Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 864: Borrowing a Knife to Kill

Wuliang appeared in the world, shocking the world.

The "Golden Peacock" was stunned when he saw this.

"What is that?"

He was obviously shocked by the Wuliang Sword that came out.

Wuliang Sword is an innate artifact, the supreme sword, with an invincible ability to wipe out and reset all matter.

"Tell me, who asked you to come?"

Zhuo Bufan held the Wuliang Sword in his hand and aimed it at the Golden Peacock in front of him.

The eighteen flying swords behind him had already been chopped into pieces by Zhuo Bufan.

The mysterious and terrifying aura on the Wuliang Sword swept the entire small world.

The Golden Peacock felt the breath of death on the Wuliang Sword.

"Not good, retreat first!"

The Golden Peacock trembled inwardly and became a little scared.

He wanted to escape.

However, it was obviously too late to escape at this time.

"Want to run? Can you escape?"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he used his divine power to wrap the Wuliang Sword, then locked the target and shot it with a sword.

It is impossible to catch the prey locked by the Wuliang Sword.

Seeing the Wuliang Sword coming, the Golden Peacock immediately released layers of golden shields to block it.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

In the air, nine golden walls appeared.

The nine walls formed an absolute defense.

However, facing the Wuliang Sword, the nine layers of defense were broken in an instant and were completely vulnerable.

Finally, the Wuliang Sword pierced the body of the Golden Peacock.

The next second, the Golden Peacock was reduced to ashes and his soul returned to the sky.

"Don't tell me, do you think I don't know?"

Zhuo Bufan did not leave any survivors. He basically knew about the origin of the Golden Peacock.

Zhuo Bufan came here without making enemies with anyone.

If there is, there is only one, that is, the seventh prince of the Great Xu Dynasty, Luo Yi.

And who else can invite a saint to be a killer except Luo Yi?

And the dress of the Golden Peacock looks like a great general.

Then there is no need to investigate the other party's origins.

"I won't bother you, but you are bothering me."

Zhuo Bufan was murderous, and it was obvious that he was going to have a big fight with the seventh prince Luo Yi.

Zhuo Bufan destroyed this small world with a sword, and then left.


On the other side,

In a bedroom that looked like a palace, a blond man was holding a broken jade tablet.

On the jade tablet, it was written Peacock King!

This man was Luo Yi, the seventh son of Emperor Tianlong.

The golden peacock was sent by him.

He was the most capable general around him, and was even canonized as a king with the title of Peacock King.

However, this Peacock King would never see the sun the next day.

He was sent by Luo Yi to get rid of Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan didn't get rid of him, but was killed by Zhuo Bufan instead.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

Luo Yi went crazy. He didn't expect that even the Great Sage was not Zhuo Bufan's opponent.

If he had known that Zhuo Bufan was so powerful, he would not have provoked Zhuo Bufan at all.

But now, it's too late.

Not only did he lose one of his strongest generals, but he also angered Zhuo Bufan.

The conflict between the two sides obviously escalated again.

"I want to kill him, I want to kill him."

Luo Yi roared at a man in white clothes beside him.

The man in white clothes behaved dignifiedly and was obviously a counselor.

He was also shocked by the death of Peacock King.

He knew that Peacock King was a real Great Sage. He was also a great general of the Great Xu Dynasty.

But now, he disappeared without a clear reason.

This time, not only did they provoke Zhuo Bufan, but they couldn't explain to Emperor Tianlong.

"Master, please accept my condolences. At least the death of the Peacock King is not worthless."

"He proved to us the ceiling of Zhuo Bufan's strength."

"Now it seems that ordinary great saints are no match for Zhuo Bufan."

After hearing this, Luo Yi suddenly turned his head and looked at him.

"What nonsense are you talking about. Master, I lost the Ming King, and I got this information?"

"Now it's good, even the great saint can't do anything to him, what do you think we can do?"

Luo Yi didn't know what to say now.

After a long time, he sighed.

"Hey, don't tell my father about this. If he knows that the Ming King is dead, he will definitely blame me."

"He is now considering the matter of establishing a crown prince, and I can't let him find out my incompetence at this time."

Luo Yi values ​​his father's evaluation and impression of him.

The Tianlong Emperor is considering the matter of establishing a crown prince, and Luo Yi came to participate in the martial arts conference of Deyi Palace because of this matter.

His father was a disciple of Deyi Palace, so if he could join Deyi Palace, it would definitely give him face.

Originally, he wanted to enter Deyi Palace with the first place in the assessment.

In this way, he would definitely get the attention of his father.

But unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan appeared halfway.

He was at the top of the list and no one could replace him.

So this prince Luo Yi thought of a way to bribe a group of people, wanting to deliberately disgust Zhuo Bufan and investigate Zhuo Bufan's weaknesses and moves.

Unexpectedly, he provoked someone who should never be provoked.

"What should I do now?"

Luo Yi looked at the counselor behind him.

His name is Xu Chengfeng. He also participated in this martial arts conference, and his ranking is currently second, with 360 points.

"Don't worry, I currently have 360 ​​points, plus your 325. When I lose to you tomorrow afternoon, your points will be 650. Then I will find two more people and deliberately lose their points to you, and then you can sit firmly on the throne of first place."

"So, first place is still mine."

Xu Chengfeng and his team planned to let Luo Yi become first from the beginning.

Because the first place in the martial arts conference can become the disciple of the headmaster. This quota must be fought for no matter what.

After hearing this, Luo Yi was not happy, but shouted.

"That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is how to deal with Zhuo Bufan?"

"This guy made me so embarrassed, I will never let him go."

Luo Yi wanted to kill Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan has the cultivation of a great sage, who can touch him?

After hearing this, Xu Chengfeng touched his chin, and after a long time, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Master, I have come up with a brilliant plan!"

"Brilliant plan?"

"Yes, borrow a knife to kill someone."

As Luo Yi's military advisor, Xu Chengfeng is very smart.

After hearing this, Luo Yi asked hurriedly.

"Whose knife do you want to borrow?"

"Deyi Palace's chief disciple, Jiang Shaohan!"

After hearing Jiang Shaohan's name, Luo Yi's eyes lit up.

Jiang Shaohan, Deyi Palace's chief disciple, ranked second among the ten little saints, second only to the genius Yu Baifei.

In fact, this ranking was ten years ago. After the battle of the little saints, Jiang Shaohan began to retreat. Today, Jiang Shaohan's strength may not be inferior to Yu Baifei.

In short, Jiang Shaohan is definitely an existence that can suppress the great saints.

His strength is naturally above Zhuo Bufan.

"Then how can I borrow Jiang Shaohan's knife?"

Luo Yi asked again.

The two of them have no grudges, and it is obvious that they cannot be used casually.

"I heard that there are rumors that Zhuo Bufan has practiced the supreme technique of Deyi Palace and has obtained the unique truth."

"It is said that those who practice this technique will become the next head of Deyi Palace."

"This is the contradiction between the two of them."

"Whether this rumor is true or false, Zhuo Bufan and Jiang Shaohan must be incompatible."

"We can just sow discord between the two of them."

After listening to Xu Chengfeng's proposal, Luo Yi smiled faintly.

"Very good, this matter will be handed over to you. No matter what method you use, I want to see the battle between Zhuo Bufan and Jiang Shaohan."

After hearing this, Xu Chengfeng smiled slightly.

"Yes, sir! Wait for my good news!"

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