On the altar, the mysterious millstone showed its vicissitudes.

The millstone was white on the top and black on the bottom, one yin and one yang, embracing each other.

The old drunkard raised his finger, pointed at the millstone, and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Little boy, that's your test."

"Did you see the millstone?"

After the old drunkard finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan had already stood on it.

"This is the Yin and Yang Heaven, the Universe is a Mill."

"I'll give you one stick of incense to push the grinding wheel. If you can make the grinding wheel turn, you will pass the test."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Yin and Yang millstone in front of him and felt familiar.

This scene reminded him of the millstone for grinding tofu pudding that he saw a long time ago when he was in the world of cultivation.

At that time, he also realized the use of the mysterious energy of life and death.

However, the Yin and Yang millstone in front of him was obviously extraordinary.

Zhuo Bufan tried to push the handle, but the millstone did not move at all.

"Interesting, it seems that it takes more than ordinary brute force to push this millstone."

At this time, the old drunkard had already lit a stick of incense on the side.

For an incense stick of time, the other party was serious.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and dared not take it lightly again.

"Try with divine power."

Zhuo Bufan used divine power to wrap up the Yin-Yang millstone.

For Zhuo Bufan, the divine power is now omnipotent.

However, the divine power did not turn the Yin-Yang millstone. This millstone seemed to have a mysterious power that was actually rejecting the influence of divine power.

"How could this be? The divine power was actually contained."

Zhuo Bufan discovered for the first time that divine power could not be integrated with other powers.

"No, this millstone is definitely extraordinary."

Zhuo Bufan quickly realized that this millstone was not an ordinary millstone.

Since it was a test, it was a test.

Zhuo Bufan calmed down and did not try to push the millstone with brute force.

Obviously, using brute force is meaningless and will be counterproductive.

"As a millstone, it has no grinding eye."

"On the contrary, how come this millstone looks more and more like a Taoist foundation?"

After Zhuo Bufan muttered to himself, he finally sat cross-legged on the millstone.

His action made everyone present brighten their eyes.

"Interesting, this kid actually figured it out."

The old drunkard looked at Zhuo Bufan sitting on the millstone, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

When Zhuo Bufan sat on the millstone, the scene in front of him began to change dramatically.

The whole person seemed to be sitting in the void of the universe full of stars.

The vastness was boundless, and the world was dark.

Countless meteors passed by his eyes, and for a moment, all kinds of vast knowledge merged into Zhuo Bufan's mind.

"The Tao is inaudible, the Dharma is inaudible, the Mystery is inexpressible, and the Immortal is indescribable!"

"Yin and Yang, the universe, the world is vast. The Tao is unique, the Tao is not two."

"Three thousand weak waters, only take a scoop. Among the ten thousand ways of the world, only take the unique one."

"The Tao is not two, the true scripture!"

Zhuo Bufan muttered to himself, and the two mysterious energies of life and death began to separate around him, wrapping him up.

Unconsciously, the stone mill he sat on began to turn.

The old drunkard and others who saw this scene had bright eyes.

"Master, he succeeded!"

The little broom said to the old drunkard on the side with a broom.

At this moment, the old drunkard was also stunned.

"The Tao is not two, this kid actually realized my supreme heart method of the first palace on the Great Dao Stone Mill, the Tao is not two, the true scripture."

This stone mill is not called the Yin and Yang Stone Mill, its real name is the Great Dao Mill.

"What, Master, the Dao De Bu Er Zhen Jing is the supreme mental method of the palace!"

"How can it be realized in this Dao Mill?"

The little broom was a little unbelievable.

The old drunkard shook his head slowly and said.

"I don't know either. When the head brother handed this Dao Mill to me, he did say that this stone mill was not simple, but a sacred object left by the previous head."

"For tens of thousands of years, no one has penetrated the mystery of the Dao Mill. I only know that this Dao Mill will turn when it senses the power of the Dao."

"Because of this characteristic, the head brother gave it to me and asked me to select talented disciples."

The old drunkard told the origin of this Dao Mill.

This Dao Mill will turn when it senses the power of the Dao.

In fact, this test is just to see if Zhuo Bufan has the power of the Dao.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan actually discovered the true power hidden in the Dao Mill.

In the small Dao Mill, there is actually the supreme mental method of the palace, "Dao De Bu Er Zhen Jing".

"Master, isn't it true that only the head of the sect is qualified to practice the "Tao De Bu Er Zhen Jing"? What should I do if this kid practices the "Tao De Bu Er Zhen Jing"?"

Little Tiao Zhuo knows that the "Tao De Bu Er Zhen Jing" is a true scripture that only the head of the sect can practice.

Only when the previous head of the sect steps down can this supreme mental method be passed on to the next prospective head of the sect.

In other words, the one who practices the "Tao De Bu Er Zhen Jing" is the head of De Yi Palace.

After hearing this, the old drunkard raised his hand and said.

"Don't worry, the "Tao De Bu Er Zhen Jing" is indeed passed down from generation to generation by the heads of the sect. But this kid got it from the Great Dao Grinding, and the situation is special."

"I will report to the head of the sect first, and then make a decision."

"You guys are watching here. I'm going to get a palace for Old Nose."

As soon as the old drunkard finished speaking, his body turned into a gust of wind and disappeared.

After waiting for the old drunkard to leave, Xiao Tiao Zhu and the other two disciples stayed by Zhuo Bufan's side.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was sitting on the avenue mill, turning continuously.

The mental method of "The Perfect Sutra" began to integrate into his soul.

For a time, the stars in the sky in his soul world turned into pieces of Tao power.

"Is this the power of a spell?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked!

Suddenly, all the stars released infinite light, and then enveloped him.

The entire void world became bright.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan found him sitting under a big golden tree.

This tree looks familiar, with a dragon-scale trunk and fingernail leaves.

Each leaf records the formation principles of this world.


Zhuo Bufan was surprised.

The tree behind him is the Xi tree.

The Xi tree is called the true tree and also the tree of providence. Every leaf on this tree records a kind of divine power.

God's will is the Tao and the talisman.

For a moment, the Taoist power of all the leaves on the Xi tree appeared clearly before Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

"That's it, that's it."

Zhuo Bufan shouted excitedly.

"It turns out that this "Tao De Bu Duo Sutra" is actually the key to unlocking the Xi Tree."

Zhuo Bufan discovered that because he understood the "Tao De Bu Duo Sutra", all the power in the Xi tree was revived.

In other words, "The Perfect Sutra of Tao De" is very likely the key to unlocking the power of Xishu.

Sitting under the Xi tree, with thousands of Taoist methods integrated into him, Zhuo Bufan discovered that his soul realm was constantly improving and was about to soar to the realm of the Yangshen.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan's cultivation level has also been upgraded from the realm of truth-seeking to the realm of mysticism.

The power of Tao was faintly floating in his body.

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