Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 926: Battle Through the Sky

Zhuo Bufan and the King of Hell were completely torn apart.

So a big war is inevitable.

On the other side, Chu Mubai, who was originally here to help, had his organs pinched in the hands of the King of Hell.

So he became the puppet of Yama.

This troll made Zhuo Bufan a little angry.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan was well prepared. Because he held the organs of the three temple gods, he completely instigated their rebellion.

After inciting three people to rebel, those three were responsible for holding back Chu Mubai.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, killed the King of Hell.

Of course, in addition to this, there is also the God of Tiancan Palace, who also joins forces with the King of Hell to deal with Zhuo Bufan.

However, it can be seen that the Tiancan Temple God was playing soy sauce throughout the whole process and had enough power to strike, and did not take this battle seriously.

It seems that he is maintaining a neutral attitude.

In this way, the situation is at least favorable to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan only needs to deal with the King of Hell with peace of mind.

On this side, the King of Hell smiled at Zhuo Bufan's call.

"Boy, you are talking arrogantly, do you know who you are fighting?"

Facing Zhuo Bufan, the King of Hell didn't feel any nervousness or fear at all.

"Does this mere Great Sage dare to act wild in front of me?"

Zhuo Bufan was not afraid of the majesty of the King of Hell at all.

"A mere great saint? Boy, I am now a first-order super saint."

When the King of Hell told him about his cultivation, Zhuo Bufan frowned.

He didn't expect the King of Hell to break through to Super Saint Daluo so quickly.

"I am also grateful to the emperor. His palm inspired my super saint's heart, which made me step into the realm of super saint Da Luo."

It turned out that the King of Hell got a chance to be promoted after being seriously injured in a battle with the Tianlong Emperor.

Super Saint Da Luo is the top existence in this world.

Get one palace, belong to one sect, the three heads of Taixuan Sect are all just Super Saint Da Luo.

Of course, in the realm of Super Saint Da Luo, there are also hierarchies.

There are nine levels of Super Saint Da Luo, and the three leaders are all ninth level Super Saint Da Luo.

The Tianlong Emperor of the Great Xu Dynasty was an eighth-level Super Saint Da Luo.

Therefore, there is also a strict hierarchy among the Super Saints.

Of course, no matter what, there is an insurmountable gap between the Super Sage and the Great Sage.

Zhuo Bufan is still just a little saint now. He wants to fight the super saint King of Hell. The gap in cultivation between them is simply unimaginable.

So when Zhuo Bufan heard that the King of Hell was already the Super Saint Daluo, his eyebrows knitted together.

"Hey, it looks like it's going to be another tough battle."

Zhuo Bufan has realized that this battle is not good for him.

However, at this point, there is no point in escaping.

He must deal with this King of Hell.

"Wu Liang, kill him for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan held the Infinite Divine Sword in his hand and slashed at the King of Hell.

Upon seeing this, the King of Hell waved his hand and disappeared instantly.

The next second, a black hand suddenly appeared from behind Zhuo Bufan and hit him hard on the back.


Zhuo Bufan was slapped away with a palm, feeling like his soul was about to be shattered.

With this palm, Zhuo Bufan flew ten miles away and broke several peaks.


Zhuo Bufan climbed out of the broken mountain, spat a mouthful of blood, and then looked at the King of Hell in the sky.

"Old guy, you have a problem."

Zhuo Bufan wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his whole aura suddenly changed.

At this moment, he was thinking rapidly in his mind.

"This old guy, he ate the Kirin Heart and gained space power."

"Then what he cultivates should be the Dao of Space."

"The rules of the space path are to combine the organs. This guy's rule should be to combine the organs and the body through some kind of space force."

"So mastering the organs is equivalent to mastering the opponent's life and death."

"If I had this kind of power, I think I would make an organ for myself as soon as possible. I would give my life to an inconspicuous organ."

Zhuo Bufan's current fighting is no longer as mindless as before.

Facing the King of Hell, he must be cautious.

"This old ghost, it's so difficult to use the power of space so smoothly!"

Zhuo Bufan kept thinking about fighting methods.

His opponent, the King of Hell, possesses powerful space power.

Space power has always been regarded as an extremely powerful force.

Therefore, if he wants to fight the King of Hell, Zhuo Bufan must find a way to break this situation.

"try again."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he slashed towards the King of Hell again.

The infinite sword in his hand directly cut through the space, trying to eliminate the power of the King of Hell.

However, Yama's understanding of space is far superior.

The moment Zhuo Bufan slashed the space with his sword, the King of Hell jumped out of the space.

The next time, he suddenly took action and punched Zhuo Bufan in the head.

This punch directly shattered the space.

If Zhuo Bufan were hit, his head might explode on the spot.

At the critical moment, an invisible barrier covered Zhuo Bufan's body.


The King of Hell's punch did not hit Zhuo Bufan, but hit the Chaos Bell summoned by Zhuo Bufan.

This time, Zhuo Bufan had both of his artifacts in hand.

"Infinite, destroy this space."

After Zhuo Bufan blocked the attack of King of Hell with the Chaos Bell, he slashed with his sword.

The power of the Infinite Sword is activated instantly.

This time, Zhuo Bufan directly reset this space to zero.

When the three-dimensional space is reset to zero, it will directly become two-dimensional.

For a moment, the entire space layer began to collapse rapidly.

Since the King of Hell is good at using space, Zhuo Bufan will directly destroy the space.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's sudden and treacherous killing move, the King of Hell instantly jumped through space to ten miles away.

In an instant, the world began to collapse into two dimensions.

The chain reaction directly caused an explosion.

Bang bang bang bang!

Wherever the explosion passed, all the mountains and rivers were instantly squeezed into a plane.

I have to say that Zhuo Bufan is really daring.

This sword directly swallowed up all the space within a radius of one kilometer.

After a burst of explosions, the entire world directly formed a huge black hole.

Zhuo Bufan was protected by the Chaos Bell and stood still in the black hole.

In this huge spherical black hole world, all space media disappeared.

Even the light was swallowed up, all energy was gone, let alone spiritual energy, even air was gone.

If it weren't for the Chaos Bell protecting him, Zhuo Bufan would have been torn apart long ago.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for the King of Hell to achieve space jumps here through space power.

He could only stand outside the black hole, looking at Zhuo Bufan in the center, gritting his teeth.

"You are really capable, brat. You actually control my actions in this way."

"But don't be too proud. I still have a trump card!"

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought he could seal the King of Hell's actions in this way.

Suddenly he controlled Chu Mubai, rushed to the black hole, and killed Zhuo Bufan.

The trump card that the King of Hell mentioned was Chu Mubai, the rebellious guy.


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