Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 973 Changes in the Real World

After a long journey, I don’t know how many years have passed.

Zhuo Bufan and his friends finally came back.

Zhuo Bufan couldn’t be happy alone, so he quickly called Xuanyuan Hao and his friends out of Meicheng.

When Xuanyuan Hao and his friends came out of Meicheng, even a calm guy like Xuanyuan Hao couldn’t hold back his temper.

“We’re back, we’re back.”

Xuanyuan Hao obviously wanted to return to the world of cultivation, after all, there was his home in the world of cultivation, and his sister who loved him the most.

“Yes, we’re back, after so many years, we’re finally back.”

Zhuo Bufan and his friends were like a group of people who left home when they were young and returned when they were old. For them, the world of cultivation was their hometown.

They were naturally very happy to return to their hometown.

“Is this your hometown?”

Li Miaoyin, who was next to Xuanyuan Hao, blinked her big eyes and looked at the world around her curiously.

Not only her, but Yi Meng and Lin Xi, who came from hell, were also a little excited.

For them, this was a brand new world.

They wanted to start their lives again in this world.

"Father, I miss Aunt Lingyu and the others!"

Bai Zifan thought of the aunts of the Su Nu Sect.

They entered hell to save Bai Zifan.

After entering hell, they went to the Yang Realm.

Finally, they arrived at the Void Realm.

After a long journey, they finally returned to the world of cultivation.

"Yeah, I miss Lu Fei and his group of guys too!"

Zhuo Bufan has not forgotten his Kuangmen and his brothers.

"Xuanyuan, Lao Chu, what are your plans next?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Xuanyuan Hao and Chu Mubai.

After finally returning to their hometown, they will definitely go back to their homes to take a look.

Sure enough, Xuanyuan Hao looked at Li Miaoyin on the side, then held her hand and said.

"I want to take her back to the Ancient Temple to meet my father and younger sister."

Xuanyuan Hao, this guy, has now learned to show his affection openly and be a bitch.

Chu Mubai on the other side is not to be outdone.

"I also want to take my wife and children back to Huoyun City. My subordinates should still be waiting for me there!"

"Haha, your subordinates are women, right?"

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him and said.

As a result, Yi Meng, who was standing by, reached out and grabbed Chu Mubai's ear after hearing this.

"Woman? Old rogue, how dare you cheat on me?"

Yi Meng is a female war god, and the old swindler Chu Mubai instantly became a little milk dog in front of Yi Meng.

"Wife, no, really no."

"No? Take me to see, if it's really a woman, I'll castrate you."

"What, no, wife, I can't castrate you, I can't castrate you!!"

Chu Mubai begged bitterly, and Zhuo Bufan laughed when he saw this.

"Then let's separate here!"

"Xuanyuan, you go back to the Ancient Temple, and Lao Chu, you go back to Huoyun City."

"What about you?"

Xuanyuan Hao looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan showed a smug smile on his face.

"Me? I have to go back to the Crazy Gate first, and then go to the Holy Land."

"We have been separated for too long, it's time to reunite."

Xuanyuan Hao and Chu Mubai, who were present, understood Zhuo Bufan's words.

It's time for Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su to reunite.

"By the way, let's meet here again in ten days! We need to discuss the matter of the demon."

Unconsciously, Zhuo Bufan has become the leader among them.

He now has absolute say.

"No problem, then we'll go first!"

The old swindler couldn't wait to leave.

And Xuanyuan Hao wanted to see his sister immediately.


"Brother Zifan, sister Yaya, goodbye."

The little girl Lin Xi and Bai Zifan said goodbye to Yaya, and then left with her parents.

And Xuanyuan Hao nodded gently, then turned and flew away.

Zhuo Bufan watched Xuanyuan Hao and the old swindler fly away in two different directions.

After they left, Bai Zifan asked.

"Father, what's going on with the demon?"

When Bai Zifan heard about the demon, he suddenly realized something.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Bai Zifan with a dark face and a panic-stricken look.

He reached out and touched Bai Zifan's head, then smiled.

"Nothing, it's just that the demon in your body should have escaped."

"That's good, from now on, you won't have any worries."

Facing the resurrection of the demon, Zhuo Bufan seemed very calm and did not question Bai Zifan.

However, Bai Zifan was terrified.

"But father, that's the demon. Damn it, how could this happen, the demon is resurrected, that guy, he actually resurrected."

The demon that Bai Zifan feared and hated the most in his life was the demon.

For a while, he even felt ashamed of being a demon.

And now, the thing he was most worried about has happened.

"Okay Zifan, it's just a demon. Trust your father, we will deal with him after we rescue your mother."

Zhuo Bufan now feels that he can fight against the Super Saint Daluo.

His strength is also unprecedentedly strong.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan believes that he can deal with the demon.

After hearing the four words "rescue mother", Bai Zifan's face turned from fear to joy.

"Mom, that's great, father. I've been waiting for this day for many years."

When Bai Zifan heard that he was going to save his mother Bai Su, he was so excited that he burst into tears.

Zhuo Bufan saw the boy crying and smiled happily.

"Okay, boy, you are a real man, why are you crying?"

"It makes me want to cry."

Bai Zifan is not the only one who misses Bai Su.

Zhuo Bufan also misses Bai Su very much.

"Daddy, brother, don't cry!"

Ya Ya, who was standing aside, was suddenly deeply touched when she saw the two grown men in front of her crying for each other. She was also so excited that she almost cried.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and picked up Ya Ya.

"Okay, don't cry!"

"Little girl, you are going to see your mother soon, are you happy?"

Ya Ya nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

"Happy, Yaya is very happy."

"Well, let's go see your mother with this joyful mood!"

"But before that, I have to contact your uncle Lu Fei first."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he turned his palm and a conch appeared.

Then, he began to call Lu Fei.

"Lu Fei, I'm back."

Zhuo Bufan used the conch to call Lu Fei.

However, after a long time, there was no response from the conch.

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"What's the matter? Lu Fei, I'm Zhuo Bufan, I'm back, please answer if you hear me."

Zhuo Bufan called for a while, but there was still no response.

"Did something happen?"

Zhuo Bufan quickly took out a jade card from the Xuan Bone Ring.

"Lu Fei's life card is intact, fortunately, this guy is still alive."

Just now Zhuo Bufan thought that Lu Fei had an accident, and he was so scared that he quickly took out Lu Fei's name card and took a look.

This is Lu Fei's life card. Once Lu Fei is in trouble, the life card will break.

Zhuo Bufan can use it to find out whether Lu Fei is dead or alive.

"This guy, why can't I contact him if he's not dead?"

Zhuo Bufan was very depressed.

At this moment, Bai Zifan suddenly shouted.

"Oh no, father, Yunmeng Realm, Yunmeng Realm can't go!"

While Zhuo Bufan was contacting Lu Fei, Bai Zifan wanted to go to Yunmeng Realm to find out about the situation of Tianmo.

As a result, his soul could not sense the existence of Yunmeng Realm.

Zhuo Bufan also left his soul at the first time.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan was also shocked.

"Yunmeng Realm, disappeared?"


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