Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 882: The Unprecedented Rules

Get a palace, on the Immortal Dao Peak.

There are disciples who are climbing the gravity cliff to practice.

As the name suggests, this gravity cliff is extremely gravity-defying and has a total of ninety-nine steps.

With every step you climb, gravity doubles. It is an ideal place for cultivation.

However, there has been a strange change in Gravity Cliff today.

Many disciples found that they could not even take the first step on this gravity cliff.

"What's going on? How is it possible that you can't even take the first step up?"

Then someone discovered that if you walked down from the top of the cliff, you found that the first step was extremely easy.

"It's turned upside down. The power of Gravity Cliff is turned upside down."

"It's really amazing. Gravity is actually reversed."

"Have you noticed that for a moment just now, I felt that I had extremely powerful power?"

"Really? Why do I feel that my strength has become much weaker?"

"Strange, really strange. Do you think it is related to the Extraordinary Holy See?"

A group of disciples discovered today that all the power in the entire Immortal Peak was reversed and completely upside down.

In fact, all this happened because Zhuo Bufan understood the rules of reversing reincarnation.

After Zhuo Bufan understood the rules of reversing reincarnation, the power of his rules enveloped the entire Immortal Peak.

Therefore, all forces are turned upside down.

But it didn't last long, Xiandao Peak returned to normal.

In fact, reversing reincarnation is just Zhuo Bufan's first regular ability.

Zhuo Bufan, who understands the rules of reincarnation, will go further on this road.

Legend has it that the rules in this world are unique.

Once you understand the rules, others will not be able to understand them.

Therefore, the reversal of reincarnation that Zhuo Bufan understood is a unique power of rules.

"Congratulations, junior brother, for entering the realm of the Little Saint. I am very happy."

Zhuo Bufan had just understood the rules of the trail, and his senior brother Jiang Taiyi rushed over to congratulate him.

"Nothing is hidden from senior brother's discernment. I'm just lucky."

"Junior brother is practicing the Tao of Reincarnation. The rules of the Tao of Reincarnation have always been capable of defying the heavens. I think the rules of the junior brother must be very powerful. I wonder what rules the junior brother has understood?"

Jiang Taiyi asked.

However, as soon as he finished asking, he found something inappropriate.

"Oh, junior brother, there are no rules if you don't tell me. It's a secret. If you tell me, people will find loopholes in the rules."

Rules are different from laws, which are perfect innate powers.

The rules are learned by saints from the great road. As long as they are rules, there are loopholes.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not keep it secret in front of Jiang Taiyi, but said it with great trust.

"Brother, why don't you experience it for yourself!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

For a moment, an invisible energy expanded from his body, and then enveloped the entire hall.

"The rules have been activated, have you felt it, senior brother?"

Zhuo Bufan finished his words and Jiang Taiyi frowned slightly.

Jiang Taiyi was surprised to find that his power had been weakened, and it was weakened hundreds of times.

From the Super Saint Da Luo, it was weakened to the realm of the Little Saint.

Even the nine black Dao jade that symbolized his status as Super Saint Da Luo disappeared.

"Could it be that junior brother's rules are to weaken strength?"

Jiang Taiyi said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head.

"Brother, look what this is!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and a black Tao jade appeared in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

"Good weight!"

Zhuo Bufan dragged the black jade in his palm. It was only the size of a fist, but it had the weight of a mountain.

It wasn't over yet. Zhuo Bufan opened his hands wide and pushed forward. Nine Dao jade appeared continuously around him.

Jiang Taiyi was extremely shocked when he saw this scene.

"Inverted? You gained my cultivation and strength, and I weakened your cultivation?"

Jiang Taiyi finally discovered Zhuo Bufan's rules.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he took away his magical power.

He found that he could not bear the power of the nine Dao jade.

"It seems that senior brother has discovered it. Yes, my rule, reversing reincarnation, can reverse everything within the range, including the cultivation gap between you and me. Unfortunately, this rule will not last long."

Zhuo Bufan also discovered his rule, which lasted for a short time, less than a minute.

However, this rule actually allowed him to possess Jiang Taiyi's power.

Let him have a reverse exchange with Jiang Taiyi. This is such an incredible ability.

At the end of the regulation time, Zhuo Bufan regained his strength, and Jiang Taiyi also regained his Super Saint Da Luo realm.

However, Jiang Taiyi was already shocked beyond measure.

"Junior brother, your rules are too outrageous!"

This was Jiang Taiyi's sigh.

He had just felt a little bit frightened because he had completely exchanged with Zhuo Bufan's power.

If Zhuo Bufan had just wanted to kill him, it would have been easy.

With this rule, Zhuo Bufan can be said to be invincible.

Facing someone stronger than him, use rules and exchange power.

Then all you need to do is kill the opponent before the rules disappear.

How terrible, how terrible!

"Haha, senior brother, it's serious. This rule is not complete enough, except for the time comparison period. Even if the power is exchanged, it will be difficult for me to exert your cultivation and strength. Because my state of mind and soul have not reached that state. , so even if I gain your power, I won’t be able to use half of it.”

Zhuo Bufan didn't feel very outrageous.

He has just understood this rule and it is not perfect yet.

As he said himself, even if he and Jiang Taiyi reversed their cultivation, he would not be able to kill Jiang Taiyi in one minute.

Although Jiang Taiyi's cultivation level has declined, his soul power is strong and he has rich experience.

Although he had obtained Jiang Taiyi's power, he was not in a good mood. He didn't even understand how to use Daoyu. It can be said that being able to exert half of the power is already very good.

This is like letting an ordinary person and a peerless swordsman exchange their weapons.

Ordinary people have obtained the peerless sword. Although it is very powerful, it is difficult to exert its power.

Although the peerless swordsman is holding a branch, he has extremely strong combat experience and swordsmanship skills.

The battle between the two sides, which one is stronger and which one is weaker, is still unknown.

It can only be said that after Zhuo Bufan uses Reverse Reincarnation, the opponent will not be able to threaten him. As for whether he can kill the opponent before the rules disappear, it still depends on Zhuo Bufan's own ability.

"Anyway, junior brother, this rule of yours is indeed the most powerful one I have ever seen. I am afraid it is even more terrifying than Master's rule of 'death'."

"Master's desperate decision? What is that rule?"

Zhuo Bufan has not yet understood Emperor Xuan's magical powers.

Jiang Tai explained after hearing this.

"That is also a rule that defies heaven. According to the rules, as long as the master is injured, no matter how powerful the opponent is, he will die on the spot."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help being surprised after hearing this.

"This is a fucking rule! If you touch it, you will die. This is the rule I want."

Having also practiced the Tao of Reincarnation and Life and Death, Emperor Xuan realized that the power of the rules was too terrifying.

Unfortunately, this rule has been understood by Emperor Xuan, and it is impossible for Zhuo Bufan to understand it again.

All I can say is that Zhuo Bufan’s rules tend to be more functional.

And Emperor Xuan's rules are straightforward, if you touch them you will die!

The two rules are equally contrary to heaven!

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