Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1068 Confused, three-way intersection

After Ye Chen came to a large room, he finally learned about the past of the Saint Clan, but he felt it was unreasonable. How could such a powerful clan be so miserable without an emperor?

However, Ye Chen was not in the mood to think about this kind of thing now, because there was no other way out in the room except the entrance.

"Is this the end?"

Ye Chen thought so, but he felt it was unlikely.

He thought there should be other ways out, but he had to find a mechanism to open it. So he stepped everywhere in the room and fumbled on the wall. Unknowingly, a door opened behind him.

When Ye Chen saw the opened door, he was also confused and didn't know how to open it. But at least there was a way, so he walked directly inside.

After walking for a while, he came to a three-way intersection. Because he seemed to hear Jiao Hong's screams, he chose to go right, but unexpectedly, another three-way intersection appeared after walking for a while.

There was no scream this time, and he closed his eyes and randomly chose a direction. Soon, Ye Chen found that this place was like a maze, and he was wandering around everywhere, not knowing where to go.

Fortunately, he seemed to hear some sound at this time, so he ran in the direction of the sound, but he didn't expect to come to a room full of coffins.

Ye Chen felt that there was something wrong with the coffins, and turned around to leave. At this time, all the coffin lids were opened. Ye Chen said loudly:

"I knew it was like this. I'm leaving, I won't disturb you, don't come out."

But it was too late, two corpses came out. Maybe Ye Chen retreated quickly, and more than ten other corpses got up and took a look, and then lay back down. Only two chased out.

Ye Chen hurriedly said: "Look, your brothers have all gone back to sleep, I'm leaving now, you can't control me."

But the two corpses attacked directly.

Ye Chen dodged twice, and at this time, he wanted to just kill them before leaving. So he immediately fought back, but after just two moves, Ye Chen was knocked out. Ye Chen got up from the ground, covered his wound and said:

"I was wrong, I shouldn't look down on you, you should leave quickly."

But the two corpses ignored Ye Chen's words and kept chasing and attacking. Ye Chen could only fight and retreat, and suddenly there was no way to go behind him. Ye Chen was anxious and said quickly:

"Don't force me, if you force me again, I will..."

Ye Chen wanted to beat them to death, but he felt it was unlikely, so he had to say: "Die!"

Soon, Ye Chen had retreated to the end of the passage, and the two corpses didn't seem to stop. In a panic, Ye Chen didn't know what he touched, and a door appeared behind him.

Ye Chen looked back and saw that there was also a small room with no retreat. Although there was no retreat inside, at least the space was larger and there was room for maneuver.

So he retreated in, and the two corpses followed him in. They took turns attacking Ye Chen, and Ye Chen barely avoided their attacks.

At this time, Ye Chen found a small box in the house. Although he didn't know what it was used for, he thought it was very great. So he avoided the attack of the two corpses and picked up the box.

At this time, the door of the room began to close slowly. Ye Chen jumped out with the box, but the two corpses were locked in the room.

Ye Chen happily said outside with the box in his arms: "Brother, you don't have to eat anyway. Maybe someone will come to let you out thousands of years later. Bye."

After that, Ye Chen walked out with the box in his arms, but he didn't find a way out after walking for a long time. He felt like he was lost, and he began to panic in his heart, so he ran around, running around as if he was in the same place, and seemed to be in different places. It was useless to do some number.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Chen still didn't find a way out, so he simply found a place to sit down. Not long after he sat down, he heard the sound of a mechanism being opened. He ran over in a hurry, but saw Jiao Hong with disheveled hair.

Jiao Hong was covered in wounds and looked like she had suffered a lot. Ye Chen said happily when he saw her:

"I finally met you, what's wrong with you?"

Jiao Hong looked at Ye Chen and said, "Didn't you encounter any danger?"

Ye Chen said, "I encountered two corpses. How did you get into this situation?"

"Don't mention it," Jiao Hong said angrily, "There were traps all along the way." Ye Chen looked at Jiao Hong and could only smile helplessly, saying,

"Although I didn't encounter any traps, I couldn't get out. I kept turning around here."

Jiao Hong said, "It's like this. In order to prevent outsiders from breaking in and stealing our things, this place was designed as a maze. Only our tribesmen know this. Some of the patterns on the wall are the way out."

Ye Chen looked at the wall for a while, but didn't see anything. Jiao Hong looked for a while and said, "Go this way."

Sure enough, following Jiao Hong, Ye Chen no longer felt trapped here. After they walked for a while, Jiao Hong suddenly stopped and said:

"I want to take a break. Maybe because I followed you, I didn't encounter any more traps."

Ye Chen had no objection to taking a break, but he noticed that Jiao Hong also had a box in his hand, so he asked:

"What's in this box?"

Jiao Hong said, "I haven't seen it yet." Then she went to open her box, but suddenly three flying needles flew out of the box and pierced Jiao Hong's hand. Jiao Hong pulled out the flying needles and said, "Be careful, it seems that the box also has a mechanism."

After she opened the box, she saw a robe inside. Jiao Hong said excitedly, "This is the Holy Queen's robe."

Ye Chen also opened the box at this time, but there were no flying needles. There was also another robe inside, but the pattern was different. After seeing it, Jiao Hong said, "This is the Holy Emperor's robe, why don't you have flying needles? Let me see it."

Ye Chen handed the box to Jiao Hong. As soon as Jiao Hong got it, three flying needles pierced her hand. Suddenly Jiao Hong started crying in grievance, saying:

"Why do all these agencies come to me?"

Ye Chen smiled sympathetically and helplessly and said: "Maybe this is something from your house."

Ye Chen comforted Jiao Hong for a while, and Jiao Hong calmed down and said: "Let's leave here."

Under Jiao Hong's leadership, the two quickly left the ruins, but not long after they left the ruins, the entire ruins actually shook. Ye Chen and Jiao Hong kept running, and when they ran to a safe area, the ruins had completely collapsed.

The two looked at the ruins regretfully for a while before they planned to leave immediately. Who knew that when they were about to leave, a large number of people from the Demon Land came, and all of these people from the Demon Land were attracted by the collapse of the ruins.

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