Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 953: Mountain God Heritage


With the dissipation of the sea of ​​thunder and the holy sword, the creatures of heaven and earth finally breathed a sigh of relief. .

The earth and the sky suddenly became quiet, and it was terrifyingly quiet.

Above the sky, there was really no cloud in the sky.

The originally dark sky suddenly turned pale.

After a long while, the people on the earth reacted.

"What just happened?"

This is a question that everyone wants to ask.

What just happened, making the world pale?

The seven great saints joined forces to break the sea of ​​thunder and sky that Di Ting had prepared for ten thousand years with the invincible holy sword.

Zhuo Bufan finally saw the peak combat power of this world, which can be said to be shocking and awe-inspiring.

"Evil beast, what other means do you have now?"

"Submit your life!"

After destroying Di Ting's ten thousand year sea of ​​thunder, the seven great saints once again joined forces to attack, using their own means to attack the Di Ting beast.

For a time, the holy sword, the holy spear, the supreme divine rope, and various holy weapons came one after another and bombarded Di Ting.

This is a holy weapon made by the great saints with their own heart blood.

On each holy weapon, their rule power is condensed.

Seeing the seven holy weapons coming, the Avici beast was completely unable to resist.

In order to activate the ten thousand year thunder sea just now, it has lost too much divine power.

He only shouted with the last divine power.

"Slave beast Di Ting, please revive the mountain god!"

As soon as Di Ting finished speaking, he rushed to the depths of the Giant God Valley with the last divine power.

In the depths of the Giant God Valley, the final resurrection ceremony is being prepared.

In the sacred place of the Giant God Valley, there is an altar suspended in the air.

Su Jin and Zi Yun stood on the heads of their respective hill giants, and then came to the altar.

Su Jin and Zi Yun knew that the situation was urgent, and they had no other choice but to bite the bullet and want to revive the mountain god.

On the altar, there was a piece of loess.

This loess is the Great Wilderness Xuanhuangtu, which is said to be the mother soil of this land. It is also the most important material for resurrecting the mountain god.

Many mountain people sacrificed themselves to obtain this item.

It can be said that in order to revive the mountain god, their mountain people sacrificed a lot.

In addition to the Great Wilderness Black Yellow Soil, other resurrection offerings that the mountain people have found over thousands of years are placed around the altar.

"Aunt, there is only one step left."

"Master Di Ting said that in order to accelerate the resurrection of Master Mountain God, my blood should be used as a trigger."

Ziyun still remembered what Di Ting had said.

After hearing this, Su Jin hurriedly said.

"Then what are you waiting for, do as Master Di Ting said!"

"If we don't revive Master Mountain God, our mountain people will be destroyed."

After hearing Su Jin's words, Ziyun no longer thought about it.

She picked up the dagger, cut her palm, and then dripped her blood on the yellow soil.

For a moment, the light was shining.

The Great Yellow Black Yellow Soil on the altar began to grow slowly.

They seemed to be longing for Ziyun's blood and began to climb along Ziyun's blood network.

Finally, the Great Desolate Black Yellow Earth went straight into Ziyun's palm along the wound where the blood was flowing.

"How could this happen! Ziyun, Ziyun!"

Aunt Su Jin, who saw this scene, was obviously confused.

She didn't know what happened, and she didn't know what would happen in the process of resurrecting the mountain god.


As the Great Desolate Black Yellow Earth continued to invade Ziyun's body.

It even replaced Ziyun's blood and began to flow in Ziyun's blood vessels.

The hill giant Xiaoxiao under Ziyun's feet began to howl.

Ziyun and the hill giant live and die together.

Ziyun was hurt, and Xiaoxiao would also be hurt in the same way.

"Ziyun, Ziyun!"

Su Jin on the side was at a loss.

And at this moment, suddenly a divine light flew from the sky, drilled directly into the holy land, and came to the altar.

Then it was injected into Ziyun's body without thinking.

"Sorry Su Jin Ziyun, I still deceived you."

The one who spoke was the dying Di Ting.

"Master Di Ting, is that you?"

"Master Di Ting, please take a quick look, what happened to Ziyun?"

Su Jin said anxiously.

At this time, only Di Ting's vicissitudes of life were heard.

"Children, I lied to you. The mountain god cannot be resurrected!"

After hearing Di Ting's words, Su Jin was stunned.

"Cannot be resurrected? Why, why?"

Su Jin was stunned. He didn't expect Di Ting to have been lying to them all the time.

"The mountain god has fallen, and his era has long ended."

"But he left behind gods. With gods, another mountain god can be established."

"And this new mountain god needs to use her body as a sacrifice. As long as the ceremony is successful, she can become the new mountain god."

Su Jin understood what Di Ting said.

It turned out that from the beginning, Di Ting planned to let Ziyun be a sacrifice, or as the successor of the new mountain god.

The mountain god cannot be resurrected, but can be inherited.

The former mountain god left behind gods, and as long as you are a mountain man, you can inherit.

However, Di Ting still didn't finish.

After hearing this, Su Jin hurriedly asked.

"What if it fails? Master Di Ting, what will happen if it fails?"

Su Jin didn't expect that this ceremony would require Ziyun as a sacrifice.

If she had known earlier, she would have offered herself as a sacrifice.

After hearing this, Di Ting replied helplessly.

"If she fails, she will be reduced to ashes and will never be reborn."

Di Ting's words made Su Jin collapse to the ground helplessly.

"No, Yun'er is still a child, she is still a child!"

"Master Di Ting, can you stop the ceremony and let me do it instead, let me be the sacrifice."

Su Jin begged desperately, but Di Ting sighed helplessly.

"It's too late, the ceremony has already started. Xuan Huang Tu has entered Ziyun's body with the power of the gods."

"I'm sorry Ziyun, I'm sorry Su Jin. I have always deceived you."

"As compensation, I will use my last strength to help you."

"I hope you can successfully inherit the throne and become the new mountain god again. Lead the mountain people to survive forever."

After listening, Di Ting turned into a ray of light and merged into Ziyun who was receiving the inheritance.

The next second, Ziyun, who was originally dying, suddenly opened her eyes.

She was wrapped in endless divine power.

These divine powers turned into silk threads, just like silk, wrapping up Ziyun.

Finally, she was wrapped into a huge divine cocoon.

After completing all this, Di Ting's divine power also disappeared.


In the outside world, Di Ting transferred his last divine power to Ziyun.

And he was directly subjected to the joint killing from the seven great saints.


A golden holy sword pierced through Di Ting's thigh and chopped it off on the spot.

Di Ting lost his balance and knelt down directly on the ground.


A bright holy spear followed closely behind, flying over, piercing its chest and crushing all its internal organs.


Another holy sword slashed horizontally and cut off Di Ting's two legs.


One chain after another pierced Di Ting's body and completely sealed him up.


In this way, Di Ting endured several holy weapons' killings in a row and was already dying.

"Let me get to know him!"

At this moment, the last great saint raised the long halberd in his hand and chopped off Di Ting's head.

The holy halberd was powerful and powerful.

Just when Di Ting's head was about to be chopped off.

A ray of light flashed, and the holy halberd was suddenly cut off.

"Who is my blue holy halberd?"

The owner of the holy halberd shouted, and the thunder was furious.

A man walked out of the glow.

"Seven against one, you great saints are really good at playing!"

The light dissipated, and the man appeared out of nowhere. It was Zhuo Bufan who arrived in time!


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