Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 868 Forbidden Sanctuary

If people don’t offend me, I won’t offend them!

This has always been Zhuo Bufan's code of conduct.

But if anyone offends me, he will be destroyed!

Zhuo Bufan and Luo Yi have formed an everlasting relationship.

After that battle, Zhuo Bufan became completely famous.

After all, the selection ceremony for winning the first palace has always attracted much attention.

The top performers in each session will receive attention.

Not to mention a leader like Zhuo Bufan. Just like his name, he is destined to be extraordinary.

From now on, countless people will pay attention to him, and his every move will become news.

On the day when the competition ended, deputy head Beiming Xuanji crowned Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan also officially became the leader of this session.

Some people are laughing and some are sad. Zhuo Bufan becoming the leader is definitely something that many people are jealous of.

Especially the prince Luo Yi, his top spot was just gone.

Not only that, his military advisor, Xu Chengfeng, was controlled because he was suspected of being the successor of the God Puppet Dynasty.

It can be said that Luo Yi suffered heavy losses this time.

He stood next to Zhuo Bufan, wishing to rip off his skin and bones.

"Congratulations, Zhuo Bufan! As the leader of this conference, I will personally take you to Deyi Palace to meet the leader."

"I hope you can be favored by the master and be accepted as a closed disciple. By then, your progress in cultivation will be just like the sword in your hand, and you will have a bright future."

The deputy head looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smile. His words made Zhuo Bufan frown slightly.

"I didn't expect that he would recognize the Infinite Sword. In this case, the secret of my Chaos Clock may have been exposed."

Zhuo Bufan originally thought that not many people in this world would know the secret of the artifact.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan did not overestimate the existence of the artifact.

As a result, he didn't expect that he would be recognized by someone who was interested.

"Let me say goodbye to my colleagues in the martial arts school!"

Zhuo Bufan said to the deputy head.

"Okay, go ahead!"

Then, Zhuo Bufan walked towards the old drunkard.

"Boy, congratulations. I told you that you are no ordinary little person. Our Fuji Martial Arts School can produce a champion like you. From now on, your business will definitely be booming."

"Haha, thank you for taking care of me. Our little girl has also successfully advanced."

The old drunkard said to Zhuo Bufan with a playful smile.

But as he was talking, Zhuo Bufan suddenly heard the old drunkard's spirit call.

"Boy, don't be surprised. I know you can hear me. You also learned the Voice of All Things technique, right?"

The old drunkard's words made Zhuo Bufan stunned for a moment.

"Soul Awareness Talisman?"

The old drunkard actually talked to Zhuo Bufan through the Soul Awareness Talisman, but the old drunkard didn't say it was the Soul Awareness Talisman, but some kind of Voice of All Things technique.

You must know that the Soul Awakening Talisman is a talisman technique, and Zhuo Bufan also learned it from his talisman teacher Zu Jiuling.

"Old nose, your nose is so long that it doesn't leak out!"

Zhuo Bufan quickly responded with the Soul Awareness Talisman.

"To make a long story short, don't talk nonsense. This time you go to Deyi Palace. My senior brother is the head of the palace and will accept you as a disciple."

"But you have to remember that the palace is not a piece of cake. It is full of conspiracies and intrigues. The one you need to be especially careful about is the deputy head next to you."

"His origins are unknown, and even my senior brother can't see clearly, so you must think twice about any actions you take in the First Palace. Be careful not to be plotted."

The old drunkard's words moved Zhuo Bufan very much.

He didn't expect that this old alcoholic who only loved drinking would actually care about him.

"Thanks a lot, Old Nose."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me. You used two innate artifacts in succession in the competition. Now you have become the focus of the world."

"You guy, you don't even understand the principle of not showing off your wealth. You love to show off so much and are so heartless! Fortunately, you are not my apprentice, otherwise I would break your hand."

"Just take care of yourself. I don't know how many people will be staring at the two artifacts in your hands from now on."

The old drunkard's reminder made Zhuo Bufan understand that he had been targeted.

However, since he dared to use two artifacts, Zhuo Bufan was not afraid of being targeted.

"Okay, let's take care of ourselves!"

After the old drunkard finished speaking, he stopped communicating with Zhuo Bufan.

Then he patted Zhuo Bufan on the shoulder and said.

"Boy, when you go to Deichinomiya, you have to do a good job and don't embarrass me at the Fuji Martial Arts School."

Later, Zhuo Bufan followed the deputy leader Beiming Xuanji and stood on the teleportation array heading to Deyi Palace.

The next second, everyone disappeared into the teleportation formation, and then came to the first gate in the world - Deyigong.

When everyone opens their eyes and looks up again.

The world in front of me has become psychedelic.

In the sky above the head, there is a huge transparent shield, which releases colorful rays of light under the sunlight.

Zhuo Bufan discovered that inside, all of their cultivation levels were suppressed.

That's right, all power is suppressed.

Here, gravity increases, spiritual power increases, but inertia increases.

Here, you can't fly or control the air, and all abilities are weakened.

Here is the first palace.

There are more than 3,000 great saints living here, if they don't arrange a large formation to suppress their power. This world has been destroyed long ago.

This is the forbidden area of ​​getting the first palace!

Rumor has it that it is a super barrier set up by the ancestor of Deyi Palace.

Now, not only Deyi Palace, but also Guiyi Sect and Taixuan Sect also have such forbidden realms.

"Holy Land?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

He felt a familiar breath.

This so-called forbidden realm is the same as the holy land in the sky of the cultivation world.

In the sky of the cultivation world, there is a holy land, which is said to be the place where saints live.

Now it seems that the holy land is the so-called forbidden realm.

It can also be said that the forbidden realm is the holy land!

"Sure enough, this world definitely has some connection with the cultivation world."

"What the cultivation world has, this world also has."

Zhuo Bufan now finds more and more that this world is an enlarged version of the cultivation world.

This world is hundreds of times larger than the cultivation world.

So what kind of world is this world?

Zhuo Bufan is still a little puzzled. Perhaps, he can get the answer from the head of the sect Jiang Taiyi.

A group of them walked out of the teleportation array.

At this time, several men in blue clothes came towards them.

They were high-spirited and handsome.

The leader was even more glorious, with a halo around him.

"Wow, look, it's Jiang Shaohan. The peerless genius, Jiang Shaohan."

"I didn't expect that I could become a fellow disciple with Jiang Shaohan. From now on, Jiang Shaohan will be our senior brother. This is too dreamy."

"Just like the legend, so handsome."

This man was the chief disciple of Deyi Palace, Jiang Shaohan.

His appearance attracted a group of female worshipers.

As for the male compatriots, they were not so excited, but instead spoke out.

"Who do you think is more powerful, Jiang Shaohan or Zhuo Bufan?"

"It should be Jiang Shaohan! He is one of the Ten Little Saints!"

"Not necessarily, I think it should be Zhuo Bufan. You have seen Zhuo Bufan's strength, and he has surpassed the cultivation of the Little Saints."

"You don't understand this, the Ten Little Saints are all existences that have surpassed the Great Saints. They are only in the realm of Little Saints, but ordinary Great Saints are not their opponents at all."

These people began to compare Zhuo Bufan with Jiang Shaohan.

Luo Yi, who was standing by, smiled strangely after hearing this.

This was exactly what he wanted to see.

Let Zhuo Bufan and Jiang Shaohan have a conflict.

He was looking forward to the moment when Zhuo Bufan was killed by Jiang Shaohan...

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