Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 814 Before the expedition (Part 1)

Yi Meng's state was very similar to when Bai Su first woke up.

Her temperament also changed obviously.

Chu Mubai covered his buttocks, climbed up from the ground, and then looked at Yi Meng who looked at him coldly.

He showed a sly smile.

"Meng, you remember it, right?"

"You finally remember it."

"Daughter, good daughter, call me mother."

Chu Mubai quickly said to Lin Xi who was standing beside him.

After hearing this, Lin Xi looked at Yi Meng who suddenly became a queen, and then said weakly.

"Mother, mother!"

When Lin Xi called out the long-lost name, Yi Meng ran towards her and hugged her in her arms.

"Xiao Meng, child, it's great to see you again."

Yi Meng called Lin Xi Xiao Meng.

The two characters of Lin Xi are the word "Dream". This is also the real meaning of Yi Meng's name.

The moment when Yi Meng hugged Lin Xi and the mother and son recognized each other.

Zhuo Bufan on the side also touched Zifan's head.

The father and son smiled happily.

Seeing this, Chu Mubai also hugged Yi Meng and her son, but Yi Meng glared at him and he immediately shrank back two steps.

The great evil emperor was completely subdued by a woman.

It can be seen that Chu Mubai really likes Yi Meng.

"Why do you want to come back?"

Yi Meng looked at Chu Mubai with complaints in her eyes.

At the beginning, Yi Meng paid a painful price to send Chu Mubai away from this world.

Unexpectedly, Chu Mubai, this idiot, ran back again.

"You and your daughter are in this world, do you think I can stay in that world with peace of mind?"

Chu Mubai looked at Yi Meng affectionately, and Yi Meng saw this, gritted her teeth and choked.

"Che, idiot."

Yi Meng in the queen mode is obviously the kind of person with a sharp tongue but a soft heart.

This family is finally reunited in hell.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Chu Mubai came to this world to find his wife and children in this world.

This is a happy ending!

Now, Zhuo Bufan and his team have found Bai Zifan.

Chu Mubai has found Yi Meng, whom he wanted to find.

This trip to hell is finally coming to an end.


"You should have known, right? The King of Hell is going to attack the real world."

"His main focus now is the Gate of Infernal Affairs. Soon, once the Gate of Infernal Affairs opens, he will be able to sweep the real world with the power he has cultivated for tens of thousands of years."

"This time, I'm afraid the real world is in danger."

Chu Mubai and Zhuo Bufan began to plan for the future of the real world for this great expedition.

Everyone present knew the strength of the real world.

The evil emperor Chu Mubai almost represents the strongest combat power of the real world now.

Once the expedition begins, it can be said that the real world will have no power to fight back against the King of Hell.

"No, we are not completely hopeless."

"Remember what I said? The Green Emperor has revived. If we can invite the Green Emperor back to take charge, then there is still hope for the real world."

Zhuo Bufan now has some friendship with the Green Emperor.

It was him who unlocked the seal of the Green Emperor.

And his daughter is the Green Emperor's apprentice.

So if Zhuo Bufan goes to invite the Green Emperor back, it is not impossible.

"Besides, the Crazy Sect I trained will only listen to my orders."

"So the real world is not in a desperate situation."

"Now I have a specific plan, I hope you can cooperate."

Zhuo Bufan has obviously become the backbone of them without knowing it.

"Xuanyuan, once you return to the real world, I hope you can unite the major sects in the name of the Ancient Temple as soon as possible to fight the enemy together."

Xuanyuan Hao nodded after hearing this.

His Ancient Temple is still very influential in the world of cultivation.

"Don't worry, I will help you. After all, there are millions of real people who owe me a favor for the trip to the virtual realm."

"I will also contact Lu Fei and ask him to fully cooperate with your actions."

"At the same time, I will also contact the southern demon world. I am now the prime minister of the demon world after all."

Zhuo Bufan helped Donghuang Haotian become emperor, so Donghuang Haotian promised that Zhuo Bufan is now the prime minister of the demon world.

Zhuo Bufan said.

"Old Chu, you also have a mission."

"Following the domineering and heretical behavior of the Northern Emperor, the Southern Demon Demon Lord passed away ten thousand years ago. Now the strongest people in our cultivation world should only be you and the leader of the Tianyi Sect in Zhongzhou."

"But I have some grudges with that leader. If I go, she will definitely refuse to see me."

"So, I hope you go to Zhongzhou and ask the leader of the Tianyi Sect to come out."

Zhuo Bufan had to admit that in the cultivation world, Chu Mubai is indeed a first-class echelon of combat power.

So Chu Mubai's position in this battle is crucial.

"Hehe, no problem. I also know the mysterious leader of Tianyi Sect in Zhongzhou, and I have long wanted to meet her."

"Then you have to be careful. This leader claims to be the inheritor of Tianyi Sect. I don't need to say much, you should know what Tianyi Sect is, right?"

"Moreover, the strength of this leader is even stronger than I thought."

Zhuo Bufan began to have a relationship with the Holy Lord since the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers.

Later in the Zhongzhou Temple City, he was rescued by her again and again.

However, because Zhuo Bufan did not continue to make achievements in the way of talismans, the Holy Lord was disappointed in him again and again.

In the end, he stopped talking to Zhuo Bufan at all.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan was too embarrassed to go back to see the Holy Lord this time, so he could only let Chu Mubai try.

"As for me, I will find a way to contact Qing Emperor."

Zhuo Bufan's mission is to contact Qing Emperor and ask him to come back and take charge.

After Zhuo Bufan explained his plan, everyone nodded and agreed with his plan.

Afterwards, everyone left.

Chu Mubai's family had just reunited, so they needed some tenderness.

Xuanyuan Hao returned to his room and started practicing.

A serious genius is quite terrifying.

As for Bai Zifan, he stayed. He had something important to tell Zhuo Bufan.

"Father, I have something to report to you. It is about the inheritance of immortals."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

"Immortal inheritance?"

"That's right. Do you remember the Earth Demon King who kidnapped me? He told me the secret about the immortal inheritance."

Bai Zifan was kidnapped by the Demon Lord, but the Demon Lord had two personalities.

Because of his obsession, he awakened his righteous personality and told Bai Zifan the secret of the immortal ruins.

Unexpectedly, Bai Zifan now told Zhuo Bufan this secret.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but frown deeply after hearing what happened.

"Zifan, are you telling the truth? Isn't it a trap deliberately set by the old devil?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little skeptical. After all, immortals were just legends in the world of cultivation.

When a person becomes an immortal, all traces of him will be forgotten in heaven and earth, as if he never existed.

Therefore, there are no legends of immortals in the world of cultivation now.

However, Immortal Master Wuji, a righteous person with a righteous personality, actually told Bai Zifan the secret about the immortal ruins.

"Father, I think you can go and have a look."

"Perhaps we need the power of immortals for this battle."

Zhuo Bufan has personally experienced the power of immortals.

Immortal power is a kind of power that is more powerful than divine power. The two powers are not in the same dimension at all.

"Well, after we return to the world of cultivation, we, father and son, will go to this so-called immortal ruins to find out what's going on."

Zhuo Bufan felt that this trip to the immortal ruins would definitely yield an unexpected harvest.

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