Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 942 Faceless Killer God

After Zhuo Bufan coaxed Yaya to sleep, he asked Zifan to stay and take care of Yaya.

Then he walked out of Meicheng, came to Gao Zhan's camp, and sat around with his brothers and soldiers.

"Brother Zhuo, come and sit down quickly. I have something interesting to tell you."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan entered the bonfire party, Gao Zhan called out to him.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward and asked.

"What's interesting?"

At this time, Gao Zhan said to a big man wearing armor on the side.

"Old Niu, tell this friend of mine what you just said about the Faceless Killing God."

"The Faceless God of Killing?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"That's right, the Faceless Killer God is a mysterious killer who suddenly appeared in the virtual world recently. I just found out the details, so I, the deputy general, will tell you about it."

After Gao Zhan finished speaking, the armored deputy stood up and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"It's like this. Not long ago, our Seven Nations Army Alliance attacked the Canglan Region in the virtual world."

"In that alliance, a total of twelve great saints participated in the battle, one hundred and fifty-eight minor saints participated in the battle, and the remaining soldiers reached more than one million people."

"This alliance battle can be considered a rare large-scale one."

"I thought we could easily win the Canglan Territory in this battle. But I didn't expect that the alliance encountered an unprecedented obstruction."

"An elite legion has appeared in Canglan Territory, and each of them has combat power comparable to that of the Great Sage."

"The battle lasted for three days, and the Union army suffered its largest defeat in history. One million soldiers were almost wiped out."

"And the faceless killing god headed by Canglan Territory killed three great saints on the spot, forcing the alliance army to retreat to Liupo Island three thousand miles away."

"But the Faceless Killing God did not let go of the retreating Alliance army. He began to lead his faceless army to hunt down the Alliance army everywhere."

"This faceless killing god specializes in picking out great saints. So far, more than ten great saints have died in his hands."

"Many great saints have already left the battlefield."

After listening to the deputy general's words, Gao Zhan frowned deeply, and then said to Zhuo Bufan beside him.

"Brother Zhuo, you probably haven't understood it yet!"

"The disaster this incident caused to the Alliance Army is actually unimaginable."

"You must know that the Alliance Army has been invincible since they broke through the Forbidden Wall. So far, they have basically not lost any battles."

"So for the sake of military merit, everyone continues to join in the extermination of all creatures in the virtual world."

"Because in their view, the creatures in the virtual world are just pigs without the power to resist."

"However, now there is such a faceless army, and their leader is the faceless killing god."

"And it beat the league average."

"This is not only a shame for the Alliance Army, but also makes them realize that people in the virtual world will also resist."

"It's like slaves who have been domesticated and suddenly one day took up arms and wanted to rebel against their masters."

Obviously, Gao Zhan also realized the horror of this faceless army.

"You Seven Kingdoms Army killed innocent people indiscriminately and mutilated so many creatures in the virtual world. Don't you allow the creatures in the virtual world to resist?"

Zhuo Bufan did not sympathize with the Seven Nations Army.

In his view, the Seven Nation Army was nothing more than executioners.

Gao Zhan, you once told him that the Seven Kingdoms Army killed innocent people indiscriminately in the virtual world and even cooked and eaten newborn babies.

To be honest, in Zhuo Bufan's opinion, this was behavior worse than a beast.

If he encountered this situation, he would definitely kill everyone present without leaving a trace.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan was a little happy when he heard the news.

Gao Zhan knew what Zhuo Bufan meant, so he answered.

"I understand what you mean, Brother Zhuo."

"The Seven Kingdoms Army does not deserve sympathy. What I say is that I want Brother Zhuo to be more careful."

"Tomorrow you want to go to the Paradise Island of the Virtual Realm, and Canglan Territory is a place you must pass by."

"You may encounter the Faceless Legion, and then you will have to take care of yourself."

Gao Zhan's words are the key point.

Zhuo Bufan also understood Gao Zhan's intention, he nodded slightly and said.

"I see.

"Thank you, Brother Gao, for your size. I hope I won't run into this trouble!"

If what Gao Zhan said is true, then Zhuo Bufan may also encounter the Faceless Legion.

The leader of the Faceless Legion had killed more than a dozen great saints in a row. For Zhuo Bufan, he might be an unimaginably powerful enemy.

So Zhuo Bufan must be mentally prepared.

"Old Niu, give me the map of the virtual world."

"This can be considered my farewell gift to Brother Zhuo!"

At Gao Zhan's request, the big man in armor took out a huge map.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Zhan handed the map to Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother Zhuo, this is the map of the virtual world so far. There is an inland sea in the center of the virtual world, and the center of the inner sea is Paradise Island."

"This is the Canglan Domain. There is a teleportation array in the Canglan Domain that leads to Paradise Island. It is also the only way for you to pass."

"I hope you have a safe journey!"

Zhuo Bufan took the map given by Gao Zhan and was deeply moved.

"Thank you, Brother Gao!"

"When I come back, I will be drinking and chatting with you."

"Okay, I will hold a banquet at Guiyi Mountain and wait for your return."

The two agreed to wait for Zhuo Bufan to come back and drink together.

Early the next morning, Gao Zhan took Zhuo Bufan on the road again.

He sent Zhuo Bufan all the way to the inner wall of the forbidden wall, then opened the door and went to the inside of the forbidden wall.

There are actually two forbidden walls, one is the outer wall and the other is the inner wall.

The outer wall was crossed yesterday, and the inner wall is to be crossed today.

And inside the inner wall is the virtual world.

When Gao Zhan sent Zhuo Bufan to the virtual world, the world in front of him suddenly became clear again.

"Brother Zhuo, I will send you here!"

"I once swore that I would never step into the virtual world again. Today, I broke my oath after all."

"I really can't accompany you on the road ahead."

After hearing Gao Zhan's words, Zhuo Bufan was deeply moved.

Then, he waved his right hand, and a huge sand pot appeared.

"Brother Gao, these sands of time are my thanks."

"Prepare some wine for me at Guiyi Mountain and wait for me to come back."

Gao Zhan looked at the sands of time handed over by Zhuo Bufan. He didn't act pretentiously, but accepted them directly.

"Okay, then I won't be polite. I will definitely prepare some wine at Guiyi Mountain and wait for Brother Zhuo to come back."

"See you later."

"See you later."

Then, Gao Zhan picked up the sands of time, put them on the chariot, and turned to leave.

Watching Gao Zhan gradually disappear in the tunnel, Zhuo Bufan turned around and looked at the brand new world in front of him.

"Is this the virtual world?"

A gust of wind blew, scraping bones and piercing flesh, emitting a nauseating bloody stench.


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