Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 969: Divine Artifact Grudge

When Wuliangjian shouted that the sun in front of him was the Qiankun Sacred Lock, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Qiankun Sacred Lock, isn't that one of the ten innate artifacts?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately summoned the Chaos Bell and Wuliangjian.

The Chaos Bell and Wuliangjian are both innate artifacts, and the roommate senses between the artifacts.

"That's right, master, it's the Qiankun Sacred Lock, this is the Qiankun Sacred Lock."

Wulianjian seemed very excited, while Chaos Bell had no memory at all.

"Old Zhong, what's wrong with your memory? Don't you remember this Qiankun Sacred Lock?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that Chaos Bell had been damaged and lost a lot of memory.

After hearing this, Chaos Bell responded.

"I don't remember, but this thing is indeed somewhat familiar."

There was no way, Zhuo Bufan placed his hope on Wuliangjian.

"Master, believe me, this is the Qiankun Sacred Lock."

"The Qiankun Sacred Lock ranked ninth among the ten innates. Its divine rule is a seal!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was excited.

I didn't expect that I would encounter an innate divine weapon so soon.

Is he destined to have a connection with these innate divine weapons?

"Let me ask!"

Zhuo Bufan quickly used the Soul Awareness Mantra to communicate with the Qiankun Sacred Lock.

However, no matter how Zhuo Bufan tried to communicate, the Qiankun Sacred Lock didn't seem to respond.

"What's going on? Ignore me!"

"Wulian, you try!"

Zhuo Bufan asked Wuliang Sword to communicate with the Qiankun Sacred Lock, but the Qiankun Sacred Lock remained indifferent.

After trying for a while, Wuliang Sword replied.

"No, the spirit of the Qiankun Sacred Lock seems to be asleep."

"Asleep? What's going on?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

There is obviously a reason why the spirit of the divine weapon is asleep.

"I remember, could it be related to the Xuanhuang Ding?"

Wulian Sword replied.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it.

"Xuanhuang Ding? What's going on?"

Wuliangjian answered after hearing it.

"Master, do you remember what I told you? The Xuanhuang Ding is actually sealed in the Qiankun Sacred Lock."

"Ah? In other words, there are actually two innate artifacts in front of us?"

Zhuo Bufan was surprised.

"Yes, Qiankun Sacred Lock and Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron had a great war before the ancient times."

"Qiankun Sacred Lock exhausted all its power and sealed Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron."

"So, there are actually two major artifacts in front of us."

Wuliangjian's words surprised Zhuo Bufan.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan actually got two innate artifacts at once.

"Haha, it seems that God really helps me."

"Qiankun Sacred Lock, Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron!"

"The two innates are all mine."

Zhuo Bufan was very excited, after all, these are two innate artifacts.

Add the Wuliang Sword and Chaos Bell in his hand.

That is the four innate artifacts.

There are only ten innate artifacts in this world, and Zhuo Bufan has four of them.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan alone has obtained the greatest opportunity in this world!

"No, master, if you want to truly own them, you must sign a soul contract with them."

"But now, even the two of them can't communicate, it's very difficult to make a contract!"

Wuliangjian's words made Zhuo Bufan fall into deep thought.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan can't become the owner of two artifacts now.

"If you want to make a contract with them, the master may need to resolve the grievances between them."

Zhuo Bufan asked hurriedly after hearing it.

"Do you know why the Qiankun Sacred Lock sealed the Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron?"

Wuliangjian answered hurriedly after hearing it.

"This has to do with their first owner."

"The previous owners of the Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron and the Qiankun Sacred Lock were actually a couple."

Wuliangjian told the story, allowing Zhuo Bufan to understand a long-standing grievance.

It turns out that the previous owner of Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron and the owner of Qiankun Sacred Lock were from the same school. They were originally the true essence of heaven and earth, a pair of jasper.

However, one day, the owner of Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron betrayed the righteous path and fell into a demon.

He used Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron to destroy the world crazily.

The divine rule of Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron is destruction, and there is a terrifying destructive power hidden in the cauldron.

Seeing that the world was about to be destroyed by the owner of Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron.

At this time, the owner of Qiankun Sacred Lock finally took action.

Facing their beloved, they broke out in a shocking battle.

In that battle, both of them died and died together.

Before the woman died, she asked Qiankun Sacred Lock to seal Xuanhuang Divine Cauldron.

This seal was never opened again.

Wuliangjian spoke very briefly, but Zhuo Bufan understood the story.

Unexpectedly, there was such a story between Qiankun Lock and Xuanhuang Cauldron.

Their owners were originally Taoist companions.

But in the end, they turned against each other.

The Qiankun Lock sealed the Xuanhuang Ding, and the grudges between them are really difficult to resolve in a short time.

"There is no other way, it seems that we can only put them away first."

"It can be seen that after Chidi got them, he still couldn't open the seal."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that it was impossible for him to open the seal of the Qiankun Lock now.

He could only wait until the time was right to see if he could open the Qiankun Lock.

"Then we can only put them away first."

"Old Zhong, can you put them in your chaotic space?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the innate artifacts were not easy to store.

His Meicheng may not be able to bear it at all.

Fortunately, he still has the Chaos Bell.

The Chaos Bell is also an innate artifact, which can carry these two artifacts that have lost their divinity.

Then, Zhuo Bufan placed the Qiankun Lock and Xuanhuang Ding in the Chaos Space.

After putting the two innate artifacts into the Chaos Space, the entire Sun Temple began to collapse.

Because the space where the two artifacts were hidden was destroyed, the entire temple finally could not bear it anymore and entered destruction.

"It's time to leave!"

In the end, Zhuo Bufan did not get any information about Emperor Xuan.

The temple was moved to a very empty space, and nothing was left.

However, Zhuo Bufan got two artifacts, so this trip to the Sun Palace was not a complete waste.

"It's time to go to Paradise Island!"

Finally, Zhuo Bufan had finished what he was supposed to do.

Now his only goal is to go to Paradise Island and then return to the world of cultivation.

Along the way, he took out the snowflake ball that Bai Su had sealed herself.

Finally, the day of their family reunion is getting closer and closer.

According to the virtual world map given by Gao Zhan, Zhuo Bufan quickly headed towards Paradise Island.

“The Canglan Domain is in front, and after passing through the Canglan Domain, it is the Inner Sea!”

“In the center of the Inner Sea is Paradise Island.”

Zhuo Bufan discovered that the map of the virtual world is actually almost the same as that of the Yunmeng Realm.

Especially the Inner Sea, which the Yunmeng Realm also has.

However, in the center of the Inner Sea of ​​the Yunmeng Realm is the Lord of Qianyu.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that he did not encounter any creatures of the Qianyu clan when he came to the virtual world this time.

Of course, one thing is certain, the Yunmeng Realm is the world created by Baidi based on the virtual world.

However, Baidi made the Yunmeng Realm into a world of trial.

And the Qianyu clan must exist.

“Fly over! It’s not far anyway.”

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to fly over the Canglan Domain, a murderous intent suddenly attacked from below.

Zhuo Bufan looked carefully and saw that it was a few birdmen holding weapons and rushing towards him.

Soon, a group of birdmen with wings on their bodies surrounded Zhuo Bufan.

"Who dares to trespass into the Canglan Territory?"


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