Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1026: Indecisiveness, one after another

After Emperor Miao left, Ye Chen was even more confused. Although he had only received the inheritance of the old Emperor Yan for a short time, could there be anything he had missed in the inheritance?

After a careful search, he still found nothing. However, the two royals came to him to get back the inheritance. There must be something he didn't know.

Otherwise, they couldn't have exchanged with him something that was always more valuable than the inheritance. If it was just for the so-called royal family, they wouldn't have come to him one after another.

In the next few days, Emperor Yan and Emperor Miao successively sent some people to ask Ye Chen about his plans, but neither of them had seen each other, and they didn't know that they were planning to take the inheritance. Ye Chen avoided them all by saying that he was going to retreat.

So he picked up the inheritance of the old Emperor Yan and read it over and over for a long time, immersed in every bit of it. Although he didn't find anything, he had absorbed part of the inheritance.

His own strength has increased, which is an unexpected surprise. Ye Chen then casually found a place to retreat, waiting for himself to integrate this inheritance that he has already comprehended into himself, and then look at other things in the inheritance.

When Ye Chen was absorbing his inheritance, Han Shilin couldn't wait because Ye Chen hadn't returned for a long time, because he was on the eighth heaven and encountered something, so he didn't come down for so long.

So he wanted to break through to the realm of Dao Zun, and after successfully promoted, he went to the eighth heaven to find news about Ye Chen, hoping that it would be best if nothing happened as he thought.

"You are really ready now. The difficulty of breaking through this level is more difficult than the previous ones combined. If you don't do it well, you will die."

The people of Tianmen looked at Han Shilin who was so eager to break through the realm of Dao Zun and dissuaded her. Although it was very difficult on this road, if there was time to accumulate, the more accumulated, the less danger there would be.

After hearing what Han Shilin said, Tianmen would naturally not stop her. If she succeeded, then congratulations would be given to her. If she failed, the world would be her grave. Many of her ancestors had the same fate.

Han Shilin chose a place far away from Tianmen for promotion. In order to avoid Tianmen from being punished by thunder, she chose a Feng Shui treasure land about 5,000 miles away from here.

"Here we are. You should evacuate first."

Han Shilin looked at the increasing number of dark clouds gathering in the sky, feeling a little uneasy. If Ye Chen had not come back for so long and she was worried, she would not have reached the realm of Dao Zun.

Ye Chen seemed to have a feeling from the understanding of inheritance, and woke up. Looking at the nine heavens below, it seemed that something was happening that concerned him.

He shook his head, which was a little dizzy due to being in seclusion for too long, and continued to look at the things in the inheritance.

Han Shilin didn't know that her choice of breakthrough had touched Ye Chen's heart. If she knew, she would inevitably be moved.

But now her eyes are filled with dark clouds. If you want to become a Taoist, you must not be indecisive, so he tries to forget everything he thinks about and focus on the thunder tribulation.

"Here it comes!"

The people of Tianmen looked at the first thunder that fell from the sky. Now the heavenly tribulation has begun. Those who become Taoists must first be punished by the heavens, and then be covered by the heavens, and they can all become Taoist supremes.

So there are very few people who become Taoist supremes. Ye Chen was just an exception before, and now it has become a choice for Han Shilin.

If you choose not to become a Taoist supreme, you can live a long time if your life span is nine heavens, but if you become a Taoist supreme, you can ascend to other heavens.

The people of Tianmen used their special methods to interfere with the power of the weather as much as possible, which can be slightly reduced, and the previous Taoists around you are all using their previous understanding of the Tao to interfere with the thunder tribulation.

After the means were used in turn, although they tried to weaken it to the lowest level, it was still one after another, and people could not breathe at all. After the last thunder sea passed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The thunder rolled past, and all the dark clouds gradually dissipated, revealing the ragged Han Shilin. Although he had the help of everyone, his body was still injured.

Compared with Ye Chen, he was still much weaker now, but it did not prevent him from helping him. Han Shilin thought in his heart while recovering from the injuries in his body. He fell to the ground and did not have time to change clothes. He sat cross-legged to stabilize his realm of Dao Zun.

The people of Tianmen and the Tiandao of all generations around her breathed a sigh of relief. If Han Shilin failed this time, although it was not their business, it would become a demon in their hearts and destroy their own promotion.

And if Han Shilin was promoted this time, it would also be a chance for them to feel that if they were promoted to Dao Zun, it would not necessarily be a dead end.

After a short rest, Han Shilin finally stabilized his internal energy. The injuries caused by the thunderbolt were gradually repaired because of the strong vitality in his body.

Han Shilin waved his hand, and his clothes became new.

"I really want to thank you fellow Taoists for your help. If you encounter difficulties in the future, I will do my best to help you. I will never forget the grace of helping you today."

Holding his fists and speaking to the people next to him, after being polite to each other, Han Shilin took back the several magic weapons that were knocked away. Although they were damaged a lot, they still had a lot of power. .

"I'm going to the eighth heaven to look for Ye Chen. To be polite, I'll wait until later. I'm really sorry."

Before he could say a few words, Han Shilin said apologetically. The people around him understood his mood at the moment, so they did not condemn his behavior.

"I hope you two come back together."

When Han Shilin was about to fly into the eighth heaven, the people inside the Tianmen said.

Han Shilin nodded to indicate that he had heard it, broke through the barrier of the ninth heaven, and flew to the eighth heaven to find Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is still comprehending the inheritance and has no idea that Han Shilin has reached the eighth heaven and has broken through to the realm of Taoist Master.

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