Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 834: Another meeting in the fairyland

Boom...boom...boom boom...

The battle between Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao exploded the entire sky of Black Armor City.

Space cracks opened one after another in the sky.

The two of them each showed their talents, and it can be said that the fight turned upside down.

The two of them were serious, no one was letting off steam, it was a real battle.

People who originally wanted to watch the fun, after seeing this scene, began to avoid the sharp point and did not dare to get close.

"Isn't the small table too powerful? I'm afraid even Old Nose may not be his opponent."

"I think so. He is obviously only at the Tongxuan realm, but he can actually match the combat power of the Tao realm."

"Collapse the starry sky and tear apart space. Isn't this something only the great saints can do?"

Little Broom and Little Spoon looked at Zhuo Bufan with admiration.

On the other hand, the people at Zhenyi Martial Arts School also looked at Xuanyuan Hao differently.

When Xuanyuan Hao first came to Zhenyi Martial Arts Hall, everyone thought that he was a softie who was easy to bully.

Xuanyuan Hao also gives people the impression that he is the kind of honest person who is not threatening.

However, when this honest man broke out, it was extremely terrifying.

Xuanyuan Hao's methods are limitless and his strength reaches the sky. The statues of gods behind him are one after another.

Only then did the people at Zhenyi Martial Arts School realize that Xuanyuan Hao was an unparalleled strong man.

Why would such a big shot come to their small martial arts gym?

Of course, there is only one reason. Xuanyuan Hao is not here for the martial arts school, but for the Gui Yi Sect behind the martial arts gym.

As one of the three supreme sects in the world today, Guiyi Sect is the holy land that countless monks yearn for.

Xuanyuan Hao is indeed very strong, but in front of the big guys of Guiyi Sect, he can only be regarded as a genius.

The three thousand great saints of the unified sect can reach the heavens. Xuanyuan Hao just wanted to join the sect and learn the Dharma of this world!


There was another burst of collision, alarming the sky again.

Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao have been fighting for a whole day.

Many experts from thousands of miles around came to watch the battle. The Lord of Black Armor City even stood on the wall with fear, fearing that the battle between the two of them would accidentally destroy his Black Armor City.

After this collision, the two sides distanced themselves.

The two of them each have their own victories and defeats, and it's hard to tell them apart.

"Hahahaha, it seems like there's a bit of a fuss!"

Zhuo Bufan looked down at the land, and there were people watching the battle everywhere.

They made such a big noise, it was impossible not to attract attention.

"Xuanyuan, why don't we stop here today! I admit that I can't surpass you yet."

Zhuo Bufan was originally very confident, but after the battle with Xuanyuan Hao, he found that he was not much better than Xuanyuan Hao.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao said calmly.

"No, you should have caught up with me and will soon surpass me. I admit, you are better than me."

It was absolutely shocking to be able to say this sentence from Xuanyuan Hao's mouth.

If people in the world of cultivation heard this, they would definitely be stunned.

Xuanyuan Hao, the peerless genius, actually gave in.

It was said that he was admitting defeat, but in the end, this battle was evenly divided. Both sides were equally powerful. There was no winner, it was a draw.

"Xuanyuan, do you still remember the agreement between you and me in the fairyland?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly said to Xuanyuan Hao.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao was stunned for a moment.

"Promise in Fairyland?"

He shook his head slowly, not remembering this agreement.

Zhuo Bufan immediately recalled that this promise in the fairyland had been erased by him reading the file.

The agreement between him and Xuanyuan Hao in the Immortal Country was made when the Yunmeng Realm attacked the Lord of Qianyu.

However, that memory was overwritten by Zhuo Bufan's subsequent file reading.

Only Zhuo Bufan remembered this agreement, and in Xuanyuan Hao's knowledge, it had never happened.

"Oh, it's nothing. I mean, we'll stop here today, no matter who wins or loses."

"How about we continue the next battle in the fairy world and determine the winner?"

When Xuanyuan Hao heard this, he murmured to himself.

"Fairy world?"

"Yes, the fairy world. You and I will one day go to the fairy world."

Zhuo Bufan's words suddenly made Xuanyuan Hao excited.

In this world, everyone yearns for the fairyland.

So when Zhuo Bufan proposed an agreement with Xianxiang, Xuanyuan Hao agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, that's it for today. In the next battle, we will fight again in the fairy world."

The two once again agreed to go to Xianxiang, and today's battle ended in a draw.

The result of the draw was that Little Broom's bet collapsed.

The boss took the two fools and ran away with the money.

A large number of gamblers are chasing after him.

"Okay, let's go see Zifan!"

Zhuo Bufan suggested going to see Bai Zifan.

Later, they found out that Bai Zifan had followed their martial arts school to Taixuan Sect yesterday.

I heard that Bai Zifan's talent is a genius that is rare to see in their martial arts school for a thousand years.

Therefore, the owner of the museum liked him very much and brought him to Taixuanzong.

"Do you think Zifan will go further in the future?"

Zhuo Bufan looked into the distance and said expectantly.

Xuanyuan Hao on the side also looked into the distance after hearing this.

"Of course, the apprentice I like, his future achievements will not be inferior to mine."

Xuanyuan Hao is very confident in Bai Zifan.

"By the way, I have inquired about it. There is no Xuandi, Baidi, Qingdi, or Chidi in this world. Do you think the four emperors are really from this world?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Xiao Saozhu about Xuandi and others these days.

However, Xiao Saozhu told Zhuo Bufan that there were no such great figures in this world.

Zhuo Bufan also investigated and found that there was indeed no legend of the four emperors in this world.

In theory, with Xuandi's ability to seal the sky, his cultivation level should be at least that of Fengtian Emperor.

However, the strongest in this world is only Super Saint Daluo.

Even Jiang Taiyi, the number one in the world, is one step away from Fengtian Emperor.

If the four emperors really existed in this world, then there would not be no legends left about them.

"I also found out one thing!"

Xuanyuan Hao also said at this time.

The two were not simply seeking knowledge, they were also working together to investigate the secrets of this world and the world of cultivation.

"What is it?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"There is a place in this world called the Forbidden Wall!"

"Forbidden Wall?"

Zhuo Bufan seemed to have heard of it somewhere.

"That's right, the forbidden wall! I heard that the three dynasties are fighting the creatures in the forbidden wall. And they fight every year, and the war never stops."

"And I heard that many of the creatures in the forbidden wall are very similar to the creatures in Yunmeng Realm. For example, corpse ghosts, feather monsters, etc."

"Yunmeng Realm?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Is there also a Yunmeng Realm in this world?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that Yunmeng Realm was unique to their cultivation world.

"I don't know the details, but I heard that many people do enter the forbidden wall to cultivate their souls."

"It really looks like Yunmeng Realm."

Xuanyuan Hao's words made Zhuo Bufan suddenly realize that this world might not be as simple as they thought.

"It seems that we have to focus on investigating this forbidden wall in the future!"

"Okay, let's stop here today! Two months later, I may go to Deyi Palace."

"Two months later? I'll leave tomorrow."

Xuanyuan Hao suddenly said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Tomorrow? Do you need me to take you there?"

"No need. We can use this thing to communicate in the future."

After Xuanyuan Hao finished speaking, he took out a conch shell.

This thing can also be used in this world.

Afterwards, Xuanyuan Hao turned and left.

Seeing Xuanyuan Hao leave, Zhuo Bufan didn't say anything more.

The two of them didn't need to talk. They would walk the rest of the way on their own!

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