Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 938: Giving up the Kung Fu

When Zhuo Bufan arrived at the Zhongmiao Mountain, Bai Zifan was still comprehending the secret of "Xuanxuan Creation Art".

In fact, the inheritance of Xuanzu had already ended.

However, Bai Zifan was not as good as his father. After receiving such a heaven-defying art, he needed some time to digest it.

Everyone present was protecting Bai Zifan.

Zhuo Bufan smiled when he saw this, and felt that Taixuan Sect was a very humane sect.

"Daddy, is he my brother?"

Yaya looked at the young man in white sitting in the middle of the crowd and said.

Bai Zifan has now become the target of everyone's attention.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and walked forward silently.

"He should be considered as a brother! You can call him brother."

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused.

Because according to the actual situation, Yaya didn't know how long she had lived. Not to mention Bai Zifan, Zhuo Bufan was also a little kid in front of him.

But according to reason, Yaya called Zhuo Bufan "Dad".

And she looked like she was always three years old.

So she really looked like Bai Zifan's sister.


When Yaya heard that she had a brother, she rushed up impatiently.

This kid didn't care whether Bai Zifan was still practicing or not, and threw himself on Bai Zifan's back.

At this time, Bai Zifan slowly opened his eyes.

As if he felt something on his back, he stood up immediately.

"Who are you? Come down quickly."

Bai Zifan struggled to break free from Yaya's restraints like throwing a dog-skin plaster.

Looking back, he saw a familiar figure.


Bai Zifan was a little excited.

Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"Zifan, what are you standing there for! Please ask the headmaster and the elders to get up!"

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Bai Zifan finally reacted.

He turned around and saw that all the senior brothers and sisters, uncles and uncles, elders and even the headmaster of Taixuan Sect were sitting on the ground, all on the square.

"Ah! Master, elders, and brothers and sisters, why are you all sitting down?"

At this time, Zhou Yong, the master of Taixuan Sect, led everyone to kowtow and kneel down.

"Disciple Zhou Yong, lead all the disciples of Taixuan Sect. Farewell to the ancestor!"

Under the leadership of Zhou Yong, everyone kowtowed.

And Bai Zifan, who was kowtowed, was obviously a little confused.

"Master, elders, please stand up quickly!"

Looking at Bai Zifan's helpless look, Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"Boy, the master and the others are not worshipping you, you don't need to be excited."

"Not worshipping me?"

"Nonsense, do you think you have that weight?"

Zhuo Bufan knocked his stupid son, then touched his head and said.

"They are worshipping Xuanzu, the old man who taught you the skills."

"Ah, is that old man Xuanzu?"

Bai Zifan realized it later.

"No, father, how do you know that the ancestor passed on to me is a technique?"

Bai Zifan was not stupid, and asked quickly.

Zhuo Bufan coughed twice when asked this question.

He thought to himself.

"Isn't this nonsense? If it weren't for your father, I, who asked Xuanzu to pass on the technique to you, how could you have inherited it?"

"This is not the point. The point is that you have now inherited Xuanzu, and your status in Taixuan Sect is obviously higher than before."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he turned and looked at the headmaster Zhou Yong and others.

"Headmaster Zhou, please stand up quickly!"

After Zhou Yong bowed three times, he slowly stood up, and then looked at Bai Zifan with a smile on his face.

"Zifan, right! Very good, very good!"

"I didn't expect that you really got the inheritance of Xuanzu. Tell the headmaster quickly, what inheritance did you get?"

Zhou Yong was very excited. Not only Zhou Yong, but everyone present wanted to know what kind of inheritance Bai Zifan had obtained.

At this time, Bai Zifan first glanced at Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

After obtaining Zhuo Bufan's consent, Bai Zifan said this.

In reply to the headmaster's words, the disciple obtained the unique skill of Xuanzu - "Xuanxuan Creation Skill"

"What, Xuanxuan Creation Skill! It turned out to be the Xuanxuan Creation Skill that was lost in my Taixuan Sect!"

When Zhou Yong heard about Xuanxuan Creation Skill, he seemed very excited.

The nine whirlpools around him were trembling.

"Master, what is "Xuanxuan Creation Skill"? "

The eldest disciple Li Changsheng asked.

As the eldest disciple of Taixuan Sect, he had never even heard of "Xuanxuan Creation Skill"

When Zhou Yong heard it, he sighed and said.

"The Xuanxuan Creation Technique is the supreme technique created by my Xuanmen ancestor."

"When you practice it to the extreme, you can mediate the creation and control the universe."

"The foundation of the Taixuan Sect you see is created by the ancestor's creation technique. Including this Zongmiao Mountain."

"Our Taixuan Sect ancestor is called the Lord of Creation, and has the ability to create all things. Even freely create small worlds."

"This Xuanxuan Creation Technique was originally passed down by Xuanzu to his first disciple."

"However, this disciple later fell into the virtual world and became a mirror slave."

"These are all later stories. In short, this Xuanxuan Creation Technique has been lost, and even I have not learned even a little bit of it."

Zhou Yong did not exaggerate, and what he said was all true.

The Xuanxuan Creation Technique does have the ability to mediate the creation.

However, this technique has been lost. Even he himself has not learned it.

Unexpectedly, it has now been learned by Zhuo Bufan and his son.

Bai Zifan was extremely terrified when he heard it, and hurriedly said.

"Then I will hand over the technique, Master, I will hand it over to you."

Zhou Yong was stunned when he heard it, and then laughed.

"Silly boy, I am not here to ask you for the technique."

"You have a fate with the ancestor and have obtained his inheritance. All this is what you deserve."

"Besides, since the ancestor has passed it on to you, it means that he recognizes you, you don't need to be so terrified."

Zhou Yong saw Bai Zifan's character.

But Bai Zifan said.

"No, Master, I'm serious."

"I think the ancestor also hopes that I can pass on the Xuanxuan Creation Technique."

"This is the supreme technique of our Taixuan Sect, and it should not be lost."

"Please rest assured, Master, I have not yet completely digested and mastered this technique. When I completely digest it, I will transcribe it as a treasure of the sect and pass it on."

Bai Zifan's behavior surprised Zhuo Bufan.

He didn't expect his silly son to be so selfless.

And Master Zhou Yong was also a little surprised to see the silly boy's serious and determined eyes.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am serious. Please rest assured, Master, I will go back and transcribe a copy of the technique."

"I think that Master Xuan must have thought the same when he passed the technique to me."

Everyone present was a little surprised that Bai Zifan was going to give up the Xuanxuan Creation Technique.

"Great, this kid has a really good character."

"As the most precious treasure of our sect, if the Xuanxuan Creation Technique can be passed down, it will be of vital importance to the development of our sect."

"This kid is so selfless and has excellent character. He is really a role model for the younger generation."

For a moment, everyone present was moved by Bai Zifan's selfless dedication.

After hearing this, the head of the sect, Zhou Yong, made an important decision.

"Very good, very good!"

"I have decided to grant you, Bai Zifan, as the candidate for the head of the sect."

In front of everyone present, Zhou Yong made an important decision, which was to select Bai Zifan as the candidate for the head of the sect.


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