Reading Is Holy! Exposed By My Junior Sister!

114. Chapter 114 Entering The Holy Realm, Taoist Masters Gathered In Sansheng Hall!

Chapter 114: Entering the Holy Realm, the Masters Gather at the Three Lives Hall!

Looking at the gate of the Holy Realm in front of him, Kidney Deficiency Sub's heart jumped again, and he immediately said again, "Kid, you really don't want to mess with me."

"While we still have time, let's go back, okay?"

"This Holy Realm is really not a place for people like us to come."

Not bragging, Kidney Deficiency Sub admitted that if he were in his peak, a place like the Holy Realm, even if he transformed into his true form and wandered here a hundred times, no one would dare to look him in the eye.

Even if he humiliated the Heavenly Dao of this realm, no one would dare to say a word.

There's no way around it, strength is just that arrogant!

But now it's different.

Now he is completely weak.

If he were to appear in the Holy Realm in a grand manner, not to mention that others would not dare to look at his true form, even if he appeared in another form, he would be sliced and studied in no time.

This is so damn cruel!

Kidney Deficiency Sub was about to cry.

In the past, he had imagined many possibilities for leaving the Tai Xuan Secret Realm.


He never expected to come to the Holy Realm.

Who could have imagined encountering a kid who doesn't play by the rules?

"Not a place for us to come?"

"Old man, you're right, that's the truth."

Hearing Kidney Deficiency Sub's words, Chen Chang'an shook his head first, then shook his head again.

"Some things cannot be delayed, if you can come, you must come."

"Not seeking to retreat completely, but seeking a clear conscience."

"Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Saying that, Chen Chang'an looked at Kidney Deficiency Sub.

"I don't understand!" Kidney Deficiency Sub bluntly shook his head.

I understand you, you idiot.

"Kid, but there is one thing that surprises me."

"I didn't expect that the legendary Emperor Song, who has been talked about in the mortal realm for so many years, is actually you, and you're so young."

"If the information I got from those kids is correct."

"You are the inheritor of a Seven Realm Dao lineage in the Tian Shui Domain."

"I can't stop you from going to the Holy Realm, nor can I change your decision."

"But I heard that you are someone who likes peace and quiet."

"Aren't you afraid that this matter will expose your identity?"

"And disrupt your peaceful life in the future?"

Kidney Deficiency Sub said, with a smirk on his face.

As mentioned earlier, although Kidney Deficiency Sub was trapped in that small spatial world and couldn't get out, his powerful spiritual power had long permeated the Tai Xuan Secret Realm during these endless years.

For those cultivators outside, as long as they stepped into the Tai Xuan Secret Realm, about seventy to eighty percent of the information on them would be known by Kidney Deficiency Sub.

Therefore, even though he had never been out before, there was almost nothing that he couldn't find out about the outside world.

Including the speculation about Chen Chang'an's identity.

This is understandable.

With so much information as a backing, coupled with Chen Chang'an's actions at the moment, he couldn't help but guess Chen Chang'an's identity.

"Old man, you know quite a lot."

Upon hearing this, Chen Chang'an looked at Kidney Deficiency Sub.

His eyes were full of astonishment.

However, amidst that astonishment, there was a different meaning.

"Oh my god! Kid, what kind of look is that?"

"I always feel like you're plotting against me!"

Kidney Deficiency Sub's eyes were sharp, and almost as soon as Chen Chang'an finished speaking, he caught the profound meaning in the other party.

This scared Kidney Deficiency Sub quite a bit.

After all, although he hadn't been with this kid for long.

But he had suffered more than once from this kid named Chen Chang'an.

How could he not be cautious this time?

"Plotting against you? No, I won't."

"Just want to borrow something from you."

At this moment, Kidney Deficiency Sub was only in a Spirit Body state, while his true form was in Chen Chang'an's body.

As for why Kidney Deficiency Sub didn't keep such an important thing himself, in Kidney Deficiency Sub's own words, he was just a spirit, and it was impossible for him to take his true form.

And at this moment, Chen Chang'an's gaze, impartially, fell on the immortal grass of Kidney Deficiency Sub's true form.

"Hey hey hey! Kid, I'm warning you."

"Don't catch my attention, I'll go crazy!"

"I'll tell you, once I go crazy, even I'm afraid!"

Seeing Chen Chang'an's gaze on his true form, Kidney Deficiency Sub's heart tightened inexplicably.

It's over, looking at this kid's gaze, he really wants to make a move on him.

Chen Chang'an, however, ignored Kidney Deficiency Sub's wailing warning and pulled out his true form.

Buzz buzz buzz~!

Suddenly, a misty fairy aura enveloped the surroundings.

The breath was distant, emitting an ability to create hallucinations.

Mirage Immortal Grass.

The most essential function of this ancient immortal grass is to create illusions.

Including but not limited to creating a completely realistic world.

It is said that when he was at his peak, he once created a vast Great World with his own power.

That Great World was huge, almost encompassing half of the living beings in the Formless World.

If it hadn't been for someone discovering something amiss and reacting quickly, it is feared that half of the living beings in the Formless World would have died in that terrifying grand illusion.

Chen Chang'an used the Mirage Immortal Grass, naturally not to create an illusionary world.

He wanted to use the roots of the grass to make some arrangements for himself.

As long as he applied some powdered roots of the Mirage Immortal Grass on his face, his appearance could be transformed into that of another person.

This kind of transformation is not difficult for an ancient immortal grass like the Mirage Immortal Grass.

And this transformation ensures that no one in this world can recognize him.

Crack! Crack!

Without hesitation, Chen Chang'an quickly plucked several roots of the Mirage Immortal Grass.

"Ouch! It hurts so much!"

"Damn it, kid, can't you be more gentle?"

"My beard!"

When Chen Chang'an suddenly took action, Kidney Deficiency Master immediately cried out in pain.

Then he looked at Chen Chang'an, who was continuously applying the root powder on his body, and cursed,

"You have a mask, why do you have to target me?"

"Why can't you just wear the mask? I doubt anyone would recognize you."

"Why do you have to focus on me?"

Upon hearing Kidney Deficiency Master's words, Chen Chang'an shook his head and said,

"Wearing the mask is just for living a mediocre life."

"But if I can't reveal my true identity when seeking revenge for my parents."

"Then what's the point of seeking revenge?"


Hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Kidney Deficiency Master was speechless.

In the next moment, he suddenly shouted,

"Then tell me, what's the meaning of what you're doing now?"

"Sentiment, do you understand sentiment?"

Chen Chang'an answered without thinking, then ignored Kidney Deficiency Master's words and focused on applying the powder.

Soon, a well-defined face was created.

Chen Chang'an condensed a water mirror in front of him and carefully examined it.

Hmm, not bad. Although the change is quite significant, some of the original features are still retained.

This is good. It allows him to remain unrecognizable while retaining some of his original characteristics.

There is nothing better than this.

"Old man, thank you."

"I'm leaving now. Are you going to wait for me here?"

Satisfied, Chen Chang'an nodded and asked Kidney Deficiency Master.

"Of course, I will stay here."

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Kidney Deficiency Master answered without hesitation.

Then he said,

"Originally, this old man didn't plan to take action today, but you, kid, are a filial son."

"I'll lend you a hand today."

Saying that, Kidney Deficiency Master suddenly pointed to the sky and shouted,

"Chi Tian Xuan Chi, listen to my command."

"The will of the heavens, descend upon me."

"The myriad laws, descend!"


When Kidney Deficiency Master's voice fell, a buzzing sound suddenly rang out.

Then, there was a sudden change in the world.

Countless misty breaths drifted down from the sky and finally converged on Chen Chang'an.

Under the blessing of this misty breath, the aura on Chen Chang'an's body suddenly became even stronger.

Within this strength, there was also a hint of nobility.

"Kid, this is the unique holy aura of the Holy Realm."

"The Lower Realm doesn't have it."

"In the Holy Realm, the strength of the creatures is usually stronger than the cultivators of the same realm in the Lower Realm."

"And in the Holy Realm, if you don't have holy aura in your body, even if you walk in this land, you will be unable to move an inch."

"I have injected some holy aura into you now."

"Although it doesn't have the effect of increasing your combat power yet, it will allow you to move freely in this world without being restricted."

"I can only help you this much."

"The rest of the journey is up to you."

"Also, remember my name, I'm not called Kidney Deficiency Master."

"My real name is Tai Yuan."

After doing all this, Kidney Deficiency Master, no, he should be called Old Man Tai Yuan, stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly to Chen Chang'an.

However, in the next moment.

"Hey hey hey~!"

"What the hell, kid? What are you doing?"

"Don't stuff me into your pants! This is blasphemy against heaven and earth!"

"Let go of me quickly, I promise I won't complain anymore, I..."

Chen Chang'an ignored the words of the weak kidney and stuffed its Spirit Body along with its physical body into his personal space.

There was no other reason, this old man was just too noisy.

In the Holy Realm, in a group of mountains filled with a majestic aura, a group of mountains stood here, occupying a distance of millions of miles.

On top of the mountains, chaotic energy surged and purple qi came from the east.

Between the mountains, white egrets flew in the sky and immortal deer leaped through the woods.

Waterfalls cascaded, creating a scene like a fairyland.

And in these fairyland-like mountains, a complex of buildings covering hundreds of miles stood here.

These buildings were none other than a sect.

On top of the sect's gate, four characters full of chaotic energy were engraved there.

Three Lives Temple!

This was the residence of the sect's gate of the Three Lives Temple.

The Three Lives Temple was one of the oldest sects in the Holy Realm.

There were hundreds of Dao Lords and Dao Masters in the sect, with two Heavenly Venerables suppressing the area.

With such formidable strength, since its establishment, no one dared to provoke them, making them the strongest in the realm.

At this moment, in the main hall of the sect's gate of the Three Lives Temple.

Hundreds of Dao Lords emitting a terrifying aura gathered together.

They seemed to have encountered a major event and were engaged in a serious discussion.

"Everyone, I'm sure you have heard about the recent uproar in the mortal realm."

"That orphan from the Chen family, Chen Ping'an (Chen Ping'an, the name given to him by his mother in this life, but later changed to Chen Chang'an by Yang Han because he was worried about any enemies coming after Chen Chang'an. Coincidentally, Chen Chang'an was the name of Chen Chang'an in his previous life, so it has been used ever since), did not die back then."

"Now he has returned from the underworld and wants to overthrow the heavens when he descends into the mortal realm in the Holy Realm."

"Now that all three thousand realms have been opened, it is estimated that it will only take about a year for our Holy Realm to open."

"What should we do when that time comes?"

At this moment, an old man stood up and spoke to the crowd.

At this moment, his eyes were filled with seriousness.

Although the Holy Realm was usually high and mighty, once they descended into the mortal realm, they would be no different from the people there.

Whether they lived or died, they would not be able to escape the chaos of the streets.

"Elder Li, if you ask me, I don't think we have anything to fear."

"Although Emperor Song Chen Ping'an is powerful, he is just a person from the mortal realm."

"He doesn't have the rules of the Holy Realm and can't kill us in the Holy Realm."

"And I heard recently that his current cultivation level has only reached the stage of just cultivating the Dao Palace."

"The realm of Dao Palace, if one wants to reach the position of Heavenly Venerable, although there is only one barrier, that barrier is often an insurmountable obstacle."

"In the First Layer of the realm, to reach the Ninth Layer of Dao Palace, one must cultivate the Ninth Layer of Dao Palace."

"As for Chen Ping'an, he has only just condensed his Dao Palace, what are we afraid of?"

"And Elder, don't forget, although Chen Ping'an is formidable, our Three Lives Temple also has its own foundation."

"The Young Master Qingfeng had already condensed his Dao Palace fifty years ago."

"Now that the unity of man and heaven has been achieved, the realm of Heavenly Venerable is not far away."

"With the Young Master Qingfeng here, even if the Ancestor has not awakened, who in this world can make us fear?"

"Yes, Elder Li, with the Young Master as our leader, what can we fear from Chen Ping'an?"

As soon as Elder Li spoke, he was immediately met with opposition from several Dao Sovereigns below.

They raised their hands, strongly disagreeing with Elder Li's concerns.

The Holy Realm and the Lower Realm are completely different systems. In the Lower Realm, Chen Ping'an may be strong.

But if he comes to the Holy Realm, he will be nothing.

You must know that the rules of the Holy Realm are such that even the existence of the Dark Heavenly Son, the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons, dare not confront them head-on.

And this Emperor Song Chen Ping'an is just someone who has recently cultivated his Dao Palace.

How is it possible to go against the rules of the Holy Realm?

"Gentlemen, we naturally have no fear of Chen Ping'an alone."

"But don't forget, besides being a giant in the realm of Dao Palace, Chen Ping'an is also the Lord of the Netherworld, one of the Nine Heavens."

"With control over a realm of the Netherworld, although we are not afraid of him now, if our Holy Realm were to descend to the Lower Realm."

"When the rules of the Holy Realm disappear and lose their protection, we may be mercilessly slaughtered by him!"

At this moment, someone stood up and expressed a different opinion.

It was a Six Realms Great Dao Sovereign, dressed in a blue robe, appearing to be middle-aged.

But in reality, who knows how many years have passed.

At this moment, the middle-aged Dao Sovereign, like Elder Li, was filled with nervousness and seriousness.

Comparatively, when they attacked and annihilated the Chen Heavenly Venerable's family.

Although he did not participate, he was one of the planners.

If that person really wants to settle the score, he definitely won't be able to escape!

So at this moment, he was very afraid.

Not only was the middle-aged man afraid, but after hearing his words, everyone in the hall also calmed down.

They only now realized how dire their current situation was.

Indeed, with the foundation of the Three Lives Temple, they would never fear a giant of Dao Palace.

But if it is a giant who controls a realm, and that realm is one of the Nine Heavens, then it's different.

The threat brought by the other party is definitely deadly.

After all, times have changed from the past.

In the beginning, the two Heavenly Venerables of the Three Lives Divine Hall successfully plotted against Chen Heavenly Venerable.

But in the end, they were severely injured by the sudden counterattack from Chen Heavenly Venerable and his wife.

They are still in a coma to this day.

In this state, if the Lord of the Nine Heavens, who presides over one realm, were to come and kill them, then the Three Lives Divine Hall would have to swallow their bitterness.

There is no other possibility!

Thinking of this, everyone fell silent.

This matter is destined to be irreconcilable; the enmity of killing a father is irreconcilable.

From the moment Chen Chang'an was sent away, it was destined that the future of the Three Lives Divine Hall would face this calamity.

This point is clear to everyone.

They just didn't expect that this calamity would be so heavy.

After all, who could have imagined that in less than forty years, the child from back then would grow to such heights?

One of the Four Hall Masters of the Hall of Rebirth!

The Lord of the Underworld in the Underworld, one of the Nine Heavens!

The Supreme Ruler of the Dead Silence Sea!

The ancient giant who cultivated the Law Manifestation of the Primordial Devil!

These four titles, no matter which one, are powerful enough to make people feel suffocated.

And now, all four have come together, making people feel even more desperate!

"So, what do you all think we should do? Are we just going to stand here and wait for death?"

At this moment, a Daoist stepped forward from the crowd and asked.

On top of this Daoist's head, towering visions appeared.

From these visions, strands of mysterious yellow qi continuously floated out.

This was undoubtedly a Great Daoist.

A Great Daoist who is about to achieve the Dao Lord.

The question asked by this Great Daoist is indeed very important, and everyone present is eager to know.

They looked towards the respected elders on the high platform, hoping to get some useful solutions.

But in the next moment, they gave up on the idea of answering.

Instead, they quickly stood up and bowed to the empty space outside the hall.

"Disciples respectfully greet the venerable ancestors."

Upon hearing the words of these elders, the others also turned their gaze towards the empty space outside the hall.

Then, they all bowed in the direction of the hall.

"Disciples pay respects to the venerable ancestors."

"No need."

After the words of these people, an old voice suddenly came from the empty space in the sky.

Immediately, a tremendous force lifted everyone up.



Only the sound of buzzing was heard.

In the next moment, several figures suddenly appeared in the sky.

There were about twenty or so figures.

They were all deep and profound old men wearing blue robes.

The attire of these old men was different, some were old woodcutters carrying an axe, some were old fishermen holding a fishing rod.

At first glance, they looked no different from ordinary old people.

But it was precisely because of this that they were terrifying.

These people were none other than the Seven Realm Ancestors of the Three Lives Divine Hall.

The four leaders emitted even more terrifying auras.

Terrifying Law Manifestations rose up around them, and the chaotic aura surged, piercing through the surrounding void.

These were four ancient giants who had reached the realm of Dao Ancestor.

The Dao Ancestors of the Holy Realm may not be comparable to the Dao Ancestors of the Lower Realm under normal circumstances.

But no matter how incomparable, they were still genuine Dao Ancestors.

As long as they were still in the Holy Realm, they would always be Dao Ancestors.

Moreover, they were the unparalleled Dao Ancestors who had opened their Dao Palaces.

"Please continue, everyone."

Among the four Great Dao Ancestors, the leader looked at the Daoists below and waved his hand.

"Yes, venerable ancestor's command."

Upon hearing the words of the old man, everyone quickly bowed.

Afterwards, they continued to discuss the previous topic.

However, this time, their discussion was much quieter than before.

"Everyone, let's go in as well."

Seeing that the people below had returned to their previous state, the old man said to the people behind him.

"Very well!"

Upon hearing the old man's words, the Daoist-level powerhouses stepped forward one by one and entered the hall.

Then they sat cross-legged on the high platform on the side of the hall.

Not too many, exactly twenty-one.

PS: Seeking votes!

I'm tired tonight, so I'll update less. Goodnight, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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