Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1184: Happy and very popular

"I don't want to see you, who knows you wake up but don't tell us, now you are alone outside happy and happy."

Lin Shan said, backward, some people are angry.

Ye Chen black line, "Well, I just woke up last night, but I really forgot to call you, sorry, do you want to go back to the county first and wait for me to eat and find you?"

The phone is quiet.

After a while, Lin Shan continued: "Okay, Wei Pan and I will go back to the county first, but you have to remember to come to us, remember to bring some delicious food, we won't eat."

"Okay, when I come to eat, I'm looking for you. I really served you." Ye Chen black line.

This Zhang Long is really popular

"Wait, Allen, I'll tell you something."

Just about to hang up the phone, Ye Chen suddenly remembered something and shouted Lin Shan.

"What else, boss?" Lin Shan said.

Ye Chen glanced at Lei Ming and the other two younger brothers. "It is indeed the case. I will buy something in a while, and the volume is relatively large, so you two will get together to help. As for eating, you will come to the county immediately and eat with us, how about it?"

Zhang Chenlong was obviously glancing at the end of the call. Come to eat with the county boss? This is a good idea!

"That line, it's no problem. In about half an hour, we can go to the county. The boss is waiting for us, tell me the address!"

Lin Shan immediately got excited. If you eat this kind of thing, how can you not agree?

"Okay, I'll ask other people's opinions now, you have to wait."

Later, Ye Chen asked Lei Ming about it. He decided to go to the restaurant first and wait for Lin Shan and Wei Pan to arrive. Of course, Ye Chen also asked Lei Ming's opinion to let Zhang Chenlong and the two get together. .

For this request, Lei Ming had no intention of refusing, and answered with a smile again and again, more than two people, the key is that they are friends of Ye Chen, don't say anything else, they will face Ye Chen, Lei Ming will not have a slight refusal.

Ye Chen was very satisfied. He told Lin Shan the address and name of the selected restaurant. Lin Shan on the other end of the phone also recorded it.

"Okay, we'll wait in the restaurant, remember not to make mistakes." Ye Chen smiled.

"Promise the boss that there is no place in Linyang County that I don't know, and you can arrive at your place in half an hour." Lin Shan promised.

Ye Chen smiled and hung up the phone.

The reason for doing this is that the name is to help both of them, but in fact Ye Chen has other ideas.

"Let's go to Master Lei, they will come to us in half an hour." Ye Chen greeted.

So a group of four people drove a car, and Ye Chen rode a bicycle to a restaurant.

In addition to the urban area, this place in the county is the most prosperous.

In the county, you can eat there, in addition to restaurants, of course there are hotels, and the highest level of hotels in the county has reached three stars. For a not-so-big county, these three stars are just right, and some rich people can afford it.

However, Ye Chen does not like extravagance. As long as the food is hygienic and the environment is good, it will not pursue high-end. After all, generally speaking, the higher the level of eating, the higher the consumption, but the food is similar, so after consultation, several people decided to go to a better restaurant.

Of course, this is also taking into account Lei Ming's consumption level, after all, the people who threatened to invite dinner are all them.

Soon, a group of people came to the restaurant and found a satisfactory place to sit down, but they were not in a hurry to order, after all, they still needed to wait for Lin Shan to come over.

Lei Ming nodded and smiled, then slowly said: "It was just an accident, the general manager of our company, one of the two bosses of the company, you were in a coma at the time, and the car was dead."

"Dead? When I was in a coma?"

Ye Chen's face was stunned, "Wait, what's the boss's name?"

No wonder Ye Chen asked this question, because he didn't care about it before. Yifa Decoration Company, except Lei Ming and his two younger brothers, and Cui Dapao, Ye Chen hardly knew anyone else, so he didn't know what his boss was in the company.

Lei Ming black line, but for Ye Chen, a freak, it is not strange to pay attention to the company's leaders, and strange things that happened to strangers themselves, do not need to entangle too much.

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