Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1063 The Chosen One, Pavilions and Towers

The saint said too much. Ye Chen hadn't figured out what was going on for a moment, so he said to the saint, "I came all the way here, and I'm still very tired. Can you make arrangements for me first?" What should we do if we take a rest and continue discussing this matter tomorrow?”

At this time, the saint realized that she might have said too much, and it would be difficult for anyone to accept it. She said to Ye Chen embarrassedly, "

Dear Chosen One, I have said too much today. Since you are tired, go and rest first. I will tell you the specifics after you have rested. "

After the saint finished speaking, she turned to her men and said, "Go and clear out our highest floor for the chosen one to live in. Tell the maids below to serve the chosen one well."

If anything goes wrong with the chosen one, you will be the one to watch. "

After hearing the threatening words of the saint, his men immediately knelt down and said, "Saint, we will definitely take good care of the chosen one."

After hearing the assurance from your subordinates, you still felt uneasy and said, "It's good that you know, now take the chosen one down quickly! Take care of the chosen person and rest."

After the saint said this, her men respectfully took Ye Chen away.

Ye Chen followed the maid all the way to the tallest building. The scenery along the way was very beautiful, with pavilions and pavilions showing exquisiteness everywhere.

Ye Chen also discovered that many precious herbs on his continent were planted casually in the garden. That’s very shocking. If this isn’t mainland China, what on earth is it from? The precious herbs in their own country are here, and they actually treat them as flowers and plants.

When you reach the point where you remember it later, Ye Chen will be more shocked. That building was actually protected by the Immortal Locking Formation. When you walked inside, you would see high-level magic beast inner elixirs everywhere.

These inner elixirs are very precious. They are all extremely powerful Warcraft inner elixirs on our own continent. Even if they are not taken out, they will attract everyone to grab them. Now there are so many here.

After seeing it more, Ye Chen was able to accept the luxury of this building and determined that he must practice well.

After the maid arranges some kind of rest, go down and wait until the maid leaves. I couldn't wait to pick up one of the inner elixirs in front of me, carefully identify it, and found that it was really the inner elixir I had on the road over there.

Ye Chen picked up an inner elixir, swallowed it in one gulp, and immediately meditated. It was already night after Ye Chen finished digesting the inner elixir. Ye Chen felt strange after practicing.

This inner elixir is so peaceful. Normally, there is an irritable atmosphere in the magic beast elixir, which needs elixirs to suppress it, but this inner elixir has no such hidden dangers at all.

I am really blessed to be here. It seems that I will step up my practice in the past few days.

Early one morning, Ye Chen finished his training and found that the realm of nature had risen to a higher level. Ye Chen was very happy to get the Saint. After Ye Chen said to the Saint, "Now tell me about your three clans! "

“We used to keep our distance last week, but suddenly one day, there was a passage that allowed people from the two tribes to come to us.

Hey, you could also see the place where our clan lives last night. There are many rare treasures. They knew that people from the latter two tribes were coming to plunder.

At the beginning, we still had the strength to fight, but as the powerful elders in our clan died one after another, the strength of the clan dropped greatly. They can no longer resist the two tribes of people.

Since then. People from the Fotian Clan and the Demonic Clan came to bully us. Robbery of our resources has reduced our cultivation resources, and our strength has never surpassed theirs. Now they come to harass us every now and then.

But now, the chosen one, you are here, and we can finally escape from the sea of ​​misery. The prophet told us that the chosen one will definitely save us from the sea of ​​suffering. Now that you are here, we finally don’t have to live such a life of fear. "

After listening to the saint's words, Ye Chen said, "I see that the grass you plant in your garden is all regular grass. There are so many magical beasts' inner elixirs in the building where I live, so you don't need to use them for cultivation."

"We all use ores and jade for cultivation, the ones you mentioned. Precious herbs and inner elixirs, I don't know what they are. We all use them to decorate our houses."

Ye Chen was so shocked by the saint's words that he couldn't calm down for a long time. In their opinion, precious herbs and magic beast inner elixirs were used to decorate the house. In this way, their entire continent can be used for their own cultivation.

Ye Chen happily said to the Saint, "Since you have no use for those, can you collect some for me? These are useful to me and can improve my strength. As my strength improves, I can also help you resist foreign enemies." "

"Okay, these are not precious things in our opinion. If you want, I can ask them to collect more for you."

Ye Chen left after knowing the situation. After Ye Chen left, the saint told his subordinates:

"We have nothing left that can make him the Chosen One. Now the Chosen One actually likes the things we use to decorate the house. You should quickly tell us to go down and use the strength of the whole clan to collect more of those things. Repay Ye Chen."

Ye Chen still doesn't know what kind of generous reward he will receive after coming back. Now Ye Chen is strolling leisurely in the town.

As Ye Chen walked around, the guards introduced Ye Chen. After walking around for a while, I found that Ye Chen's team also had people from this town. I had a rough understanding of them, but now I just barely knew their strength.

Ye Chen thought that if he fought with the guards, they would definitely not release his full strength, so he wanted to test them secretly.

Ye Chen secretly released his pressure. At first, the guards didn't react at all. Ye Chen increased his pressure just for this. That's why he reacted and said, Ye Chen, what are you doing?

Ye Chen said, "Nothing, I just want to test your strength." Do you have any reaction now? "The guard said there was no difficulty. Ye Chen was shocked and immediately released all his pressure. At this time, the guard felt a little and said, "Then you can start. This little bit is nothing to me."

Ye Chen said helplessly, "Hey, there's nothing to do. "Ye Chen then found another child to test, and found that the child did not react. Ye Chen was shocked. Their strength was higher than his. Why should he help them?

At this time, the people of the Demon Land Clan came to bully them again. When the people of the Saint Clan saw Ye Chen here, they looked at Ye Chen pitifully, and their eyes revealed: The Chosen One, hurry up and help us!

Ye Chen had not reacted yet, and the people of the Demon Land Clan had already started their own hunting. The people of the Saint Clan saw the tragic death of their people and quickly pushed Ye Chen out.

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