Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 971 Heading to Jingjing

After Zhuo Bufan handed his distress order to Xigong Haoyue, he left Canglan Domain.

This time, no one stopped him, and Xigong Haoyue even saw him off in person.

And Xigong Haoyue also gave Zhuo Bufan a token.

This token allowed Zhuo Bufan to enter and exit Paradise Island freely, which was considered a pass.

After Zhuo Bufan left, Xigong Haoyue just held the token in his hand.

He did not question the token given by Zhuo Bufan.

After all, the only one who knew the name Xigong Haoyue was his master, Moon God.

So, he believed every word Zhuo Bufan said.

After leaving Canglan Domain, Zhuo Bufan flew towards the inner sea.

The Paradise Island they were going to was in the center of the inner sea.

Paradise Island was the last piece of pure land in the virtual world.

There was no war here, and people in the Yang world dared not fight here.

The reason was simple, because Paradise Island sealed the legendary man, the Mirror Master.

Once a war broke out on Paradise Island, it was likely to break the seal.

When the Mirror Master under the seal is resurrected, the crisis it will bring will be unimaginable.

Who is the Mirror Master? The world god of this world!

He launched the Mirror Chaos Era with his own strength, and almost plunged the entire Yin-Yang world into a war.

Therefore, many people are afraid of the Mirror Master's resurrection.

The three saints of the Yang Realm also clearly stated that people from the Yang Realm are prohibited from launching wars in Heaven.

This ban is not only to protect the last piece of pure land, Paradise Island.

It is also to protect the seal from being destroyed.

Therefore, Paradise Island is the last pure land in the virtual world.

People here can live peacefully.

Moreover, Paradise Island is guarded by 72 gods.

These gods may not be powerful, but they each represent a kind of belief and inheritance.

With them, all living things can live and work in peace.


"We are almost there, Paradise Island is ahead."

Zhuo Bufan has the Avici beast to travel, so his speed is naturally beyond words, and space travel is commonplace.

Although they had gone through many twists and turns, they still arrived at Paradise Island.

As far as the eye could see, there was a huge island on the sea.

Rather than an island, it was more like a small continent.

On this land, trees soared into the sky and clouds covered the sky. There was a huge hemispherical energy shield that protected the entire Paradise Island.

As they flew along, many powerful sea beasts on the sea noticed Zhuo Bufan.

These sea beasts popped up their huge heads from the bottom of the sea and followed Zhuo Bufan closely to Paradise Island.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to approach Paradise Island, a huge circular wave suddenly released from the island and shook towards Zhuo Bufan.

Some of the sea beasts that approached were shattered by the spiritual wave in an instant, turning into a pool of blood mist, polluting the entire sea.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw this.

Then he summoned the Wuliang Sword and slashed it in the air, breaking the opponent's attack.

"Automatic defense device?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the sea beasts below.

These sea beasts dared not move forward, it was obvious that the front was a restricted area.

Seeing the defense being broken by Zhuo Bufan,

someone finally flew out from Paradise Island.

And no less than ten people flew out at once.


The group of people who came was mainly a man in yellow.

This man was arrogant, with a look of invincibility, looking down at Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan took out the token given by Xigong Haoyue.

The people in front of him widened their eyes when they saw this.

"Canglan Order?"

"Can I go in now?"

Zhuo Bufan knew the influence of Xigong Haoyue.

Although Xigong Haoyue was outside the island now, he was guarding the last line of defense of Paradise Island.

He was very high in the island.

All the gods respected Xigong Haoyue very much and believed that Xigong Haoyue was the hope of their virtual world.

So, when they saw Xigong Haoyue's Canglan Order, they all looked at Zhuo Bufan differently.

The man in yellow had a worried look in his eyes.

"So you are the one sent by the Faceless Killing God. What is the important matter that he sent you back for?"

The man in yellow asked.

"Who are you?"

Zhuo Bufan did not even look at him, but just asked coldly.

The man in yellow shouted with anger in his eyebrows.

"How dare you! I am the descendant of the Earth God. You don't kneel down when you see me."

"Hehe, I don't have time to talk to you. This Canglan Order should be useful, right?"

Zhuo Bufan ignored the descendant of the Earth God.

Instead, he took the Canglan Order given by Xigong Haoyue and walked straight into Paradise Island.

"I came here on the order of the Faceless Killing God. I have important things to do."

"I need someone to lead the way for me."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, a female god flew out immediately.

"Since you were sent by the Faceless God of Killing, we will naturally help you."

"I wonder what the Lord God of Killing has ordered?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his lips and smiled slightly.

"Take me to the mysterious well in the center of Paradise Island."


When everyone heard this, they all frowned.

"Are you talking about the Mirror Well?"

The female god asked in confusion.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what the well was called, but when he heard the name, he thought it must be the Mirror Well.

This well was built by the Mirror Master at the beginning, and it was a passage leading to the world of cultivation.

It is also the only way for Zhuo Bufan to return to the world of cultivation.

"Boy, do you know what you are talking about? Jingjing is a forbidden place on Paradise Island. Even if Lord Killer God comes in person, he cannot enter casually."

The descendant of the Earth God on the side stopped him.

But at this point, no one can stop Zhuo Bufan.

"What if this matter is related to the safety of the whole world?"

Zhuo Bufan is not threatening these people, but if they really don't lead the way, then Zhuo Bufan will break into Jingjing by himself.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's solemn face, it was the female god who stood up and said.

"Okay, since you come with Lord Killer God's Canglan Order, you are Lord Killer God's messenger."

"I'll take you there."

"Lian Qiao, do you know what you are doing?"

The other immortals present disagreed.

But this goddess called Lian Qiao obviously trusts Xigong Haoyue very much.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan coming with Xigong Haoyue's Canglan Order, she didn't doubt it at all.

"Then please lead the way!"

Although no one else wanted to take Zhuo Bufan with them, the goddess had a high status in Paradise Island, so they could only follow her.

Under the guidance of the goddess, Zhuo Bufan finally arrived at the center of Paradise Island.

In the center of Paradise Island, there was a lake.

The lake was like a mirror, without any waves.

And in the center of the lake, there was a well.

The well was so deep that no one knew what was on the other side of the well.

"I wonder what the God of Killing suddenly sent you to the mirror well for?"

The goddess was still asking Zhuo Bufan.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan only said two words lightly.


The next second, Zhuo Bufan flew into the well without hesitation.

Zhuo Bufan's speed was so fast that no one reacted.

When they came to their senses, Zhuo Bufan had already jumped into the bottomless mirror well.


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