Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1193 Taking the opportunity to kill, pouring over

The pretty face of the rabbit was disillusioned, and he immediately dug his head with the "Clési Three Caves" to dig a tunnel to the outside of the cave as soon as possible.

The little mouse twisted and smiled finely, shaking the fan and walked into the tunnel. The other Yuan Chen followed, and soon drilled out of the ground behind the machine. A group of demons looked at each other, and suddenly pounced on them, pulling down the twelve Chen big array with their hands.

By the time Yin Jianghu was in poor condition, he had been tightly surrounded. He saw the twelve monsters running back and forth, using some clever steps, and occasionally a few punches on their bodies, and they were not afraid to rely on the thick skin of Brother Bajie. However, after all, some of them were not happy, so they thought of an idea to ask Xiaobai to help.

At this time, Xiaobai killed all the demons who wanted to sneak out of the back door of the cave, and was too lazy to be bored. After receiving Ye Chen's advice, he hurriedly put on the scissors to restore the image of the giant, opened the iron box, and put on the exquisite golden armor neatly. Open the wormhole, immediately move to the highest point of Yuanquan Cave, raise the electromagnetic cannon with one hand, aim at the 12 yuan Chen Dazhen, shoot out an ellipsoid blue light, shake the sickle foot at the same time, and shoot eight moving swords behind.

The electromagnetic cannon in the afternoon horse essence, instantly burns its ashes, reads the sword immediately, laser, no lambs are not too late to split the body.

The attack came too suddenly, and lost two brothers under the twelve yuan, and defeated the battle!

Ye Chen took the opportunity to kill, and the shells poured like a storm.

When Shen Houjing rushed, he also wanted to dodge by his flexible body, but facing the high shots of a thousand times per minute, he only lasted three seconds before being torn into a shell of flesh and blood.

"What a vicious devil, give me back my monkey brother's life!"

In the roar of the tiger spirit, he pounced, stimulating the power of the devil all over his body, and hit hard, without a punch!

Ye Chen opened the spiritual shield steadily with both arms, hit Yin Hujing hard, and Ying laughed: "You are obviously a white tiger, what's the point of playing 'black tiger out of heart'."

At the same time, the air stimulated the fire, hundreds of spirits entered the energy pool to stimulate the silver nuclear energy, Daedalus's iron fist ignited the burning sun, and a shameless blow hit the tiger's back from the bottom of the heart and pierced a pair! Ye Chen shook off the body of Yin Hujing and looked around the demons proudly: "Who else is dissatisfied!"

"My old pig will not accept it!"

The sea dragon's eyes were full of blood, roaring, and many daggers appeared along the way.

Ye Chen couldn't help laughing and said, "I can't see that you are a porcupine, Xiuzhen-there are wildlife protections in the world, why bomb you!" The motivation was welcomed by the shamelessness!

With weapons and ammunition, Daedalus weighed more than 30 tons. Driven by nuclear energy, he rushed more than 300 kilometers and hit flesh and blood.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the Badger brothers knocked the porcupine to the ground, and the overlord crushed it again and again like a hard bow, and then rolled it thin and thin!

The motor rumbled, blood flowed on the rails, and Hydelin's cry went from high to weak. When Ye Chen ran over it for the last time, the huge monster had disappeared. There was a big pork pancake on the floor.

As the saying goes, bite the dog without barking, Xu, the dog will only be with those worship brothers who will tie knots, suddenly find a flaw from behind, and don't bite a bite!

The pointed canine teeth bit Daedalus's neck and bit two rows of inch-deep grooves.

Ye Chen didn't throw the evil dog out twice. He just threw out a high-voltage electric shock whip, entangled the essence of the dog, and the current passed through. The electricity turned the dog's root hair upside down, sparks flew, crackling, and only a sad cry was heard, and there was no sound. There was stinking black smoke everywhere.

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