Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1072 Important members, extremely shocked

The sudden disappearance of the restrictions on the Saint Clan is undoubtedly an extremely shocking thing for the Saint Clan. After all, this restriction can be said to have disturbed them for who knows how many years, and now it has disappeared inexplicably. This is undoubtedly extremely shocking to them.

Just when these important members of the Saint Clan were extremely confused, Jiao Hong slowly stood up, looked at Ye Chen in front of him, and then said to the important members of the Saint Clan beside him: "For The restrictions on us have disappeared inexplicably, I have a guess. "

Hearing what Jiao Hong said, the important members of the Saint clan next to Jiao Hong could not help but look a little surprised, "Jiao Hong, what is going on, the restrictions on us.

That is what our Saint Clan is extremely helpless about. Even the ancestors of the Saint Clan, none of them can forcibly break this restriction, and now it has disappeared so quickly and inexplicably. "An important member of the Saint Clan suddenly said to Jiao Hong.

As for what that important member said, other important members also turned their attention to Jiao Hong. Seeing the important members of the Saint Clan turn their attention to him, Jiao Hong did not hesitate at all, stretched out his slender hand and pointed at Ye Chen who was still looking confused in front of him.

When Jiao Hong pointed his finger in the direction of Ye Chen, not only the important members of the Saint Clan beside Jiao Hong, but also Ye Chen, who was still looking confused, couldn't help but be stunned.

Obviously, Ye Chen felt a little bad about Jiao Hong pointing at him. Now Ye Chen can be said to be a little confused by the saint clan kneeling down and calling him the emperor.

And now Jiao Hong said that the restrictions on the Saint Clan were eliminated because of him. Not to mention the important members of the Saint Clan who didn't believe it, even Ye Chen didn't believe it in his heart.

"Jiao Hong, what are you talking about? He helped us break the restrictions on our Saint Clan?" an important member of the Saint Clan said with some confusion.

"Yes, how is this possible? You must know that even our ancestors of the Saint race have no way to break this limitation on our body. Otherwise, our Saint race will be bullied by other races. Is it like this?" Another saint said slowly.

But at this moment, even Ye Chen couldn't help but express his opinions.

"Well, as for the restrictions on your saint race, I actually don't even know how to break them.

It can be said that this has nothing to do with me, so you must have found the wrong person. "Ye Chen said slowly, and in response to what Ye Chen said, some important members of the Saint Clan also nodded slightly, seeming to agree extremely with what Ye Chen said.

However, at this moment, Jiao Hong slowly looked at Ye Chen, and then slowly said to Ye Chen: "No, I didn't guess wrong. The restrictions on our Saint race this time are definitely because of you. appeared and was successfully cracked.”

Facing Jiao Hong's extremely confident tone, even the important members standing next to Jiao Hong couldn't help but have some doubts in their hearts. After all, Jiao Hong can be said to be the saint of their saint clan, and her status can be said to be extremely high. Therefore, , Jiao Hong's affirmation made them speculate a little.

Ye Chen was a little confused by what Jiao Hong said, "Since you are so sure, then how can you be sure that I helped you break the restrictions of the Saint Clan." Ye Chen said slowly Having said that, originally, in Ye Chen's heart, he would have guessed that Jiao Hong couldn't tell.

However, this time, Ye Chen could be said to have underestimated Jiao Hong's ability. Jiao Hong slowly pointed his right hand at the yellow robe on Ye Chen, and then said: "It's because You can wear this yellow robe!"

As soon as Jiao Hong finished speaking, the eyes of the important members of the Saint Clan behind Jiao Hong suddenly lit up, as if they had missed something. "Yes, why didn't I guess this? The saint is indeed a saint."

Ye Chen's face suddenly frowned slightly, as if he was a little confused about what Jiao Hong said.

"I don't know why I am wearing this yellow robe, and I don't know why I have become the hope of your saint race."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, Jiao Hong and other important members of the Life Saint Clan understood that Ye Chen might not be able to accept such an important fact in a short time.

Therefore, everyone dispersed one after another. In order to make Ye Chen feel comfortable, a room was specially prepared for Ye Chen. Now the saints who have realized and absorbed spiritual power seem to have entered a new world, while Ye Chen is troubled and thinking of ways to take off the imperial robe.

Tonight, Ye Chen is still in the room, thinking of all the ways to solve the problem of how to take off this yellow robe.

However, what made Ye Chen extremely helpless was that no matter what Ye Chen tried, he could not take off the yellow robe. And just when Ye Chen was trying to use violence to take off the yellow robe, When wearing robe.

Suddenly, a ray of Buddha's light suddenly fell from the sky and appeared directly in Ye Chen's room. Suddenly, the room where Ye Chen was was filled with light. The light could be said to illuminate every corner.

The sudden Buddha light also made Ye Chen's face solemn. Under the illumination of the Buddha light, Ye Chen's figure gradually became blurred. In just a moment, Ye Chen was taken away by the Buddha light, leaving only the empty room.

When Ye Chen opened his eyes again, he saw a huge monster sitting in front of him. This was undoubtedly helpless for Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, I am the leader of the Buddha of Creation. I now ask you to withdraw from this world quickly, otherwise, you will definitely be punished by the gods."

In front of Ye Chen, the leader of the Buddha who called himself the Buddha of Creation said slowly, but Ye Chen's face did not show any panic, and even his expression did not show.

Ye Chen did not speak, but looked at the huge monster in front of him with a calm face, and Ye Chen's indifference caused dissatisfaction.

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