Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1172 Stars twinkle in the sky

"Then, get ready and set off!" Ye Chen touched it gently, and the three people's bodies were instantly sucked by a force, and they came to the familiar long and bottomless "hole" again. But this time it was rising instead of falling, and finally the three people jumped out of a bush and jumped into the sky.

It was already night, the night sky was dotted with stars, and occasionally there was a meteor shower.

Ah - the three people fell into the haystack one after another.

"Hey, you kicked me."

"Don't touch me with your hands."


After messing around in the haystack for a long time, Ye Chen and Charla got out of the haystack, but Ye Chen was nowhere to be seen. The vast plain in the daytime now seemed a little gloomy. The endless darkness and the flowers and plants rustling in the wind had a different flavor at this time.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

! ?

Ye Chen! ? The two saw a pair of hands and feet constantly shaking in the haystack, and they had already guessed that it was Ye Chen, so they pulled Ye Chen out of the haystack with one hand each. Ye Chen's hair was messy and mixed with grass leaves and mud, and there was a handful of grass leaves in his mouth, and his face was covered with mud.

"Hahaha." Charla couldn't help laughing at Ye Chen's appearance, and even Ye Chen, who was always calm, smiled a little.

"Do I look funny? It's because you stepped on me and messed around." Ye Chen spit out grass leaves from his mouth and shook his head vigorously to get rid of the grass and mud on his head, "But forget it, I don't know why I feel very happy now, haha."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Ye Chen finally laughed, and the hearty laughter of the three people spread to every corner of the plain through the night wind.


A small light rose to the sky from a distant place, and in the blink of an eye it bloomed in the long dark night.

Then countless rays of light rose from the original place to the sky, shining in the boundless night sky. Countless colorful fireworks instantly illuminated the entire sky and the earth, and the flashing lights kept shining on them. Under the light of the fireworks, the silhouettes of the tall buildings of Alias ​​were reflected one by one.

The three looked up at the fireworks that kept flashing one after another, just watching the fireworks like a dream quietly, without saying a word.

One hour, two hours, maybe longer or shorter, the fireworks gradually stopped unconsciously, and the three of them didn't even have the intention to move again, but lay down directly on the grass behind, watching the night sky return to calm after the fireworks, thinking about their own things.

"Today's adventure is so interesting." Ye Chen's whisper was not very clear in the sound of the breeze passing through the flowers and plants.

"What did you say just now?"

"Nothing." Ye Chen put his hands on the grass and looked at the bright and dreamy fireworks in the sky. If it could continue like this, it would be a good thing. What do you think?

"Who are you?"

Ye Chen looked at the butterfly girl dancing in front of him. The girl just looked at him quietly and flew away with her light wings.


Several butterflies were flying in the grass, and the green grass was swaying in the wind. Tiny dewdrops passed through the leaves and dripped on Ye Chen's cheeks. Ye Chen opened his eyes hazily. A ray of gentle sunlight was shining through the clouds. Several shadows blocked by the green leaves moved gently back and forth on Ye Chen's face.

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