Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 931 Hundred Dragon Tyrant Body

Kill the King of Hell and get the divine beast.

Zhuo Bufan was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

This was the last thing he had to do before leaving the Yang World.

Then, he released Chu Mubai from the Chaos Bell.

After Chu Mubai escaped, he looked at Zhuo Bufan in a daze.

Then he touched his forehead and found that the curse and organs had completely disappeared.

"Boy, did you defeat him?"

Chu Mubai looked at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief.

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly.

"No way, you really killed the King of Hell? That guy is a super saint!"

Chu Mubai still couldn't believe it.

He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to be able to defeat the King of Hell.

When Zhuo Bufan put him into the Chaos Bell, he was still worried.

Now it seems that his worries are unnecessary.

Zhuo Bufan's strength is far beyond his imagination.

"I really underestimated you. Unknowingly, you have surpassed all of us."

Chu Mubai suddenly began to say some heartfelt words to Zhuo Bufan.

He still remembers vividly that when he first met Zhuo Bufan, he only felt that Zhuo Bufan had an inexplicable affection.

Then the old swindler got playful and started teasing Zhuo Bufan.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan was just an ordinary mortal who had not even opened up his soul.

And he was already a minor saint, one of the four peaks in the world of cultivation.

But less than fifty years have passed, and Zhuo Bufan has been able to kill the super saint Daluo.

The cultivation talent shown by Zhuo Bufan is beyond Chu Mubai's reach.

Unknowingly, the boy who was stupid and reckless at the beginning has become a great giant.

Zhuo Bufan gave him too many surprises.

Now, he even doesn't recognize Zhuo Bufan.

When he was taken into the Chaos Bell by Zhuo Bufan, he realized that Zhuo Bufan had already become powerful enough for him to look up to.

"Old swindler, I am no longer the me of that year."

Zhuo Bufan answered Chu Mubai leisurely.

His words are very thought-provoking.

Indeed, Zhuo Bufan is no longer the Zhuo Bufan who stumbled and survived many deaths.

Zhuo Bufan now has more determination in his bones.

A confidence in everything.

This is a truth that Zhuo Bufan has realized after experiencing so much.

No matter what the enemy is, there is no need to be afraid.

This is also the truth he has realized after experiencing so many life and death.

"You kid, you are becoming more and more like a person."

"More and more like a person? Who?"

"Xuan Di."

"Xuan Di?"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly surprised.

"Do you know Xuan Di?"

Zhuo Bufan said with some surprise.

"Of course I know, I have seen Xuan Di before."

"When I was resurrected through this body, I met a sage."

"The sage said that I looked like one of his disciples. But his disciple has died for a long time."

"He said that I had a fate with him, so he gave me an opportunity."

"Later I learned that he was Xuan Di."

Chu Mubai also told the story of him and Xuan Di for the first time.

Zhuo Bufan was quite surprised after hearing this.

"It seems that your body is definitely Feng Jun."

Through Chu Mubai's words, Zhuo Bufan finally confirmed that Chu Mubai's body was Feng Jun.

Combined with Yaya's previous words, Zhuo Bufan felt more and more that he might be the reincarnation of Feng Jun.

"It seems that I must return to the world of cultivation immediately."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't wait to rescue Bai Su and find out his true identity.

"Let's go back to Taixuan Sect first."

"Uncle Master, we will go first and continue in the future!"

"Also, Xiaomei is in your hands."

Before Zhuo Bufan left, he greeted Chu Zhongtian.

Chu Zhongtian nodded slowly after hearing this.

Then, Zhuo Bufan rode on the Qilin beast.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan and the Qilin beast disappeared directly on the spot.

"Hey! Wait for me."

Before Chu Mubai could react, Zhuo Bufan and Qilin had disappeared.

Now that Zhuo Bufan has the divine beast Qilin, it only takes a moment to go anywhere.

The divine beast Qilin is a divine beast that symbolizes space, and it can easily jump through space.

"Haha, Master Chu, goodbye."

Chu Mubai looked at Chu Zhongtian and smiled awkwardly.

Then, he hurriedly caught up.


There is no time in the mountains, but it has been a thousand years in the world.

Unknowingly, Bai Zifan has been sitting in the Dragon Snake Cave for more than three months.

He refined every dragon soul in the dragon ball into his body.

His body began to undergo unprecedented changes.

Dragon souls were wrapped around his body, his muscles began to grow wildly, and his blood began to overflow.

Unknowingly, Bai Zifan had completely absorbed the entire dragon ball.

There are a total of one hundred dragon souls in the entire dragon ball.

This is an extremely powerful force.

Once all absorbed, Bai Zifan will obtain the Hundred Dragon Tyrant Body. He will master the power of the real dragon.


Accompanied by Bai Zifan's roar to the sky, giant dragons began to fly and roar in the cave.

Finally, they directly broke through the entire cave.

Immediately, Bai Zifan held the Baidi Sword in his hand, soared into the sky, and broke away from the entire mountain range.

He stood in the void, surrounded by precious light and glazed glass, entwined by golden dragons.

He no longer looked as gentle as before, but full of domineering wildness.

"I succeeded, I completely refined the Dragon Ball."

It took three months for Bai Zifan to finally completely refine the dragon ball.

He also got his wish and obtained the legendary Hundred Dragon Body.

With one punch, the real dragon roared and swept away thousands of troops.

"Hahahaha, as expected of my son, he has been given such an opportunity, how wonderful it is!"

At this moment, on Miaoyin Mountain of Taixuanzong, Zhuo Bufan, Xuanyuan Hao and Li Miaoyin saw Bai Zifan who had just broken through the mountain through the water mirror.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Bai Zifan develop the Hundred Dragon Body, he was sincerely happy for his son.

Zhuo Bufan knew that Zifan had always wanted to become stronger.

But to become stronger in the true sense, you need to constantly hone yourself.

So now, Zhuo Bufan is already trying to let go and let Bai Zifan train himself.

Zifan did not live up to his expectations.

Now it seems that Bai Zifan has a bright future.

In time, he will become an amazing god of war.

"But when did the White Emperor Sword escape from his body?"

"Now that the White Emperor Sword has come out, where are the demons suppressed in his body?"

Zhuo Bufan is observant and meticulous.

He soon noticed that the demon seed in Bai Zifan's body disappeared.

After hearing this, Chu Mubai on the side touched his chin, then narrowed his eyes and said.

"Hey, boy. There is a demon seed in your baby's body! Now that the demon seed has disappeared, could it be that the demon guy has been resurrected?"

Chu Mubai and Tian Mo are old rivals, and he knows Tian Mo very well.

Chu Mubai's words made Zhuo Bufan frown.

"The demon is resurrected? Damn it, isn't the world of cultivation in danger!"

Zhuo Bufan quickly realized that if the demon was resurrected, it would be impossible to deal with this big demon with the current power of the world of cultivation.

"It's more than just a danger. Boy, every time this devil disintegrates and is reborn, the cultivation level will be improved to a higher level."

"Now that he has been resurrected, I am afraid that no one in the world of cultivation will be able to defeat him."

Everyone soon realized that a huge crisis might have broken out in the world of cultivation.

"No, we must set off as soon as possible. Once Zifan comes out of his experience, we will rush back to the world of cultivation."

"We can't let the devil harm the world of cultivation!"

The worries of Zhuo Bufan and the others had turned into a faint uneasiness that enveloped their hearts.

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