Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 876 God's Damage (Part 1)

Zhuo Bufan is the disciple of the former head of the First Palace and the younger brother of the current head.

Such Zhuo extraordinary identity is naturally ready to be revealed.

In this way, no one dared to question Zhuo Bufan's identity, and the rumors that he was the illegitimate son of the head of the family were self-defeating.

"I didn't expect that he was actually the master's junior disciple. Why have I never heard of the former master having such a disciple?"

"Yu Nian is dead now. Not only did he insult the leader, but he also insulted the leader's junior brother. It's adding insult to injury!"

"He speaks without restraint and is arrogant. Sooner or later, Yu Nian will be killed by his bad mouth."

"Now it looks like he's basically done playing."

The disciples who were listening to the trial outside the hall felt sad after thinking about it.

The so-called self-inflicted evil will lead to death, and Yu Nian's quick words are destined to only cause him to fall into eternal catastrophe.

"Yu Nian, what else do you have to say now?"

At the trial seat, the great sages questioned Yu Nian.

After hearing this, Yu Nian lowered his head helplessly. He was obviously at a loss for words.

However, at this moment, the Invincible Holy See stood up.

He is Yu Nian's master after all. At this time, he is the only one Yu Nian can rely on.

"Master, the sins of the evil disciples are unforgivable. However, although the Bufan Holy Seat is your junior disciple, his ability cannot take up the position of the Holy Seat after all. Therefore, it is inevitable that the evil disciples will feel dissatisfied. Only then do you dare to He speaks nonsense and confuses the public with rumors.”

"I sincerely request to compete with the Extraordinary Holy Seat. If he can withstand my three attacks and remain invincible, I will recognize his position as the Holy Seat. At the same time, the evildoers will be dealt with as they please."

"Otherwise, please ask the leader to take back his orders so that the throne of the Holy See can have justice and prestige. I will also take the evildoers back to Nushan and let them think about their mistakes behind closed doors. Within a hundred years, I will never let them Go down the mountain."

The Invincible Holy See suddenly stood up and came up with such a way to save his disciple.

I have to say that this is indeed a plan that kills two birds with one stone.

Not only could he save his apprentice, but he could also sweep away the majesty of Zhuo Bufan and the leader.

Many people present were dissatisfied with the power of the Holy See, Zhuo Bufan, so his proposal immediately resonated.

"Master, I can consider Invincible's proposal!"

"That's right, Master. The position of the Holy Seat is extremely sacred in Deyi Palace. There are strict assessments every year. In addition to being a great sage, you must also be excellent in both character and learning. This is what our ancestors left behind. "

"Although the Extraordinary Holy See is the disciple of the previous sect leader, after all, his cultivation level is only in the Tongxuan realm. If he doesn't really come up with some real information, I'm afraid he won't be able to convince everyone!"

Seeing that more and more people began to question himself, Zhuo Bufan knew that if he did not accept the other party's challenge, today's matter might go unsolved.

And from now on, he will have no status in Deyi Palace.

The most important thing is that Zhuo Bufan himself is not afraid of challenges.

"Interesting! In that case, I accept the challenge."

Before the leader could say anything, Zhuo Bufan stood up and accepted the challenge of the Invincible Holy See.

"Boy, you have courage!"

"I will not bully you. Three moves. If you can take three of my moves without falling, I will recognize you as the Holy See. From now on, whenever I see you, I will shout Holy See Boundless three times to show that you are the Holy See." Respect."

The Invincible Holy See even stopped boasting.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly and said.

"In that case, I will also boast. If I lose, from now on, when I see your Invincible Holy Seat, I will also shout three times to show my respect."

Both of them fell down and boasted. It was obvious that after losing, they would never interact with each other until death.

After all, the loser has to shout three times to the opponent. For people of their level, this is a great shame!

So no one dares to lose this battle!

"Okay then, please let me start the battlefield!"

The Invincible Holy See looked at the leader Jiang Taiyi.

Jiang Taiyi glanced at Zhuo Bufan again.

"Brother, open the battlefield! Some truths need to be revealed with fists."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Jiang Taiyi did not hesitate any longer.

I saw eight black Dao jade floating around him, forming a cube shape, spiraling upward, and expanding continuously.

Finally, a huge cubic world is formed, which is isolated from the outside world.

This is the battlefield opened by Jiang Taiyi. No matter how intense the battle inside is, it will not affect the outside world.

"Please, Extraordinary Holy See!"

The Invincible Holy See raised his hand and said.


After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he flew directly into the battlefield.

Soon, the two of them disappeared into the battlefield.

Inside, Zhuo Bufan felt strong pressure. Suppressing his strength to less than 10%.

"Is this the power of Super Saint Da Luo?"

Zhuo Bufan was secretly shocked.

His senior brother was much stronger than him.

Obviously, not only Zhuo Bufan's power was suppressed, but also the power of the Invincible Holy See.

"This is the Daoyu world of the master. I didn't expect that the power would be suppressed so miserably."

"Fortunately, the power of rules cannot be suppressed!"

After the Invincible Holy See finished speaking, his eyes lit up.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible force was released from around him.

"That's not good. This guy is a great sage and has mastered the power of rules!"

"More importantly, I don't know his rules!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to move for a moment.

You know, every saint's rules are different. If you act rashly, you may be the one who is unlucky.

Just like Yu Nian’s little rule, billions of shootings!

This rule is that once you move, you will suffer the pain of thousands of arrows piercing your heart.

Therefore, once you meet a saint, you cannot act rashly. No one knows what the other party's rules are.

"Do you want to use the Infinite Sword to break the rules?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"No, if this guy's rule is that he will die once he uses the artifact, that would be bad."

Zhuo Bufan didn't even dare to use the Invincible Sword before he learned the rules of the Invincible Holy See.

Moreover, in this jade world, because Zhuo Bufan's power was suppressed, the power of Wuliang Sword was also suppressed.

"Save a file first! I can't take it lightly."

Zhuo Bufan was facing the Great Sage, two realms higher than him.

You must know that he has not yet touched the realm of rules.

Even with the infinite sword that could eliminate everything, he didn't dare to move.


Zhuo Bufan secretly saved the file. His intuition told him that this time it would be a disaster.

In order to save his disciple, this invincible Holy See would inevitably kill him.

"Hey, it seems that Wudi is serious! I didn't expect to use the rules."

"This guy will definitely spare no effort to save his apprentice."

"The Extraordinary Holy Seat is in danger now!"

"The rules of invincibility are very difficult to deal with. His God's damage rules will amplify any pain he causes ten thousand times. Even if you are touched by him, you will be in excruciating pain."

"Don't talk about three moves, I'm afraid this extraordinary holy throne won't be able to accept even one move!"

"I don't know why the leader agreed. It seems that the leader is very confident in his junior brother."

"Whether you are confident or not, you will know after seeing it!"

"They are about to fight, so nervous!"

Outside the field, many saints were looking forward to this battle.

However, the vast majority of people have no hope in Zhuo Bufan.

Because, the rule of the Invincible Holy See - God's damage! That is the most powerful damage system rule.

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