Zhuo Bufan is now a domineering and irresistible existence.

He blasted the ground of Tianmo City with one hand, revealing the dark world underground.

Under Tianmo City, a group of enslaved people were working miserably under the whip of the demon.

Suddenly, the sky exploded, and all the slaves looked up and saw the light in the sky.

In the light, a man appeared out of nowhere, coming with holy light.

"Boss, boss, it's the boss!"

A familiar voice came into his ears, and Zhuo Bufan looked down and saw a naked figure below.

He hunched over, looking at Zhuo Bufan in the sky with flickering eyes.

He was covered in blood, and one of his eyeballs had been dug out.

Zhuo Bufan was very sad when he saw this scene.

He fell to the ground and closed his eyes silently.

"Lu Fei, I'm back."

The tortured man in front of him was Zhuo Bufan's most loyal follower, Lu Fei.

Zhuo Bufan found him because he felt the only divine power of faith.

There were millions of people in the Kuangmen, and everyone thought that Zhuo Bufan was dead, so they had no hope for him, and even no faith in him.

Only Lu Fei, he always believed that Zhuo Bufan would return one day.

"Master? Is it the master?"

"The master of our Kuangmen is back, the master is back."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's return, countless people in the underground world cheered for a while.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan released divine power all over his body, and merged with the life force to fill the entire underground world.

For a while, all the injured people began to recover from their injuries and regain their strength.

"Sorry, everyone, I'm late."

Zhuo Bufan looked at his disciples of the Kuangmen, who were tortured in this dark underground, and his heart was very sad.

"Boss, I knew you would come back."

"Great, you're finally back, back."

Lu Fei hugged Zhuo Bufan tightly, and all the grievances and pains he had suffered over the years burst out at once, and he was so moved that he cried loudly.

"It's okay, now that I'm back, then our Kuangmen will be glorious again."

"Brothers, follow this master and fight out!"

Zhuo Bufan waved his arm, and all the disciples responded at the same time.

This time, Zhuo Bufan did not take action, but just enveloped each Kuangmen disciple with a healing halo.

The Kuangmen disciples have been enslaved for so many years, and their suppressed emotions need to be vented.

And the best way to vent is to kill the demon soldiers without leaving a single piece of armor.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill!"

At that moment, the blood of the Kuangmen men was activated, and everyone shouted and rushed out of the underground world.

Zhuo Bufan brought his Kuangmen back again.


"Run, run!"

The demon kings who saw this scene almost ran without thinking.

With Zhuo Bufan here, these demon soldiers dared not fight at all.

And the disciples of the Crazy Sect wanted to eat these demon soldiers alive.

So, the demon soldiers did not dare to fight and could only run away.

"Damn Zhuo Bufan, ah ah ah!"

Duan Xinghe, who saw this scene, howled like a madman.

He hated that Zhuo Bufan had destroyed everything he had managed for many years as soon as he came back.

Kill kill kill kill kill!

Watching the people of the Crazy Sect coming out from underground, Duan Xinghe had lost his last fighting spirit.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan led the disciples of the Crazy Sect to destroy the Heavenly Demon City with thunder.

And Duan Xinghe could only watch his own Heavenly Demon City being destroyed.

"Duan Xinghe, you have no way out. Tell me, where is the Heavenly Demon?"

Zhuo Bufan came for the Heavenly Demon. He wanted to avenge Linglong.

"Zhuo Bufan, why, why do you always go against me!"

Duan Xinghe was going crazy.

He couldn't beat him, so he could only be controlled by Zhuo Bufan.

He hated it!

Duan Xinghe was at the end of his rope now.

Facing Zhuo Bufan, he felt an unprecedented sense of defeat.

I thought that he was a minor saint, so he could defeat Zhuo Bufan.

Now it seems that the gap between him and Zhuo Bufan may never be filled.

"Duan Xinghe, I really didn't expect that in order to revive a demon, you would even kill your own father!"

Zhuo Bufan already knew that Duan Xinghe killed his father Duan Yuefeng to revive the demon.

However, Duan Xinghe shouted madly after hearing this.

"He is not my father, he is not. He is just a poor guy!"

"My father is the great demon god, the demon."

"Demon father save me, save me!"

Duan Xinghe suddenly looked up to the sky and howled, and a black light rushed into the sky from his head.

Then, the black magic light poured into the sky, making the whole sky dark.

The magic cloud rolled, surging like the vast sea.

Zhuo Bufan saw this, and his eyes lit up.

"What a powerful magic energy!"

Zhuo Bufan was deeply frightened, and felt his soul extremely cold.

"All the disciples of the Crazy Sect, enter Meicheng!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt something was wrong, and without thinking too much, he asked Lu Fei to lead all the disciples of the Crazy Sect into Meicheng.

Then, Zhuo Bufan put Meicheng into the Xuangu Ring.

"Susu, you also take Zifan back first."

Zhuo Bufan could feel that the devil was coming.

He couldn't let Bai Su take the risk, so he decided to let Bai Su return to Meicheng.

But Bai Su held his hand tightly and said.

"No, I want to be with you."

Looking at Bai Su's determined eyes, Zhuo Bufan hesitated for a moment, then said.

"Well, husband and wife are of one mind."

Zhuo Bufan held Bai Su's hand tightly, and then said to Bai Zifan beside him.

"Zifan, go back to Meicheng, the next battle is not something you can handle."

Bai Zifan knew that he would not even have the chance to intervene in the next battle.

In order not to become a burden to his parents, Bai Zifan returned to Meicheng and stayed with Yaya.

"Xuanyuan, Lao Chu, are you ready?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Xuanyuan Haochu Mubai and Li Miaoyin behind him and said.

Then the five looked at each other and nodded.

"Well, let's prepare to welcome the arrival of this big devil!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

A huge vortex appeared above the sky.

The vortex began to flow down black turbid liquid like a funnel.

These black turbid liquids cast a human-shaped outline in the air.

The boundless demonic energy seemed to have the power to destroy the world, making the whole world tremble.

When the human-shaped outline was completely cast, black light suddenly appeared, and thunder was powerful.

The entire real world seemed unable to bear its power and began to lose balance.

"What a terrible power, this guy is ten thousand times more terrifying than a thousand years ago."

Chu Mubai watched the demon descend.

The demon walked out of the turbid liquid with only a thin black dress on his body.

Under the black clothes, there was a crystal-like divine body as flawless as white jade.

He closed his eyes tightly, his black hair was wild, his hands were stretched out, and the demonic light was running wildly.

He had nothing in his hands, but he felt that everything in the world was in his hands.

"Demon father, demon father!"

Seeing the man descend, Duan Xinghe exclaimed.

This man with a talent against the sky was the supreme demon who messed up the world.

Perhaps hearing Duan Xinghe's call for help, the demon slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes opened, as if he had opened up the destructive power of the ancient wilderness.

Zhuo Bufan felt his soul turbulent after just one look.

"I am against the sky, you all, come together!"


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