Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 928 Jedi Counterattack

When Zhuo Bufan saw the word "evil" in Chu Mubai's hand, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"You old swindler, you really have a trick up your sleeve."

Zhuo Bufan found that he had completely lost control of the Chaos Bell.

But Chu Mubai was able to use the Chaos Bell freely, which was incredible.

"Boy, I am also a great saint after all, do you think you can be my opponent?"

"Do you know why my rule is called "evil spirit over the gods"? Because any artifact touched by my evil hand will be marked with the evil fire seal by me."

"And the artifacts that I have marked with the evil fire seal will be controlled by me."

Chu Mubai also told Zhuo Bufan about his rule power without hiding it.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned even more.

He didn't expect that the rules of this old swindler were so mean, just like his people.

"So, I can only kill you and take back the right to use the Chaos Bell."

Zhuo Bufan was slightly angry.

The Chaos Bell is his, he will not give it to the old swindler.

Chu Mubai was speechless at this moment.

"Boy, my evil fire seal can only control the time of one stick of incense, so don't worry."

"Now you run away quickly, you can't beat me."

"Without these artifacts, your combat power will be at least half reduced."

Chu Mubai knew Zhuo Bufan very well, and knew that Zhuo Bufan relied on artifacts, so his strength was far more powerful than he imagined.

However, Chu Mubai's rule ability was naturally restrained by such a strong man with artifacts.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an artifact killer.

Once caught by his evil right hand, the artifact will be controlled by him.

Although it is only one stick of incense, it is a matter of life and death for a battle between masters.

Therefore, this battle is another unfavorable battle for Zhuo Bufan.

Chu Mubai didn't want to fight Zhuo Bufan, so he kept persuading Zhuo Bufan to retreat.

However, how could Zhuo Bufan retreat like this!

The more Chu Mubai said this, the more he aroused Zhuo Bufan's fighting spirit.

"Old swindler, what are you talking about!"

"Since you have told me all your rules and abilities, you are doomed."

Luckily, Zhuo Bufan found out in time.

Since Chu Mubai told Zhuo Bufan all the rules, Zhuo Bufan had a way to deal with the next battle.

"Boy, you really won't give up until you achieve your goal!"

"Well, since you don't run away, I can only beat you away."

"I will use your artifact to deal with you."

As soon as Chu Mubai finished speaking, he once again carried the artifact Chaos Bell, and then prepared to release the Chaos Cannon towards Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing that the Chaos Bell was in Chu Mubai's hand, condensing powerful power, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly and stood still.

"Chaos Bell, can you still play it like this?"

Zhuo Bufan's development of the Chaos Bell's functions was very limited. Seeing Chu Mubai using the Chaos Bell as a cannon, Zhuo Bufan was also the one in front of him.

"Take my shot!"

The Chaos Bell carried by Chu Mubai once again condensed a huge Chaos Cannon, and then blasted towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he saw the Chaos Cannon blasting towards him.

Then, he raised the Wuliang Sword in his hand and slashed at the Chaos Cannon.

"Come on!"

Just as Zhuo Bufan slashed with his sword, a figure suddenly emerged from the Chaos Cannon.

It turned out to be Chu Mubai, the old swindler.

He guessed that Zhuo Bufan would use the Wuliang Sword to deal with him.

Compared to the Chaos Bell, the Wuliang Sword's ability is more troublesome.

So, Chu Mubai slapped the sword of the Wuliang Sword as soon as he appeared.


This palm burst out and hit Zhuo Bufan's Wuliang Sword directly.

The evil fire seal was instantly imprinted on the sword of the Wuliang Sword.

"Boy, you've been fooled!"

Chu Mubai's target was obviously not Zhuo Bufan from the beginning, but the Wuliang Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

When his evil fire seal successfully marked the Wuliang Sword.

Chu Mubai pulled with his right hand, and the Wuliang Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand flew out.

"Boy, I've told you my rules, why don't you learn from them?"

"Knowing that I can take your artifact away, you dare to use the artifact against me?"

Chu Mubai got the Wuliang Sword and the Chaos Bell at once, and immediately began to be proud.

Zhuo Bufan saw this, and suddenly the divine power burst out, and then his hands used the power of life and death.

"Old swindler, you are too proud too early."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhuo Bufan had already killed out.

With both hands, he manipulated the power of life and death.

He sent a shocking blow to the old swindler Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai watched Zhuo Bufan ascend, and at that moment, he grinned.

"Without this sword and this bell, I wonder what else you can do."

"Let me try to see how powerful this sword is."

Chu Mubai held the Wuliang Sword, integrated his evil power into the evil seal, and then controlled the Wuliang Sword to launch a thunder strike that would return everything to zero.

For a moment, the two sides' big moves intertwined and collided at that moment.

"Boy, lose to me!"

Chu Mubai used thunderous means and blasted away.

The Wuliang Sword burst out the light of divine rules and began to disintegrate the life and death palm in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

But at that moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly showed an intriguing smile.

"Old swindler, I've said it before, who will win or lose is still unknown."

"Reverse the cycle of reincarnation!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly spoke out, and mysterious rules began to interweave in the air.

Various strange forces began to reverse Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai.

Reverse the cycle of reincarnation, Zhuo Bufan's rules.

Because he brought the power of reincarnation, he could completely reverse the actions that were not in his favor.

Not only was the situation reversed, but even the situation of the two was completely reversed.

At the moment when Fu'an, the horizontal axis, activated the rules.

Chu Mubai, who originally came with the Wuliang Sword, became Zhuo Bufan in a hundred years.

And Zhuo Bufan became Chu Mubai.

"Wuliang, kill!"

"Donghuang, suppress!"

Zhuo Bufan, through the power of rules, after reversing the situation of the two, once again obtained the right to use the Wuliang Sword and the Chaos Bell.

Then, this time he did not give the old swindler any chance to react.

He directly raised the Wuliang Sword and stood on Chu Mubai's shoulder.

In an instant, the spiritual energy in Chu Mubai's body was instantly emptied.

Then, Zhuo Bufan immediately used the Chaos Bell.

He directly opened the Chaos Space and took Chu Mubai in.

Chu Mubai, who had no spiritual energy, could not resist the swallowing of the Chaos Bell at all, and was directly swallowed into the Chaos Space by the Chaos Bell.

"Old Zhong, isolate him."

Zhuo Bufan immediately isolated Chu Mubai from the outside world.

For a moment, the King of Hell directly lost control of Chu Mubai.

"What's going on? I can't even feel the existence of his curse seal."

The King of Hell was greatly surprised.

Of course, he could not imagine that the Chaos Space was a special space that could isolate the power of time.

In terms of the power of space creation, what else in this world can compare to the Chaos Bell?

Although the King of Hell obtained the Heart of the Kirin and possessed one of the best spatial powers.

However, in front of the Chaos Bell, it was still a small witch meeting a big witch.

The Chaos Bell was originally a spatial artifact.

Therefore, it was impossible for the King of Hell to take Yao Chumubai's life for the time being.

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