Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 908 Jedi Counterattack

The high-fighting Shura Sword Domain enveloped the entire Great Sun Dome Realm in a sea of ​​bloody swords.

In this world, he is a god, a king, and an unparalleled Shura.

Zhuo Bufan unexpectedly fell into a bitter battle.

He was trapped by the high-fighting Shura Sword Domain.

People call the Shura Sword Domain the Shura Prison.

Looking at it now, it is indeed a prison.

Zhuo Bufan was trapped inside and couldn't move at all.

"Brother Zhuo, I'm really offended."

Gao Zhan's trapped dragon sword formation trapped Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan is no longer an ordinary person.

The moment he felt the siege of the powerful sword formation, Zhuo Bufan had already escaped from his shell.

"Brother Gao, you are careless."

Just when Gao Zhan thought he had trapped Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan suddenly appeared behind Gao Zhan, and then held the sword in his hand with his backhand.

"Could this be the natal sword that Brother Gao said?"

Zhuo Bufan tightly grasped the sword in Gao Zhan's hand. The profound energy of life and death suddenly poured into it.

Immediately afterwards, his sword began to crack and began to break.

"No, it's not this sword!"

Zhuo Bufan originally thought that the sword in Gao Zhan's hand was the natal sword.

However, this is just a cover-up for Gao Zhan.

Puff puff puff puff!

Suddenly, thousands of flying swords shot out from Gao Zhan's body.

These flying swords pierced Zhuo Bufan's body in an instant.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately distanced himself from the two.

"Damn it, I was fooled!"

Zhuo Bufan hugged his injury and retreated, then quickly used his life force to recover from the injury.

Gao Zhan's Shura Blood Sword is not simple. Once it is stabbed, it will be invaded by a special power.

Zhuo Bufan suspected that it should be the regular power of Shura Blood Sword.

This kind of injury caused endless bleeding. Even if Zhuo Bufan used his life force to restore the wound, he could only barely slow down the bleeding.

"That's right, this sword will make the wound bleed. It should be a bleeding rule."

Zhuo Bufan knew that the rules of Gao Zhan were not that simple.

This reminded Zhuo Bufan of the test of Wuliang Sword.

That world was also a forest of swords and swords, and a sea of ​​blood.

"No, we must fight quickly, otherwise I will bleed to death."

Zhuo Bufan has realized the seriousness of the matter.

If this battle is not resolved soon, the power of the rules will not stop.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan now only has two choices.

Or use the Infinite Sword to cut off Gao Zhan's regular power.

Or just defeat Gao Zhan quickly and let Gao Zhan stop on his own initiative.

"Brother Gao, now you still have one stick of incense to defeat me."

"You should have felt it! The blood flow doesn't stop. And what's lost is not only the blood, but also the vitality and soul power."

"This is the real rule of my Shura Sword Domain, bloodthirsty!"

Gao Zhan also confessed his true ability under the rules at this time.

Every sword in Shura Sword Domain is not an ordinary sword.

These swords have bloodthirsty abilities.

"As expected!"

Zhuo Bufan guessed correctly, Shura Sword Domain was indeed very powerful.

Each of these rules is trickier than the last.

There are eighteen million swords in the Sword Domain. Every sword has bloodthirsty abilities.

And if you want to break this rule, you can only find the natal sword.

Gao Zhan is worthy of being the God of War. His strength can definitely rank among the top five of the Ten Little Saints.

"Is this Extraordinary Holy See suppressed by Senior Brother Gao?"

"This is the first time I've seen Senior Brother Gao fight so seriously."

Outside the boundary, Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi saw the battle in the Great Sun Dome and were deeply touched.

"Senior Brother Gao fights within the forbidden wall on weekdays. He is also the person in our Guiyi Sect who has experienced the most battles."

"Senior Brother Gao's actual combat experience is definitely unmatched by ordinary people."

Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi once again looked at their senior brother Gao with admiration.

"This guy Gao Zhan is as heartless as ever."

At this moment, a handsome man walked from the side.

When Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi saw this, they quickly saluted.

"It's Senior Brother Xiao. I've met Senior Brother Xiao."

The visitor was none other than the third-ranked disciple of the Guiyi Sect, Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng ranked ninth among the Ten Little Saints, even higher than Gao Zhan.

"Two junior brothers, have you gained anything?"

Xiao Feng looked at Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi and said.

After hearing this, Ye Jianfei quickly replied.

"Senior Brother Gao is very powerful, and Junior Brother is impressed by him."

When Xiao Feng heard this, he laughed.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Ye, you don't have to flatter him. This Senior Brother Gao of yours is just a heartless person."

"He thought that telling his rules was a sign of communication between friends."

"But if he does this, it will only allow the other party to quickly deduce the weaknesses of his rules."

"This kid Gao Zhan is probably going to lose in this battle."

Xiao Feng stood with his hands behind his back and said leisurely.

"What? Senior Brother Xiao, are you saying that Senior Brother Gao will lose to the Extraordinary Holy See?"

"Nine times out of ten!"

"He regarded that man as a friend, but he didn't think so. Otherwise, he wouldn't have used his own rules until now."

"Now he fully knows Gao Zhan's rules, but Gao Zhan knows almost nothing about his rules."

"The opponent has defeated the Invincible Holy See. A high-level battle would be too underestimating the enemy."

Xiao Feng's analysis makes sense.

So far, Zhuo Bufan has not used his rules.

Therefore, no one knows what Zhuo Bufan's rules are.

Zhuo Bufan has been hiding it, which is in contrast to Gao Zhan's frank confession.

"Saint Bufan is not that kind of person! The reason why he doesn't use the rules is that his rules may be a little special."

Ye Jianfei knows Zhuo Bufan very well and knows that Zhuo Bufan's rules are not simple.

In fact, it's not that Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to tell the truth, but Zhuo Bufan's rules are reversed and the duration is too short.

So Zhuo Bufan will not use it easily until the critical moment.

"Brother Zhuo, if you don't use the rules again, you will have no time."

The sword behind Gao Zhan began to form wings.

The huge sword wings made the entire Sun Sky Realm produce a powerful sword force.

The sword force was sharp and sharp.

All the sword energy was directly pressed against Zhuo Bufan, causing Zhuo Bufan's injuries to begin to worsen.

"No way!"

"Brother Gao, are you ready to take the challenge?"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and clenched it in the air.

"In my name, I will control the world, establish the rules of the world, and reverse the cycle of reincarnation."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, a strange force enveloped the entire battlefield.

In just a moment, Gao Zhan found that he had lost control of all the Shura Blood Swords.

And Zhuo Bufan gained the perception of all the Shura Blood Swords.

Reversing the cycle of reincarnation can completely reverse and exchange the abilities of both parties.

"Found it!"

Because he exchanged abilities with Gao Zhan, Zhuo Bufan found the real natal sword in the first place.

Then, he suddenly controlled all the Shura Blood Swords present and killed the real natal sword.

Clang clang clang clang!

For a time, the sky was full of sword shadows, killing each other. Gao Zhan's natal sword was broken at that moment!

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