

"I don't know, let's go and see! Just watch the fun."

Bai Zifan followed the group of servants who were watching the fun and ran to the square outside.

When they looked up, they saw a peerless martial god in white standing in the sky.

He held a colorful bow in his hand, and his whole body was full of righteousness.

Between his eyebrows, there was a domineering aura that looked down on the world.

The moment he saw him, Bai Zifan's soul was turbulent and his eyes were full of spirit.

This was exactly the posture of the peerless hero he admired!

He shouted in a low voice, and the world was turbulent.

"Demon snake, get out of here and die!"

The person who was challenging in the sky was Bai Zifan's father, Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan came with the wrath of the burning sky.

His voice of challenging spread across the world and echoed for a long time.

"Who is this person? How dare he challenge the Demon God Temple God?"

"My God, is he crazy? That's the Temple God!"

"The Temple God is invincible, the Temple God is invincible!"

The servants in the square smacked their lips, thinking that the guy in the sky must be crazy.

However, Bai Zifan was fascinated.

The man in the sky seemed to have a strong attraction, or personality charm, which made Bai Zifan fascinated.

"Demon snake, I will count to three times. If you don't come out, I will raze your temple to the ground."

Zhuo Bufan was angry, he was really angry.

He had limited information, and he thought it was the demon snake that killed his son and then captured his brother.

So for Zhuo Bufan, he obviously had an irreconcilable hatred with the demon snake.

"Who is this? How dare you shout in the Demonic Serpent Temple?"

At this time, the nameless general flew out of the temple.

Confronted Zhuo Bufan in the air.

"Look, the generals are coming out."

"The five great generals are all out, this guy is finished."

Seeing the five great generals appearing, the servants in the square were all worried about Zhuo Bufan.

"Can he beat these generals?"

Bai Zifan also looked at Zhuo Bufan, full of expectations, hoping that Zhuo Bufan could defeat the five great generals.

"Boy, do you know where this is? You dare to come to the temple and be so presumptuous."

"Why waste words with him, kill him."

One of the generals rushed towards Zhuo Bufan without saying a word.

Zhuo Bufan saw this, his eyes turned cold, and he shouted angrily.

"Get out!"

The word "get out" was thunderous, roaring fire, and destructive wind, and it blasted towards the five generals in front of him.

The next second, the five generals were reduced to ashes on the spot.

The people who saw this scene stared with their eyes wide open, and were dumbfounded.

"God generals, God generals, are all dead?"

It was the first time that the servants saw that God generals could die.

They were God generals, invincible God generals, but they were killed.

"Impossible, am I seeing things?"

"God generals are dead."

"Who is this man? He killed five God generals in seconds?"

Zhuo Bufan's feat of killing five God generals in seconds was shocking.

When Bai Zifan saw this scene, he suddenly thought of Xuanyuan Hao's battle in Huanlin City.

At that time, Xuanyuan Hao also showed invincible power in Huanlin City. Not to mention God generals, he could even kill the Temple God.

"Demon snake, you're not coming out yet, are you?"

"Then destroy your Temple together!"

Zhuo Bufan's burning anger was obviously not calmed down.

"No, he wants to destroy the Temple, run."

Bai Zifan reacted immediately, and ran out of the Temple without saying a word.

He didn't want to be implicated and die tragically.

"Who is it? How dare you be so presumptuous in this temple?"

At this moment, the Demonic Serpent Temple God, who had not appeared before, flew out of the temple.

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