Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 946: Every Mountain Has Its God

Zhuo Bufan suddenly took action and fought against the three mountain men.

And he killed one of the mountain men instantly on the spot.

Now Zhuo Bufan has truly exploded his strength.

The previous battle with Ziyun was just a small test of his skills.

Zhuo Bufan killed one mountain man with one sword and immediately angered the other two.

"Who is this person? How dare you come here to ask for trouble regardless of life or death!"

After Lu Zhong finished speaking, he integrated his divine power into the body of Lu Shang, the green mountain man at his feet.

For a moment, terrifying power burst out from Lu Shang's body.

The surrounding gravity instantly increased nearly a hundred times.

The ground began to collapse, and the birds fell directly.

"What a powerful power, it can actually increase the gravity in space hundreds of times."

Zhuo Bufan was secretly surprised.

However, a hundred times gravity did not have much impact on him.

For Zhuo Bufan, this ability is similar to the regular power of the Yang Realm.

However, this world calls this power the power of the domain.

The domain power of this green mountain man is a hundred times gravity.

In this space, it is not affected by gravity, but everything except him will be affected by a hundred times its own gravity.

After Lu Shang released his domain power, he slapped Zhuo Bufan with his backhand.

That palm covered the sky and the sun, which was extremely terrifying.


Seeing Lu Shang's sky-covering hand pressing towards Zhuo Bufan, Ziyun Soul beside him exclaimed.

"Xiaoxiao, help him!"

Ziyun quickly ordered the mountain man Xiaoxiao at his feet to help Zhuo Bufan.

However, before Xiaoxiao could take action, he saw Zhuo Bufan volley his sword through time and space.

This sword was so fast that no one could see how it was drawn.

Under the influence of Lu Shang's hundredfold gravity, Zhuo Bufan's sword was actually as fast as lightning.

With one strike of the sword, it had penetrated Lu Shang's throat.

Then he waved his sword horizontally and the head fell to the ground.

This scene left Ziyun and Lu Zhong stunned.

"Lu Shang, Lu Shang!"

Lu Zhong felt that Lu Shang's life force was passing away rapidly, and he exclaimed.

"How could this happen? It's impossible, it's impossible."

The life of the mountain people is a symbiotic relationship. Once the mountain dies, the mountain people will also die.

As Lu Shang's vitality continued to disappear, Lu Zhong's vitality also began to disappear.

Until finally, Lu Shangshan began to collapse.

As a native of Lu Shangshan, Lu Zhong's body also began to collapse.

His body cracked and rotted until it was nothing more than a pile of green dirt.

Seeing this scene, the Blue Mountain Man was so frightened that he ran away.

However, Zhuo Bufan and Ziyun did not catch up and kill them all.

It can be seen that Ziyun does not want to kill him.

After all, there are not many mountain people left in this world.

"Thank you for your help."

Facing Zhuo Bufan's life-saving grace, Ziyun was obviously not as hostile as before.

"It's just a little effort, no need to be polite."

"So now, am I still your enemy?"

The reason why Zhuo Bufan took action was actually more because he wanted to understand the world.

The existence of mountain people does not exist in either the cultivation world or the Yang world.

Obviously, this is a special life that only exists in the virtual world.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan followed Xuanyuan Hao's traces and came here. He believed that Xuanyuan Hao must have been here.

As long as he has been here, it is worth his search. Perhaps the woman in front of him should know the whereabouts of Xuanyuan Hao.

Facing Xuanyuan Hao's inquiry, Ziyun was silent for a moment. After a while, she slowly spoke.

"I'm sorry, just now I thought you were here for the Nine-turn Purple Flower just like them."

"I have been guarding this place for three hundred years, just waiting for this flower to bloom."

"This flower is the most important medicine for resurrecting the mountain god. With it, the mountain god can be resurrected."

"Resurrection of the Mountain God?"

Zhuo Bufan just heard Ziyun say it when he was fighting with Lu Zhong.

It seems that this flower can resurrect the mountain god.

"That's right, the mountain god of our mountain people clan can finally be resurrected again."

"Today's world is devastated and godless."

"As long as Lord Mountain God is resurrected, as long as he is resurrected, I believe he can save the world."

The reason why Ziyun cherishes this Nine-turn Purple Flower is to resurrect the god of their mountain people clan.

This world is the world of gods.

Mountains have mountain gods, water has water gods, rivers have river gods, winds have wind gods, flowers have flower gods, trees have tree gods, rocks have stone gods, thunder has thunder gods...

Every species has its gods, which guide the growth and development of all things in the world.

This is the virtual world, a world dominated by gods and belief in gods.

However, hundreds of thousands of years ago, the mirror master of the virtual world wanted to unite with the big guys in the underworld to launch an invasion of the real and yang worlds.

As a result, he was discovered by Yang Jie.

As a result, the Yang Realm began to invade the virtual world on a large scale.

The virtual world is no different from the Yin world. It is just a small world surrounded by the Yang world.

Facing the invasion of the Yang Realm, they were unable to resist.

For hundreds of thousands of years, there have been endless wars.

The flames of war will completely destroy this world.

The land is littered with corpses and flames of war.

After hundreds of thousands of years of fighting, the gods in the virtual world began to fall.

Although they are said to be gods, in fact, their combat power is at most equivalent to that of the Super Saint Daluo in the Yang Realm, and many gods are not good at fighting.

For example, gods such as Transformation God and Grass God are already weak.

They exist to guide the development of their own species, but they do not actually have strong combat capabilities.

Not even comparable to ordinary great saints.

Once upon a time, the God of the Flower Clan was single-handedly killed by a great sage from the Yang Realm, and his head was used as a jug of wine by the great sage from the Yang Realm.

This move shocked the entire virtual world and greatly boosted the morale of people in the Yang world.

A great sage can kill the gods. In their opinion, the virtual world is very weak.

Facing the crazy invasion of the Yang Realm, the Virtual Realm is retreating steadily.

Nowadays, only a few precarious areas are left with the last remaining resistance forces.

And Paradise Island, where Zhuo Bufan wants to go, is the last piece of pure land in the virtual world.

The mountain god of the mountain people clan died thousands of years ago.

He was besieged by three super saints and died. When he died, he left the gods behind and hid them in the holy land of the Shanren clan.

Over the years, the mountain people clan has been looking for a way to resurrect the mountain god.

Now, they have really found it.

"It seems that not everyone of your kind wants your mountain god to be resurrected."

Zhuo Bufan smiled.

Lu Zhong and others came to snatch the Nine-turn Purple Flower, obviously to prevent the resurrection of the mountain man.

After hearing this, Ziyun said helplessly.

"In today's world, everyone is in danger. Everyone is looking for hope of survival."

"I actually understand their approach. After all, the resurrection of the mountain god cannot change the current situation."

"This world is about to completely collapse."

In this world where everyone is in danger, who cares about other people's lives?

Zhuo Bufan looked at the devastated virtual world and felt that they were pitiful.

He didn't want to see this bloodshed.

However, the world is like this and destiny is like this.

This huge yin and yang world is inherently a Shura field.

War is the final return.

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