Zhuo Bufan placed the girl on the ground between him and Chu Mubai.

The little girl held Zhuo Bufan's hand and looked at Zhuo Bufan first, then at Chu Mubai.

He looked at Zhuo Bufan again, and then at Chu Mubai.

"Girl, what did you mean by having two dads just now? Is this guy also your dad?"

Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes and stared at Chu Mubai.

Yaya also looked at Chu Mubai and nodded repeatedly.

When Chu Mubai saw this, he looked disgusted.

"Boy, what do you and this girl want to do? Do you want to blackmail me?"

"When did I have such a daughter? Why didn't I know about it?"

Chu Mubai was obviously confused and completely unaware of the situation.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan was also confused.

Zhuo Bufan obviously didn't expect that after Yaya saw Chu Mubai, she insisted that Chu Mubai was also her father.

How can one person have two fathers?

"Yaya, are you sleepy?"

Zhuo Bufan touched Yaya's forehead and said.

Yaya shook her head and replied.

"Just two dads."

Yaya insisted that Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai were both her fathers.

This made Zhuo Bufan suddenly think of something.

"Yaya, let me ask you, does he look like your father or is he your father?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood something.

Yaya looked at Chu Mubai and said.

"Like my dad!"

"Then am I like your dad or am I your father?"

Yaya looked at Zhuo Bufan again and said.

"You are my father!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, all the mysteries in his mind suddenly seemed to be connected together by a thread.

"No way, no way, no way!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted no way three times in a row.

"What can't you do?"

Chu Mubai still looked confused.

It makes no sense that two grown men have a daughter in common!

"Old profiteer, do you know how old this girl is?"

"How do I know?" Chu Mubai said speechlessly.

Zhuo Bufan said.

"I'm afraid this girl will live longer than you."

"What? Then it's enough for her to be my aunt, so why do you ask me to be my father?"

Chu Mubai was puzzled and filled with questions.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, was completely enlightened.

"Old profiteer, do you still remember that this body of yours is not your real body!"

Zhuo Bufan's words stunned the old profiteer.

The body of the old profiteer is indeed not his own, but a mysterious body possessed by him.

When he fought against the demons in the world of cultivation, his body was destroyed and his soul was severely injured. He finally fell into the maelstrom and entered hell.

Later, with the help of Yi Meng, the old profiteer left hell and returned to the world of cultivation.

Then his soul wandered and found a mysterious body.

This body has no soul, but the body is incorruptible, as if it has existed for countless years.

And this body was the body of Feng Jun who was buried with Bai Su in that cemetery.

That's right, the body of the old profiteer Chu Mubai belongs to Feng Jun.

This is why Bai Su mistook the old profiteer for Feng Jun and pursued him after meeting him.

Because Feng Jun was Bai Su's true love in her previous life.

Zhuo Bufan's words made the old profiteer suddenly realize.

"Boy, are you saying that this girl's father is the original owner of this body?"

Master Chu Mubai understood what Zhuo Bufan meant.

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

"This explains why Yaya wants to call you daddy."

"What about you, kid? This girl's father is that Feng Jun, so why does she call you daddy? And who are you?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned by Chu Mubai's words.

"Yeah, who am I?"

Chu Mubai continued.

"Boy, there is only one explanation. If this girl's father is Feng Jun, then you are Feng Jun!"

Chu Mubai's words were like a storm rushing towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan looked shocked.

He thought about this result, but he didn't dare to say it. He was waiting for Chu Mubai to tell him personally.

He is extraordinary, he is Fengjun.

"I am, Mr. Feng?"

Zhuo Bufan said blankly.

He has no idea what kind of Fengjun he is.

He came from a mysterious blue star.

But who was he before he became a human on Earth?

Zhuo Bufan's ability to enter the world of reincarnation means that he is a reincarnator.

Zhuo Bufan initially thought that he was a reincarnator because he traveled from the earth.

But is it possible that he was reincarnated from the world of cultivation to the earth from the very beginning?

Various speculations are like a thread that connects all the mysteries.

Is there a possibility that Zhuo Bufan is Feng Jun?

After Fengjun died, his soul reincarnated back to the earth.

From the earth, traveled back to the world of cultivation?

This guess is very bold, but Zhuo Bufan dares to guess like this.

"Hahaha, boy, if this is really the case, then you, the boy, have cuckolded yourself!"

"Hahaha, you really made me laugh to death."

Chu Mubai's focus is obviously different from Zhuo Bufan's.

What he is concerned about is that if Zhuo Bufan is really Feng Jun, then he and Bai Su have been lovers for two lifetimes.

They were lovers in their previous life, and so are they in this life.

The biggest stone that irritated Zhuo Bufan in his heart disappeared inexplicably.

Of course, all this is just speculation, because Zhuo Bufan has no evidence to prove that he is Feng Jun.

There is too little information about Feng Jun in this world.

It seems that this person does not exist in this world.

All he left in this world is such a vague name.

Zhuo Bufan believes that even Feng Jun is not his real name.

So, is Zhuo Bufan Feng Jun?

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan really hopes that he is Feng Jun.

In that case, there will be no more estrangement between him and Bai Su.

"Boy, you can actually check. Confirm whether you are the biological father of this girl, and confirm whether you are Feng Jun."

"But at present, it seems certain that this girl must be the daughter of Feng Jun and your dual cultivation Taoist Lu."

"You two are really destined to be together! Two lives of Taoist companions, two lives of lovers. You two actually gave birth to a daughter twice."

"Hahaha, stinky boy, don't want a son in this life."

Chu Mubai was laughing, and Zhuo Bufan didn't know why, but he felt very comfortable in his heart.

He longed to be Feng Jun. If that was the case. Bai Su and him would have no misunderstandings.

On the contrary, it was an extremely romantic love story.

"Girl, let me ask you, is your mother called Bai Su?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Yaya and said.

But Yaya shook her head slowly and said.

"Yaya doesn't know. Yaya hasn't seen her mother since she was born. Dad told me that my mother died not long after giving birth to me."

Yaya's words made Zhuo Bufan frown again.

It seems that we can't get the details from Yaya.

In this case, the only breakthrough is from Bai Su.

"I want to rescue Su Su as soon as possible, and I want to confirm this with her."

Zhuo Bufan is now eager to return to the world of cultivation and rescue Bai Su.

As long as Bai Su is rescued, everything will be solved.


"I wish I was Feng Jun!"

This is the voice deep in Zhuo Bufan's heart.


Feng Jun's pit is filled.

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