Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1096: Few plants, dry rivers

Ye Chen decided to search for it in an uninhabited place. After flying for a long time, he began to realize that the world seemed very big. But no one lives there.

He looked at the natural scenery along the way and felt that there was no way to find the secret. Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly saw a ruins that seemed to be inhabited by humans. So he immediately flew down.

The area where this site is located is full of rocks, there is very little vegetation, and the river is dry. However, there is a kind of very tall tree, usually twenty or thirty meters tall, and the tallest one is fifty or sixty meters long. The whole landscape looks very strange.

When Ye Chen fell to the ground, he was under a large stone slab more than ten meters high. The reason why he landed here is because this stone slab was erected on the side of the mountain, close to the mountain wall. There were some pictures on the stone slab, and Ye Chen felt that those pictures might record the history of this place.

This is exactly what Ye Chen wants.

Ye Chen then began to study the pictures on the slate carefully. I saw many pictures of monsters painted on it. Some monsters were fighting with people, and some were monsters fighting with monsters.

It doesn't seem like it's describing something, and I can't tell what it means at all. However, there was a line of strange patterns at the bottom of the stone slab, which looked like words, but it was a pity that Ye Chen didn't recognize it.

Ye Chen looked at it for a long time without understanding what was recorded on the stone tablet. He was disappointed and stopped looking at the stone tablet, so he started walking around in the ruins. Unfortunately, this ruins didn't give him much information other than letting him know that someone lived there a long time ago.

However, he did find some strange places. For example, houses in some places collapsed piece by piece, and some places suffered serious damage, indicating that a war had occurred here. Ye Chen felt that he had found nothing, so he had to leave here and continue looking elsewhere.

Later, when they reached the top of a valley, Ye Chen encountered a flying centipede with wings. This centipede is two to three meters long and completely black. It doesn't look like a good stubble. Ye Chen felt that the centipede was disgusting and cursed:

"Someone as ugly as you shouldn't live in this world, just die."

After saying that, he stabbed the centipede with his sword, but he didn't expect that the centipede was not as easy to deal with as he thought. The sword didn't even pierce it, and it didn't die after being pierced. Ye Chen finally got rid of the centipede by cutting it into two or three sections.

Ye Chen looked at the fallen centipede and was in a good mood. He waved and said, "Goodbye. Don't come out to scare people." After that, he whistled and continued to move forward.

Suddenly, there was a very, very loud "buzz-buzz-buzz" sound behind him. Ye Chen looked back and saw that it was completely dark, a large group of flying centipedes. Ye Chen shouted "Oh my God" and immediately sped up and ran away.

Who knew that those centipedes were as fast as him, and some were even faster than him. Ye Chen had no choice but to retreat while fighting, fighting and escaping all the way. It took him two days and one night to kill all the centipedes that were chasing him.

But at this time, his whole body was covered with scars. The important thing was that the centipede was poisonous. Although the poison would not kill him, it also made his whole body swollen four or five times.

After killing the centipede, he fell to a riverside in the woods to rest. He washed his body in the river and drank some water, which finally made him feel better.

But at this time, he felt the centipede venom covering his whole body, making it very difficult for him to move. He felt that it was because he was relaxing now that he suddenly became unable to move, so he sat by the river to rest.

After a while, a strange bear suddenly came to the river to drink water. The bear had hair on top and no hair on the bottom, its claws were sharp, and its tusks were shiny.

As soon as Ye Chen saw the bear, he warned: "Don't come over, I will kill you if you come over."

Who knows, it's okay if he doesn't speak, but when he speaks, the bear starts to stare at him. Ye Chen also felt the threat and immediately stood up. The strange bear seemed to have had enough and started walking towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen immediately wanted to run away, but the centipede venom made his movements too slow and he couldn't fly. At this time, he had no choice but to prepare to fight again, but what surprised him again was that the bear came over and did not attack, but patted him gently with its paw.

Ye Chen thought it was a kind bear and patted it. Just then the strange bear unexpectedly threw him to the ground.

Ye Chen screamed, thinking that the bear was going to kill him, but suddenly he found that the bear was doing indescribable things to him, and Ye Chen became angry.

"Grandma, go to hell."

Anger allowed Ye Chen to regain his mobility, and he knocked the strange bear away with one punch. But it wasn't over yet, the strange bear was hit by Ye Chen, but it was still unscathed and came after him to woo him.

Ye Chen fought with the strange bear for a long time before killing it. After killing the bear, he did not dare to rest by the water anymore. Instead, he climbed up a big tree and sat cross-legged to do exercises to heal his injuries.

However, this also made him unlucky. Suddenly, a giant python swallowed him from the tree. When Ye Chen climbed out of the snake's belly with a red gold sword, he cursed:

"Fuck your grandma, find Mao's secret, I won't look for it anymore. I'm going to kill them directly."

After spending a long time transforming the venom on his body, Ye Chen immediately started flying to the residence of the Saint Clan. But on the way, he encountered a few more flying centipedes. After Ye Chen killed those two flying centipedes, he found that his strength seemed to have become much stronger. This actually made him feel happier.

When flying to the residence of the Saints, he saw the Black Forest again. Ye Chen changed his mind again and decided to explore the Black Forest again. So he flew to the Black Forest immediately. As soon as he entered the Black Forest, those strange creatures appeared again.

When Ye Chen saw those monsters, he thought of the centipede and the strange bear, and he was very happy and said, "You are still cute. I like you."

After that, he fought with those monsters and moved forward while fighting. He had fought these monsters several times, so he was very good at fighting. There was basically no obstacle, and there were corpses left on the ground.

Ye Chen returned to the cave again and searched carefully inside again, but there was still nothing. Then he went out again, continued to fight monsters, and walked deep into the Black Forest.

As he walked, he suddenly saw a small house. And those monsters didn't know if they were afraid of this small house, but didn't dare to follow.

Ye Chen walked over and found that what he just saw was not a small house, but a wall left by a small house. Although the house had collapsed, there was nothing inside.

However, Ye Chen found a small stone slab in the ruins, which recorded a lot of history and secrets about the Saint Clan, the Demon Clan, and the Buddha Clan. What surprised Ye Chen the most was that the Saint Clan, the Buddha Clan, and the Demon Clan were actually the same race a long time ago.

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