Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 893: Legend of Flying

Xiaomei became a disciple of Chu Zhongtian, while Zhuo Bufan took Yaya to the residence arranged by Gui Yi Zong.

When he was about to put Yaya on the bed to rest, the girl suddenly hugged Zhuo Bufan tightly.

"Dad, don't leave me, don't leave me."

The little girl held Zhuo Bufan's hand tightly and refused to let go.

"Girl, are you awake?"

When Zhuo Bufan saw the girl waking up, he took it off her head.

"Dad, it's great that you didn't leave me."

"Yaya thought she wouldn't be able to see you again when she woke up."

"Don't worry, girl, from now on, you will follow me. No matter if I am your father or not, you will be my little daughter from now on."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it later and realized that this girl might be older than him, but no matter what, Yaya had been searching for his father for so long and had suffered enough. Zhuo Bufan decided that he would not let her go again in the future. Take any pain.

"Really? Dad, Dad! Yaya is finally here to beat you."

Yaya hugged Zhuo Bufan tightly and burst into tears.

This girl has been looking for her father for a long time, so long that no one knows how many years have passed.

The poor child finally found his father. Who cares if Zhuo Bufan is his biological father?

Early the next morning, Gui Yi Zong ushered in the once-in-a-decade cocktail party for outstanding figures.

Every distinguished person's cocktail party must be held by the person who tops the list. This is an honor.

This year's celebrity reception was hosted by Yu Baifei, who topped the list, and invited a total of one hundred contemporary celebrities from all over the world.

The lowest level of cultivation for these people is the Little Saint Realm. Either the elder of a sect or the chief of a sect.

Everyone outside is a being who can move the wind and rain.

Legend has it that the Renjie Reception Party was passed down from Lord Luo Tian’s time.

At that time, Luo Tian, ​​as a young genius, attended the famous cocktail party for the first time and became invincible.

It was also from that time that the Renjie Reception became a very important conference.

The outstanding figures at this conference will receive worldwide attention.

Outstanding people will be invited by major dynasties to become consorts, marquises, or officials.

For example, Gao Zhan was not only an outstanding figure, but also a Shenwuhou of the Xu Dynasty.

Therefore, in this cocktail party for outstanding people, the higher the ranking, the higher the achievements in the future.

This is why all young talents dream of joining this cocktail party.

Therefore, Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi, who had been greeting guests for five days, were lucky.

Although they were just a small welcome guest, they were qualified to participate in this cocktail party.

This is a dream job for countless people.

Although they were just minor characters sitting in the last two rows at the reception, the grand scene today was enough for the two of them to brag for a lifetime.

This time, the celebrity cocktail party was held on Feitian Peak.

Feitian Peak is a relatively special existence for the Yang Realm.

Because Lord Luo Tian flew away from Feitian Peak back then.

No one will forget that scene——

Black clouds are pressing down on the city, threatening to destroy it, and the light of armor opens towards the golden scales of the sun!

Shocking lightning pierces the darkness, billions of lightnings, light monsters and thunder beasts, destroying the god of war who wants to challenge the power of heaven.

The people in the burning thunder endured the pain all over their bodies and waited with their lives for the dark clouds of disaster to disappear.

The purple light drank blood in the electric light, and the fierce sword stabbed in the blood.

The thunder and the sword struck out thousands of sparks, which made the dark world shine.

Such a fierce person, who dares to resist the divine calamity, holding a sword in his hand, like an unparalleled god, with thunder and lightning added to his body, and his glory will never be extinguished.

The divine sword of misfortune is wielded, and the heroic fighting spirit remains undiminished.

The divine fire opens the sky, and the holy glory is thousands. It squanders Yuan Gong, opens and closes, and supports the bright holy road.

He wants to step out of the sky, and he wants to break the confinement of the roaring thunder and the lead clouds covering the sky.

Thunder and fire were added to his body, but he was not afraid in the face of danger, his green hair was wild, and his unparalleled demonic power shook the world and sent out messages.

Thunder and lightning thundered across the sky, but they were unable to hurt him at all.


His roar was like the roar of a tiger in the forest or a mad shark in the sea.

Golden body and colored glaze, the holy fire burns brighter again.

A round of Hao Sun suddenly burst out from his body.

It was an extremely huge fireball surrounded by blazing flames, just like the Hao Sun descending from the sky.

In an instant, a huge light shot through the clouds and into the sky, pointing directly at the dawn at the end.

Under the power of the fierce sword, the Hao Sun opened the sky and towered over the ninth level of black haze.

The road to heaven opens, and the divine thunder suddenly appears lacking.

The God of Vajra and Martial Arts uses the form of Heavenly Punishment, and uses the Divine Sword of Disaster to cause thunder and calamity to inflict on the body, and return it to the other body through his own way.

Under the guidance of the current, an unparalleled clear sky thunder was formed, breaking the sky with one strike!


Suddenly, the sky and the earth became bright, and hundreds of millions of creatures below were blinded.

Their eyes are too greedy and if they don't want to close their eyes, they will fall into darkness forever.

The dark night disappears, and the dawn suddenly appears.

The sun shines all over the earth, and the grass and trees are suddenly reborn. The people shed tears at this long-lost scene, crying to the heavens and the earth.

After the light——

The creatures that escaped the doomsday catastrophe looked up again,

But they found that the invincible man had already passed away and disappeared.

Only the long-lost soft sunlight shines on the heaven and earth.

Countless mortals worship the god-like figure who has disappeared——

This is the memory that everyone in the Yang Realm carries with them from the moment they are born.

This memory records the scene of Master Luo Tian flying in the sky at Feitian Peak.

Luo Tian ascended, making the world vast and all things reborn.

Therefore, he was called a god, an immortal, and a legendary man.

And now, the Renjie Cocktail Party is held on the top of this mountain.

It has been a million years since Luo Tian ascended, and there is still immortal power left on Feitian Peak when he ascended.

Everyone who comes to Feitian Peak feels that their Tao rhyme is more abundant.

Each of them came here with a heart of worship to feel the scene of the destruction of the world when Lord Luo Tian ascended.

"Is this Feitian Peak? There is still immortal power left. Luo Tian, ​​what kind of legend is he!"

Zhuo Bufan brought Yaya to Feitian Peak early in the morning.

Yaya rode on his neck as always. This scene looked very harmonious, like a father carrying his daughter on his back.

"This is a man who is more terrible and powerful than Emperor Xuan. He really flew to the sky."

Zhuo Bufan felt the breath of Luo Tian left on Feitian Peak with a pious heart.

At this time, someone noticed Zhuo Bufan.

There was no way, because Yaya was riding on his head, and she was completely superior.

"Dad, I want to eat this, and that, and I want the one that looks like a stone."

"Stupid, it doesn't look like a stone, it is a stone. Do you want to eat a stone?"

Zhuo Bufan found that Yaya was as innocent as Nian Nian.

"Look, Senior Brother Ye, it's the Holy Seat Bufan, and his baby."

Wen Ceqi and Ye Jianfei whispered behind.

Although this is the territory of their Guiyi Sect, the two of them really have no confidence to speak at this Renjie cocktail party.

"Look, the eldest brother and the others are coming to greet them. Sure enough, the Holy Seat Bufan knows the eldest brother and the others."

After Ye Jianfei finished speaking, he saw the eldest brother of Guiyi Sect, Yu Baifei, with three junior brothers and sisters, walking towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother Zhuo, welcome to Feitian Peak."

Zhuo Bufan was having a lot of fun with Yaya, and suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Zhuo Bufan turned his head and saw Yu Baifei and Gao Zhan coming.

He immediately bowed.

"Hello, Brother Yu, how are you?"

"Yaya, hello!"

Zhuo Bufan said to Yaya above his head.

Yaya also imitated Zhuo Bufan and bowed.

"Hello, Brother Yu, how are you?"

"Girl, why are you acting so old? And don't copy me."

Yu Baifei laughed when he saw this.

"Brother Zhuo, it's okay. Speaking of this Yaya, I still have to call her aunt."

"When I first met her, she was just a baby who could speak!"

Hearing Yu Baifei's words, Zhuo Bufan was full of black lines.

He was thinking, is it really appropriate for him to be the father of the girl?

This girl, I'm afraid she has lived for at least ten thousand years!


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