Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 955: Mountain God Resurrects

Zhuo Bufan's sword pierced through the throat of the old man Ming.

Everyone was stunned, including the old man Ming himself.

He couldn't say anything and could only watch his throat dripping with blood.

"The Infinite Sword!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted, and the power of the Infinite Sword was activated.

The powerful law power began to devour the life of the old man Ming.

The old man Ming found that his life was slowly retreating and constantly returning to zero.

That was the law power of the Infinite Sword.

The Infinite Sword is an innate artifact, and its inherent power is the law power.

And the law power is higher than the rule power, and it is a rule power without loopholes.

Therefore, facing the zeroing law power of the Infinite Sword, the old man Ming could not stop it at all.

He could only watch his life disappear rapidly and return to zero.

The other six great saints not far away were dumbfounded.

"Ming Lao, Ming Lao lost!"

The six great saints obviously did not expect that Zhuo Bufan, with the strength of a mere little saint, actually defeated the great saint Ming Lao.

And not only that, he killed the Great Saint directly.

"How is it possible? That sword, it's the weirdness of that sword!"

"Oh my God, is that an innate artifact?"

Finally, a Great Saint reacted.

They soon realized that it was not Zhuo Bufan who was powerful, but the Wuliang Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

"Not only that sword, did you notice that the bell in his hand is also an innate artifact."

Innate artifacts, artifacts with their own laws.

They are born innately, and there are only ten of them.

The ten innate artifacts can be said to be treasures that every cultivator dreams of getting.

You know, even the three supreme sects only have one innate artifact each.

But this kid in front of him has two, what a good fortune and opportunity.

"What should I do now? This kid is not simple!"

"It's not clear what kind of law the sword in his hand is, but now it seems that once it is touched by the sword, it will definitely die."

The other six Great Saints began to assess the situation and did not dare to take action immediately.

After all, Zhuo Bufan had just killed a great saint in seconds.

They coveted the Wuliang Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand, but at the same time they were quite afraid of the Wuliang Sword.

If anyone dared to go up now, they might be the next to die.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan, after killing Ming Lao in seconds, looked around and saw that these great saints did not dare to take action.

Then he looked at the ground. On the ground, the army of Yangjie was madly slaughtering the mountain people.

Soon, the mountain people had lost more than half.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan raised the Chaos Bell in his hand and shouted.

"Old Zhong, let that thing out for me."

As Zhuo Bufan's voice fell, a black shadow rushed out of the Chaos Bell.

For a while, the black thing began to attack the soldiers of Yangjie madly on the ground.

"What is that?"

"I don't know, but it is full of malice."

Several great saints watched the black, elephant-like creature rampaging in the crowd.

Wherever he passed, he was stained with countless black mud. These black muds seemed to have life and immediately attached to others.

Then he quickly devoured them, and finally the man turned into a new black monster.

The thing that Zhuo Bufan threw out was the Yin Beast that would change when touched.

Yin Beasts are actually condensed from countless hair-like creatures.

This kind of Yin Beast is a creature unique to the Yin Realm, and even the Void Realm does not have it.

After all, Zhuo Bufan has never seen it in the Yunmeng Realm.

It can only be said that Yin Beasts are unique to the Yin Realm.

If this kind of thing is not destroyed, even if only a hair is left, it will reproduce rapidly.

And they reproduce very quickly, and it is difficult to stop it at all.

When it encounters a person, it turns into a human form, and when it encounters a beast, it turns into a beast form.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan knows the dead spot of this Yin Beast, so he can completely control it in his hands.

The Yin Beast appears and sweeps through thousands of troops.

The warriors of the Yang Realm have never seen this thing before. If they are not careful, they will be invaded by the Yin Beast and occupy their souls.

What's even more terrifying is that after the Yin Beast occupied the body and soul, it made the host's strength even stronger.

In this way, the strength of the Yin Beast can be said to be growing like a snowball.

"Damn it, the thing he released is not simple."

"It can't go on, everyone, join forces and kill this thief."

Seeing that the Yin Beast released by Zhuo Bufan began to harm the entire battlefield.

The great saints finally couldn't sit still.

They intended to join forces to fight Zhuo Bufan. The main reason was that everyone was afraid of the infinite sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand, so they had to show all their strength just in case.

"Join hands! Kill him, as for who will eventually get the two treasures on him, we will make plans."

Some great saints actually took a fancy to the two innate artifacts in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

As long as they get the innate artifacts, they will definitely do it at all costs.

So, the six great saints joined forces again.

The spiritual energy suddenly filled the entire Giant God Valley.

The powerful spiritual energy completely enveloped the Giant God Valley, forming a huge barrier.

In this enchantment, countless spirits soared wildly.

All the great saints were concentrating their own ultimate moves, preparing to send Zhuo Bufan to a spectacular death.

"Damn it, aren't you going to fight one-on-one?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that the six great saints would suddenly be shameless and join forces to attack him.

"Haha, you are really shameless, if you have the guts, come and fight me one-on-one!"

"Seven great saints, oh no, now there are six."

"Why, you don't even have the courage to fight me one-on-one?"

Zhuo Bufan obviously couldn't beat the six people together, so he wanted to separate them, preferably to form a one-on-one situation.

However, Zhuo Bufan's move to kill the great saint just now made them dare not underestimate this man.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, everyone, join forces to make him disappear into ashes!"

As soon as the voice fell, the four great saints suddenly released powerful killing moves towards Zhuo Bufan who was surrounded.

One by one, the holy weapons carried incredible power and swept away.

"Damn, these old shameless people, you win."

Seeing this situation, Zhuo Bufan chose to dodge at the first time.

Just kidding, he was not so conceited to join forces to fight against the six great saints.

So, Zhuo Bufan hid in the Chaos Bell at the first time.

The attacks of the six great saints all hit the Chaos Bell.

Buzz buzz buzz!

For a moment, the sound of chaos exploded in the sky above the Giant God Valley, shocking the heaven and earth to resonate.

"Zhuo Bufan, you little bastard, let me help you take the thunder again!"

"It hurts your uncle to death."

Although the Chaos Bell has an absolutely powerful defense. Ordinary people can't hurt it at all.

But as a weapon spirit, the Chaos Bell will completely withstand these attacks.

Ordinary attacks on weapon spirits are certainly not taken seriously.

But at this time, the Chaos Bell is bearing the joint attack of the six great saints, which is also a big blow to him.

"Sorry, Lao Zhong, you help me first. When I get out, I will kill them all and avenge you."

"Stinky boy, don't fool me, you can't beat them at all, otherwise why would you hide in my body?"

Facing the questioning of the Chaos Bell, Zhuo Bufan did not answer again.

The six rays of light released by the six great saints were each full of destructive power, which was wearing away the resistance of the Chaos Bell.

"Damn it, brat, I can't stand it anymore!"

"With your current cultivation, you can't fully exert my defensive ability."

Zhuo Bufan only obtained 30% of the power of the Chaos Bell, and the remaining 70% belonged to Bai Su.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan can only exert 30% of the power of the Chaos Bell so far.

Therefore, facing the joint attack of the six great saints, the Chaos Bell was obviously unable to withstand it.

"No, Old Zhong, if you can't bear it, I'm finished."

"You kid, solve the trouble yourself, I really can't bear it."

"Don't you have a little Qilin? Let him take you away!"

During the conversation, the Chaos Bell suddenly disappeared.

Zhuo Bufan was thrown out of the chaotic space.

"This damn thing."

After Zhuo Bufan was spit out, six powerful energies bombarded him.

"It's over. Do we really have to reload the game?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was on the verge of death, a ray of light fell from the sky.

Powerful divine power instantly filled Zhuo Bufan's body.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan was wrapped in an endless divine light, and the joint attack of the six saints was blocked.

Everyone looked up and saw a goddess falling from the sky.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw this.



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