Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 918 Heading to Taixuan

The Renjie Cocktail Party came to an end. This Renjie Cocktail Party has obviously become the most watched one in history.

There were too many highlights at this cocktail party.

Whether it was the ascension of the three saints or the final battle, they all became the most dazzling part of this cocktail party.

Soon, everything that happened at the Renjie Cocktail Party spread throughout the world.

As a result, there were obviously more discussions about Zhuo Bufan and his friends.

However, Zhuo Bufan stayed in Guiyi Sect and summoned Xuanyuan Hao and Chu Mubai to discuss more important things.

"Go home? Boy, have you really found the way home?"

Chu Mubai frowned slightly after listening to Zhuo Bufan's words.

All three people present wanted to return to the world of cultivation.

Although this world is beautiful, the world of cultivation is their home.

"Yes, I found the way home, it is in the Paradise Island in the center of the virtual world. And I have the key to open the passage in my hand."

Zhuo Bufan told Xuanyuan Hao and Chu Mubai everything he knew.

Xuanyuan Hao also wanted to go home, and he also wanted to see his sister as soon as possible.

"Brother Zhuo, according to what you said, the world of cultivation we are in is very dangerous now?"

Zhuo Bufan expressed the relationship between the Yang World, the Yin World, the Real World, the Virtual World, and the Unbounded World (Hell) in the form of a Tai Chi diagram.

Looking at the diagram on the table, Xuanyuan Hao and Chu Mubai were obviously a little surprised.

They didn't expect that the world of cultivation actually existed in the encirclement of the Yin World, and the situation was precarious and could collapse at any time.

Seeing the Tai Chi diagram drawn by Zhuo Bufan, they also roughly understood the specific composition of this Tai Chi world.

"So, Emperor Xuan sealed the world of cultivation in order to protect it?"

Chu Mubai also understood Emperor Xuan's intention at the first time.

"Now it seems, yes!"

"When Jingzun opened the passage, he intended to extradite people from the virtual world to the cultivation world, and then cooperate with people from the Yin world to erode the cultivation world."

"Fortunately, Emperor Xuan stopped it in time. He entered the cultivation world first and then sealed it at the critical moment."

"Emperor Xuan sealed the sky not to cut off the cultivation path of the cultivation world, but to protect the cultivation world."

Zhuo Bufan's discovery can be regarded as a vindication for Emperor Xuan.

Emperor Xuan was the former head of the Deyi Palace in the Yang Realm. Suddenly one day, he discovered the conspiracy of the virtual world.

So he went undercover and became Jingzun's mirror slave and knew Jingzun's plan.

Then he entered the cultivation world first and sealed the cultivation world, thus saving the cultivation world from danger.

Such righteousness should not be misunderstood by the world.

So this time Zhuo Bufan and his team went back for another purpose, which was to vindicate Emperor Xuan.

"This is incredible. I didn't expect that our cultivation world is just a small world among the five worlds."

"So this world is the big brother of our cultivation world!"

Chu Mubai said.

When he was looking for Zhuo Bufan and the others, he traveled through this world.

He found that this world was boundless and many times larger than the cultivation world.

"That's right. According to my senior brother and uncle, the people of the real world and the people of the Yang world are in the same camp."

"And the virtual world and the Yin world are in the same camp."

"The two camps are subject to the innate laws of heaven and are mortal enemies."

"Once they meet, it will be a life-and-death situation."

"So I suspect that there must be a bigger manipulator behind this huge world."

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand why people from the two worlds couldn't coexist at the same time. This was very abnormal.

Such a weird thing can only mean one thing.

This so-called Taiji world, I'm afraid there is a more terrifying black hand behind it, manipulating everything.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan suspected that the black hand behind this might be related to him.

"Interesting, then we should go back as soon as possible. Our hometown needs us."

Chu Mubai also felt that they should go back quickly.

The future of the cultivation world now depends on them.

If they want to go back, they must find the way home immediately. So they must go to the virtual world.

"Since you all have no objection, then we will return to the cultivation world soon."

"Before that, I want to go to Taixuan Sect and bring Xiaofan back."

Zhuo Bufan will naturally not forget Xiaofan.

Now Xiaofan is still studying in Taixuan Sect, so he wants to go to Taixuan Sect.

"I'll go with you! Now I don't need to stay in Guiyi Sect."

Xuanyuan Hao has learned the right way of Guiyi in Guiyi Sect, and has also comprehended the peerless rule of Guiyi Dao, which is the return of all things.

Therefore, he is now qualified to represent Guiyi Sect.

"I want to see my wife and children. They should be in your Meicheng!"

Chu Mubai is going to Meicheng to see his wife and children.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan became the leader and led the three people to continue moving forward.

"Well, I'll take you back to Meicheng first."

Then, Zhuo Bufan opened the gate of Meicheng and sent Chu Mubai back to Meicheng.

After that, Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao went to the Guiyi Mountain Temple to bid farewell to the head of the Guiyi Sect.


"So, so you are going back to the real world?"

"Yes, uncle, I came here to say goodbye to you today!"

Zhuo Bufan brought Xuanyuan Hao to the temple and met Chu Zhongtian, the leader of Guiyi Sect.

In addition, I also met Xiaomei.

"Xiaomei, please come back with us!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Xiaomei, but Xiaomei shook her head slightly.

"Shabufan, I won't go back with you. I want to learn spells from this old man here."

Xiaomei knew that she could no longer keep up with Zhuo Bufan, so she no longer wanted to be a burden to Zhuo Bufan.

By staying here, she can practice with Chu Zhongtian. Given time, she will catch up with Zhuo Bufan.

"You really don't want to go back with me?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xiaomei to be willing to stay here.

"That's right, I won't go back."

"Smelly, you will come back!"

When Zhuo Bufan saw that Xiaomei had made up his mind, he gritted his teeth slightly and then said.

"Yes, I will definitely come back. Because you are here."

Zhuo Bufan assured Xiaomei.

"That's good, then I'll wait here for you to come back."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's assurance, Xiaomei smiled slightly and made a decision.

Zhuo Bufan respects Xiaomei's decision, so he doesn't plan to take Xiaomei with him when he goes back this time.

I just hope that I will have the opportunity to come back and greet Xiaomei again.

"Then, farewell!"

Later, Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao left Gui Yi Sect.

The two of them quickly headed in the direction of Taixuanzong.

At this moment, in Taixuan Sect.

In order to become an inner disciple as soon as possible, Bai Zifan participated in the Zhongmiao Mountain Examination of Taixuan Sect.

The exam at Zhongmiao Mountain is known as the most important exam in the Yang Realm.

In this assessment, those who are lucky will get the inheritance of the legendary figure of Taixuan Sect, Zhou Yi.

Bai Zifan didn't know yet that his father and master had already arrived.

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