Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1128: Disappeared suddenly and stayed where he was

"Donggong Feng, follow me."

Su Lingyu dropped a few words, and Ye Chen's figure suddenly disappeared, leaving a residual shadow in the original place. After the snowflakes hit, the residual shadow gradually disappeared in the air.

"Awesome, really worthy of being the emperor, when can I reach this level, by the way, what did Ye Chen call me? Do I have this name? How strange!"

Su Ye smacked his lips and couldn't help but praise. He was considering whether to go with Su Lingyu, or where to go with Ye Chen, after all, Su Lingyu had disappeared.

Suddenly, Su Ye's head buzzed, his eyes were straight, and there was no longer the previous spirited eyes. Some were just indifferent... or, it was empty, like a person without mind.

In fact, Su Ye was indeed unconscious, but it was only temporary. Ye Chen's soul and that little bit of weak mental power were directly sealed by Su Lingyu in the center of Niwan Palace, unable to move at all. During this period of time, Su Ye was a puppet, a puppet at the mercy of others!

If someone gave Ye Chen a mental imprint at this time and erased his soul, then Su Ye would become a real puppet. Su Ye's soul was too weak, so weak that even Ye Chen himself could not feel it. Only immortal cultivators or sun and moon masters with a certain level of cultivation could feel it. This is also a weakness of martial arts cultivation, that is, the soul and mental power are too weak. If he fights with the three types of people mentioned above, once he is caught and hit by a mental shock, Su Ye will probably become an idiot... Of course, those three types of people are very few, especially the sun and moon masters, who are the elite among the elites, the best among the best.

Although Su Ye didn't like this feeling, he had no choice but to resign himself to fate. Who told you to be weak? In this world, the weak are always preyed on by the strong. Without sufficient strength, dignity and face are all empty words. Although Su Ye has his own unyielding spirit, he is now controlled by others and has to bow his head!


Su Ye sighed bitterly in his heart, feeling like a dog in plain land being bullied by a tiger (well, it should really be "a tiger in plain land being bullied by a dog", which is used here in a mixed way...).

For the sake of thousands of households in Dongsheng Village, and knowing that the other party had no ill intentions, Su Ye watched himself moving forward from a third-person perspective.

Xu Qing in the house was frightened. She couldn't see the conversation and detailed expressions between Su Linghuai and Su Ye. She could only vaguely watch the two through the hole in the house. She only saw Su Linghuai suddenly appear, then his face was fierce, and finally Su Ye turned around with a blank face and walked in one direction. That direction was officially regarded as a taboo road by the locals and the mercenary group, the road to the core circle of the Forest of Exotic Beasts!


After walking for an unknown amount of time, Su Ye found that he was taking a shortcut to the inner circle of the Forest of Exotic Beasts. Su Ye couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. Usually, this road was full of exotic beasts. Once, Ye Chen wanted to go to the inner circle of the Forest of Exotic Beasts with Xu Qing, but they met a Five Spirit Flame Lion King here and were chased away. If Xu Qing hadn't overdrawn his vitality and used the space system secret technique of space transfer to luckily retreat a few hundred meters and exit this road, Su Ye would have been in the lion's stomach or in the bushes... Su Ye has always been brooding over this lion and vowed to kill it, but it seems that he is still far from it. Su Ye is only in the third realm, that is, Gan Xun, but that lion is already a fifth realm strongman who has gone through the greatest catastrophe in the path of cultivation. The two are not at the same level at all. To put it bluntly, even a hundred Su Ye can't beat that Flame Lion King.

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