Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 961 Daughter of the Moon Goddess

The faceless killing god is now the hope of the virtual world.

All the creatures in the virtual world place their hopes on him.

Just like back then, the hope of the world of cultivation was Emperor Xuan.

In Su Yao's mind, in today's virtual world, there is no one other than the Faceless Killing God who can fight so many great saints alone.

And Su Yao has a fate with the Faceless Killer God.

The flower world where Su Yao is located is related to the legendary god clan in Canglan Domain.

As a saint of the flower world, Su Yao's future is to marry into the Canglan Domain.

And that faceless killing god is very likely to be her future husband.

That's why Su Yao looks at Zhuo Bufan differently.

If Zhuo Bufan is really her future destination, Su Yao is very willing to accept such a fate.

However, Su Yao obviously thought too much. Zhuo Bufan is not a faceless killer, let alone her future destination.

"Girl, I am not some faceless killer."

"Thank you for your help, but I shouldn't stay here for a long time. I must go to the Moon God Palace immediately."

Zhuo Bufan is not in the mood to have sex with Su Yao here.

His friends are still suffering in the Luna Palace, and their lives may be in danger at any time.

When Su Yao heard this, she was stunned for a moment.

"Moon God Palace? Master, are you going to Moon God Palace?"

"Yes, my friends below were captured by the Moon God. I must save them."

"Luna, captured your friend?"

Su Yao frowned deeply. After a while, she raised her charming eyes and said.

"Sir, maybe Su Yao can help you."

"Fairy, will you help me?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised.

"To be honest, I am the daughter of the Moon Goddess. Maybe there is some misunderstanding."

What Zhuo Bufan didn't expect was that the flower fairy in front of him turned out to be the daughter of the Moon God.

"You are the daughter of the Moon God? Then how can you be the Saint of the Flower World?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would meet the daughter of the Moon God. This was God's will!

"My mother is the ninth concubine of the Moon God. Although I am his daughter, we have not seen each other for thousands of years."

"Back then, strange demons invaded our world. Father God, as the world's supreme god, chose to guard the Moon God Palace and refused to save the world that was about to be destroyed."

"My relationship with him was once ice cold."

It turns out that when the flower world was in trouble, Su Yao went to pray to the Moon God.

However, for some unknown reason, the Moon God refused to take action, and instead watched the world go to destruction.

Therefore, in Su Yao's heart, she despises her father.

I even wanted to sever ties with him at one point.

However, now that Zhuo Bufan's friend is captured by the Moon God, Su Yao feels that she may be able to help Zhuo Bufan.

This flower world saint obviously already has different feelings for Zhuo Bufan.

Just like Yi Meng's feelings for Zhuo Bufan when they were in hell.

However, Yi Meng had lost her memory at that time, and her real lover was Chu Mubai.

But the flower fairy in front of her has not lost her memory.

Her affection for Zhuo Bufan originated from the moment when Zhuo Bufan fought against the three great sages to protect justice.

"Okay, then Fairy Lao will be here."

"To be honest, I went to the Moon God Palace this time just to negotiate with the Moon God."

"I hope Luna can let my friend go. There must be a misunderstanding."

After hearing this, Flower Fairy Su Yao frowned.

"I know Father God's temperament. In fact, he is not a pessimistic god. On the contrary, he used to be very gentle to us."

"It's just that since this world was invaded, Father God's temperament has changed drastically."

"In the face of this devastated world, where all lives are in ruins, he just stood aside and did not take any action."

"Nowadays, not many living beings can believe in him anymore."

"He became the cowardly god among the people in the world and was insulted by everyone in the virtual world."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan also fell into thinking.

Zhuo Bufan learned from Su Yao that the Moon God is actually a very good god.

This is natural, otherwise he would not have been believed by people in the world and become the supreme god.

The Supreme God is the incarnation of truth, goodness and beauty.

Because they are the supreme gods who rely on people's faith.

If they have bad character, they will not be loved by people.

But this Moon God chose to look on with a cold eye when the world was facing a crisis.

Now, not many creatures in the virtual world believe in him anymore. It can be said that the Moon God has become an isolated god.

This god is already on the verge of death.

"Let's do this, sir!"

"This is the soul flower of our flower world, it can strengthen people's soul."

"I see that you are mentally weak and your soul needs to be replenished."

"We will go to the Moon God Palace tomorrow."

Su Yao handed the flowers in the basket to Zhuo Bufan for consumption.

After Zhuo Bufan took the soul flower, he grabbed one and sucked it into his mouth.

Suddenly, I felt that my weak soul power was recovering rapidly.

Not only that, this soul flower also contains powerful spiritual power. Zhuo Bufan felt that his spiritual power was also recovering quickly.

"Okay, Fairy, I won't rest. Could you please Fairy, please accompany me to the Moon God Palace now?"

"I really can't wait any longer. One more day of delay may put my friends in more danger."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't wait and said to Su Yao.

Su Yao saw Zhuo Bufan so sincere, she narrowed her eyes and said.

"Well, young master is loyal and righteous, it's great to have a friend like you."

"Then I'll get ready and go to the Moon Palace with you immediately."

Su Yao said, and went out to prepare the flower car.

Zhuo Bufan sucked all the soul flowers in the flower basket into his stomach.

His soul began to recover slowly.

After his soul recovered about 10%, Zhuo Bufan finally had strength.

Then he got up and came to the outside of the tree house.

I saw a gorgeous flower car in front of me.

The flower car was pulled by a flying horse, and the flower car was full of colorful flowers.

Su Yao sat in the flower car, like a beautiful bride.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't have any blasphemous thoughts.

"Young master, get in the car!"

Su Yao gestured to Zhuo Bufan to get in the car.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly jumped on the flower car.

Then, he followed Su Yao, and under the pull of Pegasus, he headed towards the Moon Palace in the sky.

Along the way, Zhuo Bufan learned from Su Yao what kind of existence the Moon God was.

After the fall of the Sun God and the Star God, the Moon God became the supreme god of the virtual world.

After the chaos of the mirror, everything was in ruins.

Under the leadership of the Moon God, the virtual world slowly grew from a ruin.

During its heyday, all races came to pay tribute.

However, the grand occasion did not last long, and the Yang Realm began to invade the virtual world.

At first, the Moon God would fight for the virtual world.

But suddenly one day, the Moon God gave up the fight and chose to watch.

This was obviously inconsistent with his character.

As children, Su Yao and others had persuaded the Moon God.

However, the Moon God was unmoved.

Until, people's belief in the Moon God became weaker and weaker, the Moon God began to fall, and the divine ring began to dim.

He also became a lonely man, coldly guarding the Moon Palace alone.

In short, the Moon Goddess is not as vicious as Zhuo Bufan thought.

Perhaps this time, we can really negotiate.

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