Zhuo Bufan and others returned to Meicheng and began to discuss how to deal with the Heavenly Demon.

They are now definitely the most powerful force in the world of cultivation.

Let alone Zhuo Bufan, Xuanyuan Hao, and Chu Mubai.

The three of them alone are enough to deal with the Super Saint Daluo.

Not to mention Bai Su and Li Miaoyin.

Let alone Yi Meng, she is from Hell, she doesn't need to fight.

Bai Su's current cultivation has recovered to the Great Saint Realm, and Li Miaoyin is the Miaoyin Saint of Taixuan Sect.

It can be said that the five of them can definitely kill the general Super Saint Daluo together.

But now, they have a problem, that is, they don't know how powerful the Heavenly Demon is.

They know too little about the Heavenly Demon.

"I have seen the battlefield of the Temple City, and I feel that the strength of the Heavenly Demon may be above the King of Hell."

The entire Temple City, a hundred miles in radius, is a ruin, which is absolutely devastating.

Zhuo Bufan has fought with the King of Hell before, and it is not so powerful.

Of course, this is only in terms of destructive power.

At this time, Bai Su said.

"I know Linglong's cultivation level, and she is only one step away from the Super Saint Daluo."

Bai Su's words undoubtedly confirmed that Tianmo's strength has reached the level of the King of Hell. That is, the realm of the Super Saint Daluo.

"Let me talk about it too!"

At this time, Chu Mubai also spoke up and shared the news he had received.

"I have fought with the demon many times before. I know how terrifying this guy is."

"This demon, I suspect he doesn't even exist in our world."

"When I first saw this guy, he was still very weak. At that time, killing him was no different from crushing an ant to me."

"But less than ten years later, when I saw him again, he had become a demon. Of course, I still didn't take him seriously at that time."

"Until a hundred years later, this guy suddenly killed innocent people in the Western Continent and called himself a demon. When I saw him again at that time, his cultivation was comparable to mine."

"Let's put it this way, kid, that guy's talent is not worse than yours."

Finally, Chu Mubai looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he heard it.

From Chu Mubai's words, it can be learned that the growth rate of this demon is comparable to his.

Zhuo Bufan has grown to the same level as Chu Mubai in just a few decades.

"And this guy has practiced a secret method and can be reincarnated through the demon seed."

"After reincarnation, his cultivation is even more unimaginable. At least, I should not be his opponent."

Chu Mubai knew that he was no longer the opponent of the demon, so they had to join forces in this battle.

"Old Chu, you just said that the demon might not be from this world?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned and asked.

"Yes, I have fought with this guy. As soon as I saw him, I felt a deep hatred for him."

"This feeling is like what you told us before..."

"Hostile Law?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly said.

"Yes, the enemy law! So I suspect that he is not from the world of cultivation."

"So, he may come from the underworld, or the virtual world?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned. From Chu Mubai's mouth, he basically understood what kind of existence the demon is.

"No, if that's the case, we have to solve it right away!"

"I suspect he is probably an undercover sent by the underworld to the virtual world, wanting to destroy the real world with internal and external cooperation."

"Now Emperor Xuan and his men are fighting the underworld in Jingyuan, and they don't know what's going on inside."

"So, we have to solve this problem ourselves."

Zhuo Bufan suspects that the existence of the Heavenly Demon is a conspiracy of the underworld.

Because Emperor Xuan and his men are guarding the border of the real world, the people of the underworld can't break through the defense of Emperor Xuan and his men.

If it doesn't work outside, they will destroy it from the inside.

And the Heavenly Demon is undoubtedly a chess piece they arranged inside the real world.

Once the Heavenly Demon grows up, it will start to kill and disintegrate the entire real world from the inside.

By then, when Emperor Xuan and his men react, everything will be too late.

So the existence of the Heavenly Demon is the arrangement of the underworld.

Since Zhuo Bufan and his men already know it, they will no longer hesitate and decide to take action against the Heavenly Demon immediately.

"Let's go, let's go now and meet that demon."

Finally, Zhuo Bufan decided not to sit and wait for death.

It's time to fight the demon head-on.

He drove Meicheng and began to fly straight to the west of the cultivation world.

Along the way, Meicheng attracted the attention of many people.

However, many people were disciples of the magic path. Seeing Zhuo Bufan's Meicheng caused quite a stir for a while.


"Look, that sky city, such a familiar floating city."

"I remember, it's the floating city of Zhuo Bufan, the leader of the Crazy Sect. At the beginning, Zhuo Bufan rode this floating city and fought with the kings of the kingly and domineering kings everywhere."

"Zhuo Bufan? What a familiar name! Isn't he the legendary genius who was short-lived?"

"Zhuo Bufan, didn't he fall into the bottomless abyss and die?"

"What's the matter? Zhuo Bufan is obviously dead!"

For so many years since Zhuo Bufan disappeared, everyone in the cultivation world thought he was dead.

The news of Zhuo Bufan's death even caused his Crazy Sect to collapse.

And when the demon revived, everyone almost forgot about this mission that had stirred up the continent.

Especially after Zhuo Bufan disappeared from the world of cultivation, people only regarded him as a flash in the pan genius.

But Zhuo Bufan is back.

This genius will once again stir up the world's changes.

"Is it really Zhuo Bufan?"

"It's impossible, Zhuo Bufan should be dead."

"No matter who it is, go up and take a look! Now the whole world belongs to Lord Tianmo, and Lord Tianmo does not allow any unknown creatures to exist."

For a while, many people flew into the sky, wanting to enter Meicheng to find out.

However, before these people entered Meicheng, the four gates of Meicheng showed four great beasts.

The four great beasts guarded the four gates and did not allow anyone to approach.

Many people who wanted to enter Meicheng were killed by the four great beasts on the spot.

Zhuo Bufan and his men did not appear at all. Their Meicheng, wherever they went, no one could stop them.

"Damn it, who can stop this floating city from advancing?"

"Hurry up and inform all the demons to stop this floating city."

The people of the Demonic Path became anxious.

The floating city crushed all the way and was unstoppable.

At this moment, a group of black warships suddenly flew over the horizon.

Before the warships arrived, countless energy cannons attacked.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

For a while, countless cannons bombarded Meicheng.

Many people saw this and shouted excitedly.

"It's the Blood Demon Lord, the Blood Demon Lord and his men are coming."

On the black warship, a blood-colored flag was seen flying high.

The Blood Demon Lord of the Demonic Path came to intercept Zhuo Bufan and his men.

A war was about to break out.


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