Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1079 Flowers and plants, wandering around

Because the saint didn't want to help Shen Shisan with Ye Chen, Ye Chen had to find a way on his own. However, there was no good solution for the moment, so I walked around on the hills where the flowers and plants of the Saint tribe were all over the ground, hoping to find a solution while wandering.

I just stayed there for a long time and couldn't think of any solution. However, at noon, I saw some children grazing cows on the mountain talking happily about something.

Ye Chen became interested when he saw them, so he walked over and asked, "Children, what makes you so happy?"

These children had never seen Ye Chen before, and suddenly saw him asking questions, and they all became wary. One said: "Where do you come from, weirdo, why do you smile so obscenely?"

Ye Chen became embarrassed and said, "Why are you so annoying, you little biwa? Believe it or not, I will kick you away?"

"Do not believe!"

The kid put his hands on his hips as if he was awesome. Ye Chen couldn't stand it any longer and really kicked him out. Seeing the child screaming and flying away, Ye Chen said to the other children:

"Which of you still doesn't believe it now?"

The children all nodded and said, "I believe it!"

Ye Chen said: "Why were you so happy just now?"

A female doll said: "Today, a Buddhist man came to the square and said he would take us to the world of gods. But our mother said that no one has seen the cows yet, so we won't be allowed to go!"

When Ye Chen heard the word "Buddha Heaven", he was shocked and thought to himself: Are they here to fight? Thinking of this, I became anxious. Just as I was about to go back, another little kid said, "Where did you kick that little friend of mine?"

Ye Chen looked at him and said, "You want to go find him?"

The little kid nodded. Ye Chen then kicked him out and said loudly, "You're welcome!"

After saying that, Ye Chen hurriedly walked to the main square of the Saint Clan.

Before Ye Chen came, the Saint Clan's main square had been oppressed because of their lack of strength. The Saint Clan's main square had become dilapidated and no one had repaired it. But after their strength recently recovered.

The Saint Clan also began to restore the momentum of the main square, so when Ye Chen went to the Saint Clan Grand Square, he still saw a lot of stones placed in the square. But no one was working there.

After Ye Chen arrived at the main square, those who had been working in the square all gathered together, as if they were surrounding someone. Some young people who passed by also joined the crowd one after another.

Ye Chen immediately walked over and saw people from Fotian preaching there. Ye Chen also felt strange for a moment. If these Buddhas are not coming to fight now, how can they come back to preach? So he didn't go up to question him immediately, but stood on the periphery and listened to the people from Buddha Heaven.

After listening to it for a while, Ye Chen felt tired of it. It turns out that people in Buddha Heaven have been saying that as long as you join us, you will get anything, and if you join us, you will get God's grace. Ye Chen was tired of hearing this and wanted to leave, but he happened to see the saint walking from a distance.

The saint also saw Ye Chen. When Ye Chen stepped forward, he heard the saint ask: "What are these people from Buddha Heaven doing?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It sounds like I'm here to win over you."

"The people who are trying to win us over?" the saint asked: "They were beating us up and down some time ago! Why are they trying to win us over again now?"

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Maybe it's because your strength has recovered and is useful, right?"

The saint looked disgusted and said bitterly: "These hypocritical Buddhas are really making people do evil. I have to drive them away."

After saying that, the saint walked towards the crowd.

Someone had already noticed the saint when she appeared in the square. When she walked directly towards the crowd, the crowd of onlookers also noticed the saint and made way for the saint to face the people of the Buddha Heaven Clan.

It turned out that the person from Buddha Heaven was a tall, thin and bald man. When he saw the saint, he saluted her. The saint said in disgust:

"Hey, what are you doing here, kid?"

The visitor from the Buddha Heaven Clan didn't seem to care much about the saint's rudeness. He chanted the Buddha's name and said:

"The Saint Clan and the Buddha Celestial Clan have been on good terms five hundred years ago. I am here just to restore this traditional friendship and let all living beings bathe in the divine light of the Buddha."


The saint scolded: "Five hundred years ago? We have suffered from your sins for five hundred years. Now we have just lived a good life, and you want to come, come, come..."

The saint couldn't think of a good word for a moment, so she asked Ye Chen who was following her, "What are you coming for?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, it's true...?" The saint suddenly felt something was wrong, and scolded Ye Chen: "What a brain, what's the truth?"

She remembered it at this time, and continued to say to the people in Fotian: "We have just lived a good life, and you want to show your kindness? Brainwashing our tribe here and winning us over, do you think we will forget what you have done before? evil deeds?”

The man from Buddha Heaven recited the Buddha's name again and said: "What the saint said is very reasonable. We are deeply ashamed of what we did in the past. Now we just take this opportunity to repair the friendly past between the two races. After all, let's continue fighting. It will not benefit either of us."

"No!" the saint said: "We don't want to have any contact with you, and we don't want to have anything to do with you. Leave here and don't let me see you again. And all you hypocritical Buddhas and gods, don't come to us again."

The man from Buddha Heaven chanted the Buddha's name again. He seemed not to care about the Saint's disrespect. He said:

"Our door to Buddha Heaven is always open to you. It is better to resolve grievances than to create them. I hope to take this opportunity to settle our past grievances. I believe that everyone present does not want our two tribes to keep fighting."

The Saint was about to speak, but a Saint said: "Saint, I think what this Buddhist said is right. We should not keep fighting."

Several other Saints also began to echo: "Yes, that's right Ah, fighting is not good for us. "

The saint said angrily: "What do you know? These Buddhas are hypocritical and will never make peace with us. Don't be fooled by them."

At this time, the Buddha flew into the air and chanted a Buddhist name, saying: "I believe that the whole world is not divided by race, and everyone should have the opportunity to bathe in the Buddha's light. We come with sincerity, and we are free to believe in it or not."

After speaking, a Buddha's light lit up behind him, illuminating the entire square and everyone in the square. At the same time, many people began to put their hands together and salute him.

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