Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1013 Fire Storm, Incarnation of Fire Spirit

But the strange thing is that no matter how violent the magma under the iron chain bridge is, the iron chain bridge is still not damaged. Even if the magma accidentally splashes on the iron chain bridge, it does not show any signs of corrosion.

After seeing this, Ye Chen's eyes flashed with a strangeness, and at this time, because of the explosion of these magmas, Ye Chen slowly stopped his steps forward, and the monsters incarnated by the fire spirit and the fire storm heroes seemed to have weakened their spiritual power because of this explosion of magma. At this time, it can be said that there is no danger to Ye Chen at all.

And Ye Chen seemed to have noticed this, and a strangeness flashed in his heart, but when Ye Chen paused here when the magma exploded, he discovered a great secret, that is, when these large amounts of magma gushed out directly from under this iron chain bridge, rose vertically, and then directly passed through the bridge, and then fell and rose again, there was actually a lot of gap time, which allowed him to pass through this iron chain bridge.

After noticing this, a trace of joy flashed in Ye Chen's eyes. Ye Chen paused and observed the time pattern of the magma eruption again. After Ye Chen observed for a while and mastered the idle time, he moved forward again.

Ye Chen used the idle time he mastered to not only get rid of the fire storm and the monsters incarnated by the fire spirit, but also moved forward a long distance. Ye Chen, who was in the middle of this iron chain bridge just now, has now come to the last section of the bridge.

When Ye Chen came to the last section of this iron chain bridge, Ye Chen once again carefully observed the four years and found that at this moment, he could clearly see the appearance of the giant mountain opposite. However, because these giant mountains are composed of some high-temperature false fire red stones, even if Ye Chen used spiritual power to adjust his body temperature at this time, he could still clearly feel the huge heat coming towards him, as if he was going to burn him.

After seeing this scene, Ye Chen's eyes flashed with uneasiness, but Ye Chen did not want to stay here, because he knew that he had to pass this iron chain bridge immediately. If he stayed here for too long, he didn't know what would happen.

After thinking of this, Ye Chen wanted to pass this iron chain bridge immediately, but just when he wanted to step out of here, he suddenly heard a huge noise behind him. After hearing this noise, Ye Chen's eyes flashed with a strangeness.

He hurriedly looked back, and at the same time, the noise became louder and louder, with the sound of the iron chains on the iron chain bridge colliding, and the sound of the molten lava swallowing things under the iron chain bridge. After hearing these sounds, Ye Chen's heart flashed with a trace of uneasiness.

At the same time, Ye Chen looked back and saw why there was such a loud noise behind him. At this time, Ye Chen's eyes flashed with shock, because behind him, a fire giant appeared and was chasing Ye Chen angrily. After seeing this scene, Ye Chen frowned, but at the same time, his body's automatic defense had already been turned on.

But before Ye Chen launched an attack on the fire giant, he saw a scene that surprised him even more, because Ye Chen heard the sound of the molten magma under the iron chain bridge swallowing, so Ye Chen looked behind the fire giant, and he actually saw that the place where the fire giant ran over actually began to collapse.

In other words, the section of the iron chain bridge where the fire giant ran past completely disappeared, no, that's not right, it was swallowed by the molten magma under the iron chain bridge.

At this time, the fire giant was getting closer and closer to Ye Chen, which means that the iron chain bridge was about to collapse. After realizing this, Ye Chen had no time to attack the fire giant, so he hurried forward.

The fire giant chasing behind Ye Chen saw Ye Chen running forward, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, so he hurried forward to catch up with Ye Chen. Because the fire giant was very huge, and the place where he walked was swallowed by the magma below, so because of the influence of the fire giant behind Ye Chen, this chain bridge began to shake constantly, and slowly became less stable than before.

The instability of the bridge surface brought a lot of trouble to Ye Chen. At this moment, Ye Chen also knew that the fire giant was a huge danger to him, but Ye Chen knew in his heart that if this chain bridge broke, he would be swallowed by the magma under this chain bridge.

So in the face of such a situation, Ye Chen still chose to pass through this chain bridge first, but passing through this chain bridge was not as simple as Ye Chen thought.

Because of the fire giant chasing him, the entire chain bridge began to become unstable, which brought a lot of trouble to Ye Chen.

Because of the instability of this chain bridge, and Ye Chen was anxious to cross this chain bridge, Ye Chen accidentally stepped on empty space and almost fell into the molten lava under this chain bridge.

Fortunately, Ye Chen used his spiritual power in time and jumped up at once, so that he could slowly stand on this iron chain bridge again. However, when Ye Chen just stood on this iron chain bridge again, he saw the fire giant, who was only one step away from him.

At this time, the remaining distance of this iron chain bridge was not much, and the iron chain bridge was shaking more violently.

After realizing this, a strange flash in Ye Chen's eyes. He glanced at the fire giant behind him, and quickly began to use his spiritual power, and then rushed to the end of the bridge. In a flash, Ye Chen had already reached the other side of this iron chain bridge from the previous position.

At this time, Ye Chen had also passed this iron chain bridge, but at this time, the fire giant was still chasing behind Ye Chen. After seeing this scene, a strange flash in Ye Chen's eyes, but at this time, Ye Chen had no mercy in his heart and directly attacked the fire giant.

The flame giant did not seem to realize that Ye Chen would suddenly attack him, and was caught off guard for a moment. In addition, Ye Chen's attack on the flame giant this time. However, he used half of his spiritual power, so when the flame giant was one step away from passing through the iron chain bridge, he was hit by Ye Chen from the iron chain bridge.

The flame giant fell directly into the molten lava under the iron chain bridge and was slowly swallowed by the lava. At this time, the only remaining section of the iron chain bridge also slowly fell into the lava and slowly disappeared. Only the sound of gurgling bubbles slowly emitted by the sky lava was left.

In this way, after a period of danger, Ye Chen successfully passed the iron chain bridge and entered the final trial.

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