Shenwu Hou Gao Zhan suddenly opened fire on Zhuo Bufan.

As soon as he made a move, a real dragon roared, and his spirit penetrated the sky.

Zhuo Bufan had no time to waste words with the other party. Since the other party wanted to fight, he would accompany him to the end.

Zhuo Bufan summoned the Kaitian Bow, and then shot six arrows at the dragon shadow flying into the sky.

Each arrow had the power of Kaitian, and each carried a destructive force, trying to shoot the dragon shadow that shuttled through the sea of ​​clouds.

The dragon shadow shuttled quickly in the air, and six flying arrows followed closely behind it.

A wonderful chase scene was staged in the air.

"It's the real dragon transformation of the marquis. This man's arrow can actually catch up with the real dragon transformation of the marquis!"

The subordinates of Shenwu Hou exclaimed.

They all knew how powerful Shenwu Hou was.

Shenwu Hou was known as the Ten Little Saints.

The Ten Little Saints, as the name suggests, are the ten most powerful little saints in the world.

Although their cultivation has just reached the Sainthood, they are just minor saints, equivalent to pseudo-saints.

But their fighting power is not weaker than that of ordinary saints, and even stronger.

Zhuo Bufan can fight on par with the Divine Martial Marquis, which is simply a miracle in the eyes of those soldiers.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan has always been creating miracles.

He and the Divine Martial Marquis fought in the air, and the wind and clouds were dense in an instant.

Zhuo Bufan found that this Divine Martial Marquis was not simple. He actually had the dragon soul that Xuanyuan Hao said.

Zhuo Bufan absorbed the dragon soul once, so he still had some understanding of this power.

He could feel that the dragon soul power in Gao Zhan's body was very strong, and at least hundreds of dragon souls were absorbed.

What Zhuo Bufan didn't know was that Gao Zhan's "Heaven and Earth Dragon Soul Gong" was cultivated by absorbing the dragon soul power between heaven and earth. The more dragon soul power you cultivate, the stronger the power you get.

Legend has it that after absorbing 10,000 dragon souls, you can open the road of the Dragon God's trial and gain the power of the Dragon God.

The Tianlong Emperor of the current Daxu Dynasty practices this kind of martial arts.

Gao Zhan is not an ordinary person either. He is a royal relative and the illegitimate son of the previous emperor.

Of course, the royal family has these trivial matters, such as illegitimate children. The royal family has many.

Gao Zhan is relatively lucky. Although he is the illegitimate son of the previous emperor, he is a simple person and has not been involved in the war in the court.

More importantly, Gao Zhan has a high reputation in the army and has made great contributions to the Daxu Dynasty.

At the same time, Gao Zhan is also the young marshal of the seven countries and the apprentice of Chu Zhongtian, the head of the Guiyi Sect.

All kinds of identities show that Gao Zhan is different from ordinary people.

Gao Zhan's identity as the young marshal of the seven countries gives him a high degree of dominance in the forbidden wall battlefield.

The forbidden wall battlefield is guarded by troops sent by various countries. And Gao Zhan is one of the few people who are qualified to lead the troops of various countries.

It is such a prominent Shenwu Hou who is now being chased and beaten by Zhuo Bufan.

"You are more powerful than I thought."

Above the sky, a black dragon with bared fangs and claws appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan, speaking human language.

Zhuo Bufan saw this, retracted the Kaitian bow, and then held his head high and said.

"Lord Shenwu, you are not weak either."

Zhuo Bufan could feel that Gao Zhan's strength might be comparable to his and Xuanyuan Hao.

When Gao Zhan heard this, he burst into laughter.

"Hahahahaha, sir, you are really brave!"

"You are the first person who dares to say that I am not weak either. Everyone says that I, Gao Zhan, am born the strongest."

Gao Zhan is not arrogant, he is qualified to be the hero.

"I am Lord Shenwu of the Xu Dynasty, the young commander of the Seven Kingdoms, and the disciple of the head of the Guiyi Sect. Do you think I am weak?"

Zhuo Bufan nodded and replied.

"You are not weak, I take back what I said just now, you are very strong."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the mysterious energy of life and death began to condense around him, ready to fight again.

"Are you coming again?"

Gao Zhan saw Zhuo Bufan's high spirits. After a moment of silence, he suddenly changed from a dragon to a human.

"Okay, I'm not here to fight with you today."

"Let's have a chat at the mansion, please!"

Gao Zhan, who had turned into a human, was wearing silver armor, a high crown, sword-like eyebrows, star-like eyes, and a face as sharp as a knife, very handsome.

Then, Zhuo Bufan and Gao Zhan returned to the Shenwu Marquis's mansion.

"Hahaha, left and right, set up a banquet, I want to entertain Mr. Zhuo today."

After returning to the mansion, Gao Zhan was so excited that he wanted to set up a banquet to entertain Zhuo Bufan.

Is this still the treatment of a wanted criminal?

"Squeak, Lord Marquis, he is a wanted criminal, you have to catch him!"

"He let the He family go, he knows where the He family went."

Just then, a black monkey jumped out and spoke human words.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly dazzled and felt that it sounded familiar.

Seeing this, the Shenwu Marquis looked down at it and frowned.

"He Yuan, Lord, what do I want to do? Do I need your instructions?"

It turned out that this monkey was actually He Yuan.

He Yuan was lucky enough to save his life and his soul escaped.

I didn't expect that he was possessed by a monkey. No wonder Zhuo Bufan felt that his voice was somewhat familiar.

"Hahaha, He Yuan, how did you become like this?"

"But don't tell me, this look suits you. Anyway, you are not a human, but a beast."

Zhuo Bufan was mocking him.

Ever since Zhuo Bufan knew that this He Yuan betrayed his adoptive father and the He family, Zhuo Bufan also felt that this guy was not a human, but a beast.

I didn't expect that he has really turned into a beast now.

"Don't be arrogant, you little brat. This is the Marquis' Mansion. The Marquis will send you to the execution ground, cut you into pieces and shred you into pieces."

He Yuan jumped in front of Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, the Marquis of Shenwu Gao Zhan kicked him hard and kicked him out.

"He Yuan, did you hear what the Marquis said? Get out!"

He Yuan was kicked by Gao Zhan and was so dizzy that he fled in panic.

"Hahahaha, brother Zhuo, don't bother with him."

"It's rare to meet someone who pleases me. Let's get drunk today."

Zhuo Bufan twitched his mouth when he heard it, laughed and said.

"Aren't you going to arrest me to report? I let your wanted criminal go."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect Gao Zhan to have such a simple mind.

After hearing this, Gao Zhan patted Zhuo Bufan on the shoulder and said.

"Then let me ask you, do you know where the He family is now?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

"That's it! The court wants to arrest the He family, not you. What's more, where the He family is has nothing to do with me?"

"The court is the court, I am me!"

Gao Zhan's meaning is very clear, he and the court are on different paths.

The court wants to arrest Zhuo Bufan, but he doesn't.

"You are very interesting, I drink your wine."

Zhuo Bufan feels that Gao Zhan and he are on the same path.

People with different paths cannot make plans together, but people with the same path often regret meeting each other too late.

So, Zhuo Bufan and Gao Zhan got to know each other in this way.

This is a new friend that Zhuo Bufan has made in this world.


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