Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1041 A valley between ice valleys

After finally dealing with the ice dragon, we came to the next part. Different from the ice field just now, the scene in this part was actually a series of ice valleys, and the door to the next part was between these ice valleys.

Emperor Miao's figure had long since disappeared, and Ye Chen had no time to look for it. Anyway, the two of them would have to fight fiercely when they met each other. If he had time to spare, he might as well go find the entrance.

With this thought in his mind, Ye Chen quickly rushed to a valley.

There were gusts of cold wind in the valley. Although it was still white, there were still many snow grass and snow trees growing in it. As Ye Chen walked inside, he paid attention to the movement around him, but found that he heard nothing but the sound of wind.

The sound of the wind was whining, like a child crying in the distance, or like a widow whose husband had recently died, wailing loudly. It sounded quite uncomfortable.

As he listened, Ye Chen felt that something was wrong. He found that under the interference of the wind, his originally concentrated attention was getting distracted. He was suddenly frightened and hurriedly concentrated to resist the interference of the wind.

However, just when he wanted to avoid the interference of this strange wind noise, his forward foot suddenly stepped on the air. If his reflexes were not astonishing, he would have fallen in right now.

The moment he felt that he had missed the step, Ye Chen hurriedly put all his strength on the other foot that was not in the step. He pushed the ground hard with that foot, knocking away the snow on the ground. The dust was stirred up one after another, bringing up a puff of white smoke.

With his kick, his body jumped into the air, then turned over backwards and landed steadily a few meters away from the place where he just stepped in the air.

The place where he stepped in the air collapsed in surprise, revealing a dark hole. Ye Chen carefully walked to the edge of the hole, only to see that the smooth wall of the hole was sinking straight down. If a person fell in, there would be no possibility of climbing out. There is no sex.

What frightened Ye Chen the most was the rows of sharp barbs standing vertically at the bottom of the cave. The thick ice edges pointed upward, revealing a dangerous and cruel aura.

It's really dangerous. It seems that there are many dangers in this valley.

Ye Chen thought to himself, becoming more and more vigilant.

He looked at the distance in front of the big pit. The area there was as flat as a piece of silk. But after thinking about it, he picked up two stones and threw them over. There was only a "bang" sound, and the stones fell rapidly where they landed. , as if someone had torn the satin apart, revealing the dark hole underneath.

Ye Chen kept an eye on it, so he threw stones forward as he walked. When he reached the entrance of a cave and looked back, the originally flat road was now filled with deep potholes.

Without exception, the walls of every deep pit are too slippery to climb, and the bottom of the hole is filled with frightening ice edges.

Entering the cave, Ye Chen was first startled by the strangely high temperature on the cave wall, and then an alarm bell rang in his mind, and he jumped out.

The moment he jumped out, the ground of the valley began to shake violently, and it was shaking very regularly.


It sounded like someone's footsteps came from inside the cave, and as the footsteps approached, the valley shook more violently.

Ye Chen had a premonition that what was coming was something huge, so he was fully vigilant.


The cave suddenly collapsed, and a giant's head poked out from the ruins. He squatted on the ground and stretched his body as soon as the cave collapsed.


Without any explanation, the giant hit Ye Chen on the head with his iron fist. Ye Chen hurriedly dodged, but just dodged the punch, and the next punch immediately came at his face. If Ye Chen dodges again, the giant hits again, you chase each other. Rushing, after struggling for a while, Ye Chen turned around, drew his sword and made a leap from the air, piercing the sword into the back of the giant's neck.


The giant shouted in pain, and at the same time stretched out his thugs to catch Ye Chen who was resting on his back. Ye Chen let go of the sword and jumped back quickly. The giant did not catch him but grabbed the sword. Then he pulled the sword out of his body with a "plop" sound and threw it aside angrily.

Ye Chen stood in the distance and looked at the giant coldly, with hot energy floating in his palms. This energy covered his entire forearm, emitting an astonishing heat.

The giant strode towards him. Ye Chen raised his hands, and then suddenly clenched them into fists. The energy in his arms instantly condensed on his fist, and with a blazing white light, he moved his hands hard towards the giant. It blasted past.


With a loud noise, the giant was pushed back into a deep pit more than ten meters away. He was huge and could get up quickly even after being transferred to the pit, but his skin was obviously unable to withstand the sharp ice edges in the pit. As soon as he fell, he screamed, and the shrill scream made Ye Chen frown and cover his ears.

He was surprised to find that the giant's cry sounded like a baby crying or a widow who had lost her husband was crying. It was actually the sound that made him feel strange.

It turned out that it was not the wind, but the giant causing trouble.

Now that he was crying loudly, Ye Chen naturally couldn't be fooled, so he covered his ears.

The giant howled for a while and then became silent. Ye Chen went over to check and saw him lying in the pit with his head tilted, as if he was lifeless.

Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly saw a soft light emitting from the giant's body. In the soft light, the giant's body collapsed and turned into a pile of ice chips. In the center of the giant's chest, a crystal white bead was slowing down. Emerge slowly upward.

Ye Chen grabbed the snow bead, and as soon as his fingertips felt the pure power of Tao contained in the bead, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Good stuff."

It seems that this ice valley not only has mechanisms and monsters, but also this kind of treasure.

Ye Chen thought to himself.

However, no matter how good the treasure is, it can't compare to the inheritance of the old Miao Emperor, so Ye Chen is not greedy, and finding the entrance is the most important thing.

After leaving this ice valley in a hurry, Ye Chen soon walked into another ice valley. However, God seemed to be against him. There was no entrance to the several ice valleys he entered without exception.

Instead, he encountered many traps and monsters, and after solving them, Ye Chen also obtained a lot of treasures.

In this way, in the process of constantly exploring the ice valley, Ye Chen fought and killed while looking for the entrance. After searching for a long time, just when he solved another trap and found the treasure, a strange roar suddenly came from an ice valley in the east.

The sound was like the roar of a wild beast, or the cry of a sheep, containing both ferocity and tenderness.

Hearing this strange roar, Ye Chen's heart moved, and he hurried over there.

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