Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 944: Battle of Divine Power

The Purple Crystal Mountain under his feet suddenly trembled, and Zhuo Bufan immediately flew up and left the Purple Crystal Mountain.

When he flew to a height of one thousand meters and looked down.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

The Purple Crystal Mountain below was actually a human-shaped giant mountain!

It squatted on the ground, hugged its legs, and seemed to be sleeping.

At this time, the purple "sun" suddenly turned into a woman with wings and landed on the head of the mountain man.

The woman was wearing a purple tights, waving her wings, and grinning at Zhuo Bufan.

She had a mouthful of sharp teeth and looked very difficult to mess with.

"Xiao Lin, go to Meicheng to hide, I'm afraid there will be a hard battle to fight!"

As Zhuo Bufan spoke, he sent the Avici beast Xiao Lin to Meicheng.

Then, he widened his eyes and looked at the mountain man and the woman below.

The Purple Crystal Mountain man slowly stood up.

As his body continued to rise, his height finally reached a thousand meters.

Zhuo Bufan floated thousands of meters in the sky, just at the same height as the mountain man's eyes.

"What is this? Is this a creature from the virtual world?"

"The mountain is a person, and the sun is also a person. This world is really weird."


At this time, the woman standing on the mountain man's head was still screaming at Zhuo Bufan.

She seemed to be saying something, but Zhuo Bufan couldn't understand it at all.

"By the way, try the soul-awareness spell."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he activated the soul-awareness spell in the depths of his soul and tried to communicate with the other party.

"Who are you? How dare you break into my territory?"

Sure enough, the soul-awareness spell is useful and can easily understand what the other party wants to express.

After all, the soul-awareness spell does not rely on translating language, but on feeling the other party's soul thoughts.

So, as long as the other party wants to express something, Zhuo Bufan can understand it clearly.

Facing the woman's questioning, Zhuo Bufan quickly answered.

"I didn't mean to enter your territory. It was a pure misunderstanding."

"Then why don't you get out of here!"

The other party was obviously not very friendly and wanted to drive Zhuo Bufan away.

Zhuo Bufan thought about it and felt that there was no need to fight.

But just when he was about to turn around, he suddenly thought of something.

"That's not right. Didn't Senior Brother say that the creatures in the True Yang Realm and the Yin Void Realm are natural enemies? Once they meet, a war will break out."

"But why am I not hostile to this virtual creature?"

"The other party is hostile to me, but he doesn't mean to fight. He just warned me."

"Could it be that this mountain man is not a virtual creature?"

Zhuo Bufan went back and asked the winged woman on the mountain man's head.

"I want to ask, are you a creature from this world?"

Zhuo Bufan used the soul perception spell to communicate with the other party.

"I don't need to tell you that my territory doesn't welcome anyone."

"Why don't you get out of here? If you don't, be careful that we won't treat you well."

The other party looked ferocious and seemed to want to have a big fight with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and didn't seem to be afraid at all.

"Okay, I still want to have a good fight with you. I want to see how you can be rude to me."

Zhuo Bufan was very curious about what kind of creature the other party was.

Or, why he had no hostility towards the other party.

This was an important discovery, which might solve the dispute between the underworld and the yang world.

The other party was furious when he saw Zhuo Bufan pestering him.

"I think you don't want to live anymore."

As soon as the woman finished speaking, she suddenly slapped the air.

This palm was so powerful that it directly slapped a purple palm shadow and pushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

The palm shadow became bigger and bigger until it became a wall in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"Divine power?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt the divine power in the other party's palm.

Without time to think, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to be slapped away by the opponent's palm, so he quickly summoned the Wuliang Sword and slashed it in the air.

This sword directly split the opponent's palm shadow into two halves and turned it into nothingness.

"Hey, you are indeed a creature from the virtual world, right!"

Zhuo Bufan was almost certain that the other party was a creature from the virtual world.

Because she could actually use divine power.

And as far as Zhuo Bufan knew, divine power was a kind of power in the virtual world.

So far, Zhuo Bufan knew that the source of divine power was faith.

Of course, he believed that the source of divine power was not only faith.

Divine power was originally a mysterious power.

Unlike spiritual power, ordinary people could not feel divine power.

Only after practicing divine power can you accurately feel that divine power exists in the depths of the soul.

However, Zhuo Bufan felt a very mixed divine power in the opponent's divine power.

There is both divine power of faith and other divine power.

Another kind of divine power seems to be born with it.

"Good fellow, if that's the case, I'll also use my divine power."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he mobilized the divine power in his body and began to fight back.

Zhuo Bufan has always used divine power as an amplification and strengthening of his ability.

But Zhuo Bufan can feel that divine power should have other functions besides strengthening.

For example, Xuanyuan Hao can use divine power to summon the ancient gods of his family.

Summoning is obviously also a manifestation of divine power.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan still doesn't know how to use divine power to summon.

In short, divine power has many functions, and Zhuo Bufan only mastered one of them.

"I don't have much divine power, so use it sparingly."

Zhuo Bufan's current divine power in the altar of divine power is limited, mainly because he squandered all his divine and immortal power in order to eliminate the King of Hell.

Therefore, his current divine power was recently collected by the crazy disciples in the Black City.

Zhuo Bufan mobilized the profound energy of life and death in his body, and then integrated the divine power into the two qi of life and death.

Through the strengthening of divine power, the two energies of life and death suddenly increased tenfold.

"Take my move."

Zhuo Bufan threw out the reincarnation mill formed by the fusion of life and death profound energy.

If this move hits the body, it will definitely be wiped out on the spot.

However, after the other party saw the cycle of life and death unleashed by Zhuo Bufan.

The mountain man suddenly raised his hand and crushed the wheel of life and death thrown by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was dumbfounded by the opponent's move.

"Oh, not bad!"

Zhuo Bufan said he didn't care, but in fact he was very shocked inside.

He didn't expect that the amethyst giant would destroy the stunt he was proud of with just a wave of his hand.

It's like a firecracker thrown on a stone, only the sound is heard but no power at all.

"Divine power?"

The woman standing on top of the mountain man couldn't help but be surprised when she saw this.

Obviously, she felt Zhuo Bufan's move and used her divine power.

"Yes, is it surprising?"

"Since you can also use divine power, it means you should be from this world!"

Zhuo Bufan confirmed this.

But correspondingly, he was a little confused.

If the other party is from the virtual world, why don't I have any hostility towards him?

Just when Zhuo Bufan was surprised, suddenly, a sky-reaching purple light was released from the mountain man's feet.

The light shone across the sky and earth, attracting the attention of all living beings within a hundred miles.

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