Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 812: Old Friends Are Like Dreams (Part 1)

Kuangmen Escort Agency, in the main hall.

A very interesting scene happened.

Lin Xi stood in front of Yi Meng, staring at her intently.

Perhaps sensing Lin Xi's gaze, Yi Meng also turned her head and looked at this unfamiliar little girl.

"Little sister, have we met?"

Yi Meng asked Lin Xi gently.

After hearing this, Lin Xi took out a crumpled piece of drawing paper from her pocket.

The drawing paper was folded layer after layer, and Lin Xi opened it again and again.

Finally, Lin Xi opened the drawing paper, then looked at Yi Meng, and then at the drawing in her hand.

"Tell me, does this person look like you?"

Lin Xi held the drawing paper and compared it with Yi Meng's appearance.

After hearing this, Yi Meng quickly turned her head and looked at the drawing paper in Lin Xi's hand.

When she saw the person on the drawing paper, she couldn't help but be startled.

"This, this is..."

Yi Meng was shocked because the person drawn on the drawing paper in Lin Xi's hand turned out to be her.

"Yes, is it me?"

Yi Meng looked at the woman on the drawing paper, she looked exactly like herself.

The woman on the drawing paper is wearing a silver armor and riding on a group of white Pegasus. She looks heroic and heroic.

"Little sister, who is the person on this drawing?"

Yi Meng asked quickly, because in her opinion, the person on the drawing paper was her!

After hearing this, Lin Xi hesitated for a moment, and finally she wrinkled her face and said.

"Grandpa Zhong said, this is my mother!"

Lin Xi looked at Yi Meng, tears seemed to be welling up in her eyes.

Lin Xi has never met her mother.

She grew up in Calabash Village since she was a child.

Later, the village head of Hulu Village told her that thirteen years ago, a Valkyrie saved their Hulu Village and entrusted her newly born child to them.

This child is Lin Xi.

This portrait was drawn by the village chief of Hulu Village and given to Lin Xi according to his memory. He told Lin Xi that the Valkyrie in the portrait was her mother.

But now, Lin Xi felt that she might have found her mother.

When Yi Meng heard this, she was immediately startled.

She froze in place, at a loss.

"Daughter? I actually have a daughter?"

"Why don't I remember anything?"

Yi Meng never knew that she had a daughter.

Moreover, there was no memory of Lin Xi in his memory.

"Impossible! If I am her mother, then who is her father?"

In Yimeng's current memory, she has never been passionate about any man.

The only one who is emotional may be Zhuo Bufan.

But the relationship between Zhuo Bufan and her was never ambiguous. It is even more impossible for the two of them to have anything happen.

Moreover, if it was really his daughter, why didn’t he have any memory at all?

Yi Meng couldn't believe it, or rather, she didn't want to believe it.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan, Xuanyuan Hao and Bai Zifan came to the hall.

"What's wrong, Yi Meng?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the two frowning people in the hall and couldn't help but ask.

At this time, Lin Xi turned around and looked at Bai Zifan.

Then, she quickly ran towards Bai Zifan.

"Brother Zifan, please help me see, is this my mother?"

Lin Xi took the portrait and rushed towards Bai Zifan.

Bai Zifan had seen this portrait, and Lin Xi often showed it to him.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao also gathered around and looked at the portrait.

Zhuo Bufan said bluntly the first time he saw the portrait.

"Isn't this Yi Meng?"

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't know Yi Meng, he had known her for such a long time, so he naturally recognized that the person in the portrait was Yi Meng.

Even Bai Zifan couldn't believe it. He looked at the portrait, then at Yi Meng, then at the portrait, then at the person.

Finally, Bai Zifan affirmed.

"That's her, Lin Xi, is she your mother?"

Bai Zifan asked Lin Xi, but how did Lin Xi know?

She is not worried about whether Yi Meng is the person in the portrait now.

What she was afraid of was, if Yi Meng was really the person in the portrait, would she be willing to recognize her?

Looking at Yi Meng's face, it was obvious that she was in disbelief.

"My daughter? My daughter?"

Yi Meng covered her head, in disbelief.

"I can't remember, why can't I remember anything."

"What's going on? Can anyone tell me?"

"Who am I? Who am I?"

Yi Meng almost collapsed.

For the first time, she felt helpless. Her memory seemed to be locked and difficult to open.

What is known now is that Yi Meng was indeed a Valkyrie, and she was even a temple god.

"But when Zhuo Bufan saw her, she was just a first-level slave."

In other words, from the tenth level to the first level, Yi Meng died at least nine times.

Every time you die, you lose some important memories.

Dying nine times means that Yi Meng's deepest and deepest memories are basically completely lost.

But now, Yi Meng's memory is constantly recovering.

She already remembered Dawn, the organization she once belonged to.

However, she had no idea that she had a daughter.

The harder she tried to recall, the more confusing the memories in her mind became.

"Yimeng, calm down, Yimeng!"

Zhuo Bufan saw that Yi Meng's condition was a little unstable, so he hurriedly said.

Lin Xi was so scared that she could only stand aside, at a loss.

She followed Bai Zifan and left Hulu Village, just to find her parents.

But now, she found her mother, but her mother didn't remember her at all.

The pain in her heart made Lin Xi on the verge of collapse.

"Brother Zifan, Brother Zifan."

Lin Xi grabbed Bai Zifan's hand, wanting to seek Bai Zifan's protection.

Bai Zifan patted her head and said.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Bai Zifan didn't know how to comfort her.

Now, he could only look at Yi Meng and see what choice she made.

"I have a daughter, and I have another daughter."

"But I don't remember anything. Who can tell me who I am?"

Yi Meng was at a loss and helpless.

At this moment, a low voice suddenly came from outside the hall.

"I'll tell you who you are!"

As soon as this was said, Zhuo Bufan and others immediately turned their heads and looked in the direction of the voice.

A man in a black robe walked into the gate.

He was covered in a cloak, revealing only a golden pupil.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked when he saw the other person's appearance.

"Tian Tong?"

The person who came was actually Tian Tong, one of the ten great temple gods.

"You, you know me? Do you know me?"

Yi Meng looked at Tian Tong.

Tian Tong answered after hearing this.

"Yes, she is your daughter, Meng!"

Tian Tong tore off the black cloak as soon as he finished speaking.

Tablecloth Fu An looked closely and couldn't help but stare.

The man under the cloak turned out to be the old profiteer he had been looking for - Chu Mubai!

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