Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 849: Conquering the Divine Sword

The test of the Infinite Sword is very simple, just climb a mountain.

However, what he was afraid of was not an ordinary mountain, but a sword mountain made entirely of swords.

The naked Zhuo Bufan must rely on his own mortal body to climb up.

"Every sword under your feet was climbed by Nie Fei. He can climb up, can you?"

"Before Nie Fei met me, he was just a little fisherman, a mortal."

"After his parents were killed, he accepted my trial for revenge."

"I didn't expect that he would succeed."

"But in the past two hundred thousand years, I have never seen another Nie Fei. No one has climbed up except him."

"Now I know that Nie Fei is not a loser. He surpasses your so-called geniuses countless times."

Nie Fei wielded the Infinite Sword, and his feelings for his former master were obviously extremely deep.

However, his words angered Zhuo Bufan.

"Nie Fei, Nie Fei, Nie Fei!"

"When I climb up, I will shut you up. I will let you know that I am your master."

Zhuo Bufan roared.

He couldn't stand Wuliangjian repeatedly mentioning Nie Fei.

What Zhuo Bufan dislikes the most is comparing himself to others.

People are different and cannot be compared.

No one has abilities that are incomparable to the other person.

Even if he is a beggar, there are things that the emperor cannot compare with.

So Zhuo Bufan doesn't want Wuliangjian to regard him as the second Nie Fei. He is Zhuo Bufan, not someone named Nie.

Zhuo Bufan roared, making Wuliangjian stunned for a moment.

Only then did Wuliangjian realize that he still hadn't forgotten that man.

However, he decided to forget about him now.

"Then you climb up. As long as you can climb up, I will recognize you as my master. From now on, I will never mention that person named Nie again."

Nie Fei was the first master of Wuliangjian, so Wuliangjian's character was more or less influenced by Nie Fei.

If you want to describe it, Wuliangjian is a strong man with strong bones and tenderness.

"Then you, just wait for me!"

Zhuo Bufan let out a low roar again, and then climbed up with all his strength.

Even if it is riddled with holes, even if it is filled with thousands of swords.

There was blood all over his body and numerous wounds.

Zhuo Bufan did not hum again.


Zhuo Bufan could already see the top of the mountain. With less than a hundred meters left, he could climb to the top of the mountain.

However, the road under my feet is gone.

All that's left is the sharp tip of the sword. There's no place for the hand to rest, let alone the foot.

He could only use his hand to grasp the blade protruding from the steep sword wall. The blade cut his palm and blood began to seep out.

He climbed quickly without making a sound.

"Almost successful."

It looked like there were still less than a few meters left.

But at this moment, a cliff blocked Zhuo Bufan.

The last cliff is umbrella-shaped.

If Zhuo Bufan wanted to climb up, he would have to hang from the bottom of the umbrella-shaped cliff and climb to the edge before he could completely climb up.

"We just have to give it a try!"

Zhuo Bufan came to the bottom of the umbrella-shaped cliff, then fought hard and grabbed one of the drawn swords with both hands.


Zhuo Bufan's entire body hung on that sharp sword.

The body was suspended directly in the air.

Next, he began to hang his body like a monkey and swing out to the edge of the cliff.

His hands were already filled with blood. It was completely relying on the bones and hanging on the blade of the sword.

When he climbed halfway, he looked down and saw countless sword blades more than 300 meters below.

If it falls, Zhuo Bufan will definitely die.

"If I work hard, I won't die. I will definitely pass the test."

At this point, the fear has overcome the pain.

With all his strength, Zhuo Bufan swung to the edge and was about to climb over the cliff.

However, at this moment, suddenly, the sharp sword in the hand broke.


Following a crisp snapping sound, Zhuo Bufan's eyes glazed over.

The next second, he fell directly from the sword cliff, and then was pierced by ten thousand swords...


Opening his eyes again, Zhuo Bufan saw three familiar gates in front of him.

"Haha, I'm finally back."

Zhuo Bufan has not returned to the archive space for a long time.

As Zhuo Bufan's cultivation level gets higher and higher, his strength becomes stronger and stronger.

Now, death will not be easy.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan basically did not come back here for several years.

This time, he had to take risks in order to pass the trial.

However, he was unlucky and died in Jianshan at the last moment.

"Fortunately, the file was saved!"

Zhuo Bufan knew that something unexpected would happen in this trial, but he didn't expect that he was right.

"Do you want to experience that kind of pain again?"

Zhuo Bufan's current readout means that he has to experience the pain of mountains of swords and swords again.

But now, Zhuo Bufan has no other choice.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan stood up and came to the first door to load files.

He reached out and touched the wall, and found that the sand of time was still falling from the load gate.

"If it falls like this, it won't take long for these three gates to collapse."

Zhuo Bufan could feel that the archive door was beginning to collapse.

As his cultivation level increases, the energy consumed by each reload increases.

The reload gate is built with the white sand of time. Once the sand of time is gone, the reload gate will never be able to reload the file again.

So Zhuo Bufan now urgently needs to dig out more white sand of time!

"Next time, when you come here next time, you must bring more white sand of time."

Zhuo Bufan said, then he pushed open the door, started reloading, and returned to before the trial.

"Come again!"

Although the trial process was painful, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to give up so easily.

He participated in the trial again and endured that kind of pain again.

This time, Zhuo Bufan's willpower was obviously stronger.

Facing the wounds one by one, Zhuo Bufan didn't even say a word.

"Boy, if you can come up, from now on, you are my master."

"I will completely forget the surname Nie!"

Wuliangjian encouraged Zhuo Bufan again and again.

Compared with stimulating Zhuo Bufan, encouragement is more effective for him.

This time, Zhuo Bufan said nothing until the last moment. He dodged the broken sword that wanted to kill him, and then turned over the cliff.

When he appeared on the top of the mountain with blood and scars, Wuliang Sword was defeated.

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Wuliang Sword and pulled him out of the sword mountain.

For a moment, the whole sword mountain began to collapse, and the whole space began to collapse.

Zhuo Bufan's lost power began to recover bit by bit.

"From now on, I am your master."

Zhuo Bufan raised Wuliang Sword and couldn't help shouting.

Then, he began to contract with the sword soul of Wuliang Sword until the deep soul was imprinted with the seal of the contract.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan slowly fell from the air.

In his hand, he tightly grasped the black sword.


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