Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 851 Mirror Sea World

Before participating in the martial arts conference of Deyi Palace, Zhuo Bufan strolled to the secret hall.

He accidentally obtained an innate artifact.

It can be said that this is God's will.

Early the next morning, Zhuo Bufan was called up by Xiao Saozhuo and others, and then everyone came to the No. 3 conference venue to gather and prepare to participate in the first battle of this martial arts conference.

There are more than 500,000 people participating in this martial arts conference.

There are many peerless masters among them.

Even the competition area is divided into ten competition areas.

Zhuo Bufan and his competition area are in the third competition area, and the person in charge of the competition area is actually the owner of their Buer Martial Arts Hall, the old drunkard.

"Haha, this old nose is really hidden. I didn't expect that he is actually the elder of Deyi Palace."

Zhuo Bufan just found out that the old drunkard is the junior brother of Jiang Taiyi, the head of Deyi Palace, and is also an elder of Deyi Palace. His own cultivation is in the Great Saint Realm.

The reason why he lives in seclusion in the small Buer Martial Arts Hall is to take care of his illegitimate daughter, Xiao Saozhuo.

Just yesterday, the old drunkard confessed their relationship to the little broom.

Unexpectedly, the little broom seemed to have known it for a long time.

The father and daughter finally recognized each other.

"Little table, the master asked us to bring you a message, hoping that you can take care of the little broom in the competition."

The little spoon brought the old nose's words.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the little broom on the side and nodded.

Today's little broom no longer looks like a wild girl, but is dressed gracefully and cutely.

Zhuo Bufan knows that there is a powerful energy hidden in this petite body.

As for the little spoon and the little hoof, they will not participate in this meeting, so the task of taking care of the little broom was handed over to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan and her are from the same school after all, so of course they should take care of each other.



When the contestants gathered, suddenly, a shocking shout came from the air.

Like thunder exploding in the air, everyone shut up and dared not say more.

Everyone looked up and saw someone standing in the sky with his hands behind his back, stepping on a sword in the air.

There were thousands of rays of light around him, and six Dao jades were quietly suspended, like six small black holes.

This person's aura was extremely powerful. As soon as he appeared, everyone present felt the supreme pressure.

"Meet the deputy head!"

When the old drunkard saw the man, he led his men and bowed.

"Deputy head?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

Obviously, this white-haired man was the deputy head of Deyi Palace, and his status in Deyi Palace was second only to the head Jiang Taiyi.

"This martial arts conference is very grand! Even the deputy head has come in person."

"It seems that Deyi Palace attaches great importance to it, so we should perform well."

"I heard that the head of Deyi Palace is preparing to select a successor, and it is very likely that he will be elected from among the disciples of this session."

"No way, hasn't the young head of Deyi Palace been selected long ago? It seems to be Jiang Shaohan, right?"

"Jiang Shaohan is the adopted son of Taiyi Taoist Master, not the young head. It's just that the outside world has been rumored that he is the next head of Deyi Palace."

As soon as this deputy head appeared, he caused a lot of controversy.

"Speaking of which, it seems that no one has ever heard of this deputy head."

"That's right, Deyi Palace is the number one sect in the world, but no one has ever heard of any deputy head!"

Everyone was also discussing the origin of this deputy head.

However, even the old drunkard recognized his status as the deputy head, so naturally no one would doubt it.

At this time, the deputy head of the sky suddenly raised his arm and called out.

And then a bronze mirror flew out from his sleeves.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the bronze mirror, his eyes were dazed.

The familiar bronze mirror appeared again.

"This mirror, this mirror, this world also has it?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

The bronze mirror that the deputy sect master of the Deyi Palace took out was the Shanhai Mirror owned by Jingzun.

So far, Zhuo Bufan has only seen three such mirrors.

One is in the hands of the mysterious Jingzun in Huoyun City, the cultivation world.

Another is in the hands of a mysterious person in Beihai, the cultivation world.

Another one is in Zhuo Bufan's hands. Zhuo Bufan got it from the underground palace of Emperor Xuan. That mirror is still in the Tianxuan Tower in his Meicheng.

And now, he saw the fourth mirror.

Zhuo Bufan is very familiar with this mirror.

"Impossible! How could there be such a bronze mirror in this world?"

Zhuo Bufan still couldn't believe it.

At this moment, the mirror in the hands of the deputy sect master suddenly illuminated a mirage in the air.

Above the sky, a vast sea appeared.

"Everyone, this martial arts conference is hosted by me."

"The sea you see now is my mirror universe. It is also the main venue of this martial arts conference."

"Next, what I want to say is very important. Please listen carefully."

After the deputy head finished speaking, the bronze mirror suddenly expanded in the air, and the mirror surface formed a sea surface with rippling waves.

"Everyone, in this sea of ​​the mirror universe, there are three thousand silver needles like the ones in my hand."

"Your first level is to find a needle in the haystack."

"Whoever gets the needle will pass the first level test."

"You haven't heard that in the first round, I will only select 3,000 people from among your 500,000 people."

When the deputy head held the slender silver needle and explained the rules of the game, everyone was dumbfounded.

"What a joke, such a small needle, how can you find it in such a big ocean?"

"This is really looking for a needle in a haystack, is Deyigong playing so perverted?"

"It would be weird if you can find it, this is simply playing with people!"

As the saying goes, the most difficult thing in the world is to find a needle in a haystack.

And now, Deyigong's first challenge is to find a needle in a haystack.

Many people think that Deyigong is deliberately playing with them, but there are still many people who are confident that they can find this silver needle that is almost invisible to the naked eye.

"Everyone, please be patient!"

"I haven't finished yet!"

At this time, the deputy head continued.

"In this mirror, all battles are fought regardless of life or death, regardless of the means."

"So everyone, those who are afraid of death or find the competition difficult can withdraw now."

"Deyi Palace is open for recruitment this year. One hundred disciples will be recruited. So those who want to join Deyi Palace, this is a rare opportunity."

The competition is difficult, but relatively speaking, the number of recruitment places has been expanded.

Many people couldn't hold back when they heard this.

"Everyone, the door has been opened for you. If you want to challenge, please go!"

"Silver needles are limited, first come first served."

After the deputy head finished speaking, he opened the mirror world.

I thought no one would take action for a while.

But as soon as he finished speaking, groups of people rushed to the huge mirror in the sky, and then the whole person was immersed in the mirror.

"Has it started?"

"Why is there no hint?"

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up! If you are slow, someone else will take it away."

"Looking for a needle in a haystack is useless. I have waited for a hundred years. If I can't enter the first palace this year, I might as well die."

These people began to rush to the mirror world frantically.

At this time, the little broom pulled Zhuo Bufan's sleeve and pulled Zhuo Bufan back from his thoughts.

"Little table, we should go."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, then he nodded and said.

"Let's go!"

The next second, Zhuo Bufan took the little broom and flew up to the mirror sea in the sky.


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