Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1120: Thousands of years, but short-sighted

"I also know that our cultivation level is only in the middle and upper reaches, so it shouldn't be our turn at this time!"

"Well... look, the evil star might be coming today. Why has this poor person never heard of the 'evil star' in his thousand years of debut? Is it because we are short-sighted?"

At this time, the eyes of several old men suddenly tightened, and one of the people who was about to speak also frowned and murmured, "Qiandi? Daluo Jinxian? No, it's the Seven Spirit Beasts, but why is its breath so special? ?”

The clouds and smoke are lingering, and the fairy spirit lingers.

"The doom has appeared... Where are the people who should be doomed?"

"The evil this time is worse than the evil last time. Master, will you intervene?"

"Everything that goes to extremes must have its opposites. Just let the immortals in the world take care of it when necessary, and we won't take any action!"

"Bah bang bang!"

In mid-air, a burst of applause suddenly sounded, coming from all directions, making people confused. The snowflakes in the air were so shaken by the applause that they were almost invisible to the naked eye. The forces of heaven and earth became violent, like wild horses running wild, running around unbridled. But surprisingly, not a single house in the village The building was destroyed, but Su Ye and Xu Qing vomited out mouthfuls of blood, and their faces turned pale, obviously suffering from internal injuries.

"Come out!"

Su Ye shouted loudly, but Ye Chen's words only slowly echoed in the air, and then were slowly lost in the snow.

Su Ye's expression became increasingly grim. Until now, he had not felt the aura of this powerful man except the pressure. However, the sound of applause was so powerful. It seemed that he was really an emperor! Although Ye Chen surrounded every hut with pressure, it didn't seem to harm the people in the house. Why did Ye Chen deliberately not harm the people in the village? Why didn't anyone come out when I made such a big fuss just now? Even if some people can't break through this pressure, it's not like even the old men who protect the village elders can't get out, right? Could it be that Ye Chen and the others are afraid and are holding back?

Su Ye would never have thought that the person coming this time was not an emperor, but an emperor! An emperor-level powerhouse standing at the pinnacle of the continent! Everyone in the village was obsessed with Ye Chen!

Xu Qing's pretty face was still a little pale. She looked into the sky, looking at Su Ye, whose face was paler than hers. She knew that Su Ye couldn't hold on for long. How could such a murderous aura be used for a long time, and Su Ye was still there. If you keep releasing your dry intention to maintain your murderous aura, if you continue like this, sooner or later you will die here due to the dry intention.

"What should I do?" Xu Qing said in a panic. Even though she is stronger than Su Ye, she is still a girl. In this situation, what she needs most is a strong arm to hold up the sky!

"What else can I do?" Su Ye smiled bitterly, and immediately regained his proud look, "Humph, even if he is the emperor, I have to peel off some flesh from Ye Chen today. I want to see what the emperor is like. How strong!”

The powerful Emperor is almost the top being in the entire continent. Usually the dragon appears but never ends, intimidating a party. Su Ye really doesn’t think that the Emperor comes here to drink tea and chat in the middle of the night, let alone What kind of commission is there? He is a good emperor and lives a happy life. However, in this snowy day, Su Ye can't think of what else this emperor can do except for activities such as silence.

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