Reading to Become a God

Chapter 1219 Nothing to say, exactly the same

Ah, or a computer? "How could a computer do this?"

"Sister, it's not enough for me to call you sister. You have many adults, don't have the same experience as us!" Ye Chen said helplessly.

"Sister? Am I that old? You want to call me eldest sister." There were black lines everywhere, and Ye Chen said helplessly with that face: "Yes, eldest sister."

"Be good, you are so kind. Let me tell you a secret." In the middle of the ninth floor of the college, there was a woman with a blue light. Her face was exactly the same as the one that disappeared from the computer screen.

With his mouth wide open, Ye Chen felt as if his brain was normal, "What is this, turning into a living person?" There were some speechless scenes in front of me.

"Oh, my God, don't do this to me, I will be very embarrassed." The newly appeared woman had a smug smile on her face, regardless of her long and sober face. "In fact, this is a new ability that I discovered myself, and the current form, I call it imitation, is a bit like holographic projection, but it has an entity and is much more advanced than holographic projection." He added: "I couldn't do this without a new type of underground mining material."

"Okay, what substance?" Ye Chen was interested in this and couldn't help asking.

"Okay, that's it." There was a bluer and clearer substance in his hand, just like water wouldn't be water if ice didn't freeze.

Using this kind of material, Ye Chen's heart trembled, "Xuanyin's physique for thousands of years is actually this thing, you can use it!"

Xuanbing physique is a very rare thing. Ye Chen has always been in an ancient book family: Xuanbing physique is born in cold, but under the spiritual veins, fire is on the ground, and it can take shape in spring. In ten years, the color is colorless and white, can flow through the meridian, alchemy, can change the cold summer. Once in a hundred years, you can make alchemy and alchemy. Mortals can live for a hundred years and become great the day after tomorrow. Chains allow magical weapons to focus and more than double their power. For a thousand years, the white color is blue, and the medicine is taken, which can allow mortals to enter the golden elixir avenue. The accumulated gas is concentrated, and the day after tomorrow it returns to the innate effect; it can be molten casting equipment, and ice can increase the power of magic weapons. Ten times more powerful. For thousands of years, Yingrun Qinglan and alchemy suits can make a difference between life and death, flesh and blood, and a life can survive; using the refinery can improve the quality of a magic weapon of the same level, or even more, and can be used as an organ spirit. 1000 years old, dark blue, supplementary material, you can get the best gooseberry, fairy ware. The color of thousands of years, deep purple, can become a soul, can cultivate its own form, and reach the road to heaven; if you make alchemy, you can make mortal babies stand up; the chain can be the organ of gods and can self Magic weapons that have been collected and evolved for thousands of years, in purple and black colors, can be formed to go straight to heaven and achieve the evil status of gods. Over billions of years, it has gone from black to transparent, qualityless, and returned to nature, capable of carrying the emperor.

Spiritual refinements of animal costumes under usually centuries-old metaphysical ice or, more generally, general ice and water systems, can be detached from form. Once they are formed, they will practice a hundred times faster. In addition, under its words, ordinary people can live for hundreds of years, have a strong body, and be free from diseases and disasters. But this kind of thousand-year scale is definitely something that was planted. It is really lucky to be found here. Generally speaking, the larger the area of ​​the spiritual source under the spiritual vein, the more mysterious meanings it produces.

Ye Chen said "Archangel" strangely, thinking: It is a robot, and it is also a weapon! Shaped with this millennium of metaphysical ice, is it now a spiritual object? This is ridiculous.

"Okay, sister, can't you just eat?" Ye Chen asked weakly.

"Of course, I didn't know what it was at first, but according to the analysis, it can give me a lot of energy and even allow me to evolve. So I let them collect a lot and absorb it. Now you, I can shape, this It’s so amazing.” The eyes of the “Archangel” are shining under the snow of time.

"Well, is it a lot? Can there be many more?" Ye Chen said without hesitation: "Sister, this is ten thousand years of metaphysical ice, not to mention rare, it is an extinct thing." You directly collected a lot of absorption , if you let those so-called lies come, they will probably jump up and call you a black sheep. “I dare not show the slightest trace on my face.

"Well, eldest sister, don't you have a lot of these things? Can you give me some?" Ye Chen was a little flattering. Impossible. He searched through ancient books and found that only this million-year-old metaphysical ice could create his own birth and solve the physical problems that had troubled him for many years. If we can get the key points, then our own strength can be raised to the innate level. This is the real innate level. Even if a group of people in the clan do not rely on their own strength, ah, after this transformation, ah , at this time, even the elders of the clan cannot rise to the level of spiritual power without relying on their own strength. I think I will be embarrassed. More importantly, I can continue to practice in this aura-rich space, and breaking through my innate abilities is not a problem.

"Well, those who are forcing me just want to use me as a tool. You humans are bad. You only consider your own interests. You don't care about their feelings at all. They also have ideas." As he said that, he picked up a few Millions of years of ice, with a trace of intoxication in his eyes, "Maybe this thing is good, you can help me shape it, so I can go to the outside world to play." But now, you son of a bitch, you want to steal my child. Well, yes, no way. "

Ye Chen said next to her, his forehead covered with black lines: "Okay, eldest sister, angel sister, good sister, you give me a little, when we are so familiar, a little." Combine the shape of a pigeon egg with Compare his hands.

"I can't give this to you. All this is mined. I want to 'eat' it. You can't let people starve." Ye Chen couldn't help but catch a cold. "If it's hungry, will the robot still be hungry?"

"But when I gave them to me, there were other blue and white substances that I didn't absorb well. A big chunk would increase my abilities. I don't want it. You can accept it." Put the group Thousands of years of people put it aside and ignored Ye Chen's "wandering" eyes, pointing to the cold storage room on the far right of the institute.

Ye Chen heard a pair of bright, blue-white eyes. It was not the level of the millennium. It was also the level of tens of thousands of years that he had absorbed from the "archangel" here. This is the level of the millennium. Even better. He turned to the huge refrigerated room on the right wall of the academy, where there weren't many refrigerated rooms outside. Ye Chen walked over doubtfully, closed the door, and turned to the "Archangel". Then she stretched out her right index finger and pointed at the refrigerator door. Then the refrigerator door opens automatically. A strong chill came from her body, but Ye Chen was already on guard, and his whole body was filled with inner strength, although he still felt a little cold. But it doesn't matter anymore. Although a bit surprising, it's not surprising considering she's the super brain that controls the entire base and then walks in with her feet up. The eyes of the "angel" did not let Chang Xingyu eat the gravure in the distance, so the gravure mouth let out a "hum".

Ye Chen did not notice the behavior of the "Archangel", otherwise she would lament her "humanity". After entering the cold room, I found that the cold room has a large range. It's the size of a football field. Each platform is surrounded by platforms of varying sizes. There is a sealed bag at each station. In detail, there are approximately 320 platforms. Each bag has a label on it for identification. As a talented scientist, Ye Chen has taught himself German, French, Russian, Latin, Spanish and English since elementary school in order to do better. Now he is also half a linguist.

He approached a station where a test-tube rack was contained in a bag with six short test tubes tightly sealed. On the label of the school bag, in addition to the name written in English, there is an unknown symbol at the back.

However, judging from the name of the label, Ye Chen could still recognize the "GMO II" in the bag. This is another product of the American genetic modification project that can stimulate the human body's potential. It gives you strength equivalent to an innate level. It is generally used on newborns so that they can have strong bodies from an early age, and when they grow up, their abilities can continue to improve until they reach the innate level. For adults, the effect is much less effective, and while they can achieve innate triple levels, it hinders their future developmental abilities.

For the United States, this may be a powerful weapon, but for Ye Chen, it is undoubtedly a poison. Now that he already knows that there is a metaphysical being here, he need not be a little innate, and his future potential will be lost.

Of course, this does not mean that the natural level is really weak. Just knowing that there are real practitioners in this world, his mind is no longer limited to this small innate level. As long as he can obtain the metaphysical spirit, he will not only be able to rise to his innate level, but more importantly, the physical problems that have troubled him for more than 20 years will also be solved. Plus, he has ring space. Not only is the speed of time 365 times that of the outside world, but even the concentration of the aura is a thousand times that of the outside world. In addition, with such a smart brain, there is no problem if you want to improve your real realm. However, the United States is actually working on a retrofit solution, and they have a lot to look forward to.

Later, Ye Chen delivered projects one after another on these platforms. At the same time, from the dozen bags he could understand, he discovered that in addition to doing a lot of work in genetic modification, the United States was also studying genetic viruses based on the genetic maps of different races. Their genetic defects can be detected and viruses can then be developed to disrupt the genetic strands of people with this genetic trait. Infected people, like those exposed to gamma rays, break the genetic chain and cause death.

He said: "This is a poisonous thing, even if they study this kind of thing, they should drag them out and cut them out." You know, killing people is not the first thing, but if you study this kind of thing , you will destroy a race, which is a crime against humanity. If this thing was actually used and worn, then whoever made it. That would be hard to redeem. "Ye Chen was furious.

Of those he could understand, the genetic virus occupied five platforms, but he did not appear in any particular race. "I think there will be viruses that are genetically specific to different animals," he said. Estimates for humans have yet to be determined, even if they require a genetic map of the race. Countries are very secretive about their research on the genetic maps of their peoples and should not be given to them easily. "

There were many things that Ye Chen didn't understand and had no function. But anyway, because he had reached a large platform in the distance, there were several pieces of ice of different sizes, blue and transparent white, but they were all thousands of years old. "Wow, so much, just a little bit, but what if I don't know what to do with alchemy? Do you eat like that sister?" Think about it, "What if you use technology, analyze the ingredients and refine them." Then we do I have to find other medicine. "

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After a period of difficulty and loss, until a voice came back and said, "Okay, that's enough. If it's not enough, I can let them dig some more, even though the dark blue is there, there are a lot of them in front of you." thing."

"That's enough, why are you helping me so much?" Ye Chen said. Logically speaking, this was their first meeting, and ordinary people would not help others.

"No, why, if you don't want me to help you, I will continue to absorb my children." The archangel passed his mouth. But crying in his heart, "If it weren't for what that guy said, do you think I would really help you." There was a faint confusion on his face.

In the open research institute, a figure flickered, lying on the master's chair who didn't know when he appeared. He held a bottle of wine in one hand and filled it up without delay.

"Who are you? Why are you here? No, you are that person. What did you do to the people in the academy?" On the giant screen, a woman's face looked shocked.

"Huh? Do you have spiritual wisdom? You can recognize us, so when you meet us, you pretend to be." The young man had a joking face on his face, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, and said disdainfully Lie on the chair. "Hmm, can these savages turn a computer into a psychic? I can't help but admire it. Ha."

"No, I just started from them, and I was digesting the information they stored in my memory bank. It wasn't until I took over the base that I discovered something, and that's why I raised the alarm." The young man with a smile on his face Man, like the demon god, continues his face.

The young man waved his hands, frowned and said, "Do you have your own wisdom?"

"Yes, so what?" Looking up, some people said proudly: "Well, you haven't answered my words yet, say, who are you?" What did you do to those people? "

"We are proud of the people who live in the sky. As for them, we just threw them to the other side. Whether they live or die, it is their own life." As he said, some jokes on the computer screen , "You are very interesting to us."

"You, why are you doing this to me?" There seemed to be a bit of panic on the face. This emotion, which could not appear on the machine, actually appeared on the face of the person on the screen. If someone were here, they would be shocked.

"Oh, you are very similar to her, really similar. If we didn't know that you are a smart computer, otherwise we really think she left her soul there." The young man didn't seem to feel flustered, and still didn't salty. "We need a little help from you, and we'll give you a good price if we can."

"Pay me, I'm just a super brain. What if I get paid?" the person on the screen had an emotional look on his face. "You humans came to me only for your own benefit and used me as your tool."

"We will not force you to do anything. As long as you do a small favor, you will be free." The figure on the face smiled, "Now you are in our exquisite real dragon ring. There are countless extraordinary treasures here. You It works. "But only if you promise to do something for us. "

"What if I refuse? Your so-called freedom is just a prison to me. Even if you are a real dragon ring, you have countless treasures, what use are you to me?" A person's face is full of contempt. of.

"Anyway, there are some good things in this space, and if you use them, you can form a body, and of course you don't have to be tied there if you don't want to. Just pretend we didn't say anything." The young man's tone was flat.

"Are you telling the truth? Can I really have something and leave this damn place?" Hearing the man's words, his eyes lit up and he asked impatiently.

"We don't need to lie to you, as long as you can do it, we guarantee that you will be able to melt and get rid of this big guy." The young man smiled.

"Okay, I agree. What can I do for you?" the face asked.

"Help us take care of a person, his name is Ye Chen. When one day, he can realize his true self, then you can be free. It's really easy for you. But, don't reveal us to him information." said the young man.

"Okay, here's the deal, but you gotta get me in shape first." Facial track.

"Yes, there is a spring 386 feet underground, and there is an elf in it. If you absorb it, you can melt it. As for how to get it, it depends on you. But when you form it, you will find yourself more humane." Laughing, the young man then stood up, "Since you have spiritual wisdom, the original code name is no longer suitable for you, so let's call you the soul of the moon?" Ha. "Turn around and walk out.

"I don't want you to take it, the moon elf? Good earth name. I won't call it. Okay, I'll be called the archangel. "Leave behind a little angry.

"Big sister, big sister" Holland woke up, and the "Archangel" was confused in front of Ye Chen in front of him, and suddenly remembered this. Ye Chen was puzzled in front of the "Archangel": "What are you?" Sister, why do you look like a drifter?

"Huh? How can I be distracted?" Although he felt a little strange, he refused to admit it. "Are you really becoming more and more humane? Are you crazy in front of this kid? But how can I say super brain, how is it possible! Shaked his head. "It must be that guy who did it."

"That person, who?" Ye Chen was confused in front of the "Archangel", and seemed to find that he was missing his mouth when he said it, and hurriedly said: "Nothing, right, don't call me Big Sister in the future."

"Ah, then I will call you 'Archangel' in the future, okay?" Ye Chen had nothing to say, this, and those women, are so fickle, what changes is the nature of women, whether it is a person or a super-intelligent computer, it is the same.

"Call me Soul Sister" said, will no longer pay attention to Long Xingyu, turn around and walk away.

Ye Chen was full of black lines, and the whole was depressed. "This is a great God, he can't offend him. Let's not mess with her." Think about it, Ye Chen was about to pick up the platform on the ice, but suddenly it was cold, and they didn't seem to have any equipment to install, "It's impossible to move it with this platform." Silent thought.

"By the way, I almost forgot that there is a research institute outside, from here you can directly analyze it." Out of the refrigerator, the "Archangel" was gone, oh no, it was the trace of the moon. Without paying attention, he went directly to the first floor of the research institute, where there was a material analyzer.

The material analyzer wrapped in spiritual power, carefully let it fly up, and returned to the ninth floor of the refrigerator. The instrument was put aside, and a small piece of ice was carefully taken and placed on the material analyzer. The instrument lit up and started to run. After analyzing the required time for about four hours, Xian Changxingyu turned and left the cold storage room, but the moon still did not appear, and he didn't know where to go. He shook his head, walked towards the cave entrance, and said, "Go to the base above."

Came to the top of the base and saw a huge plate-shaped base, bright lights, and countless figures busy in it. Please, it's those intelligent robots. Nearly a hundred fighters were parked on the runway. There was a huge rocket launcher in the distance, 500 meters away from the launch pad, and there was a huge warehouse in the middle, "It should be a place to put rockets."

Walking into the base, I saw robots busy among various instruments, and many places were rebuilt. Pull a robot and let it act as a guide to introduce its own facilities and functions.

Looking around and understanding the use of the surrounding instruments, the robot took Ye Chen to a huge lower hangar. I saw two hundred fighters neatly placed inside, nearly 40 meters long. He said: "The shells of these fighters are a new alloy synthesized by us with rare materials extracted from this mountain. It can not only prevent damage from live ammunition weapons. Even energy weapons are difficult to hurt. The fighter has a self-circulation system, a subspace engine, and a maximum speed of 0.2 times the speed of light for 3 minutes. Under normal circumstances, the speed in space can reach 65 Mach. Aero gravity system. The fuselage material also has the ability to absorb energy, and can last up to 35 days in space, with the body's own water and compressed food, and a separate 4-meter living cabin. This fighter has a brand-new automatic cruise design that can be used for automatic navigation and control of the galaxy. "Now, Archangel is developing a new fighter, which is expected to be successful in more than ten years, but we need more space," he added.

"Bigger space? No problem." Ye Chen did not expect the robot to make this request, but this was just as simple for him, just let them find a space in the ring space and build a new base. "But the premise is that you can't destroy anything in the forest at will."

"Okay, Master, we only need the necessary materials to make it. But we want to have a base on the ground, this base needs to be rebuilt, and the launch pad must be moved out of the mountain. It would be more convenient if we could move the base out." The robot path.

"I'll find a way, but I need you to help me develop something." It seems that there are some ideas, "an invisible platform, a platform that can be installed with a time accelerator."

"Time accelerator? We don't have relevant information and research results. In the scientific records of the United States, the flow of time is uncontrollable, so your request is difficult to meet." The robot replied. "It would be better if you knew that the time here is artificially controlled: 65, I don't know if you will say it again. In addition, I have been studying accelerators, and you said you can't control them. It will slap my face, Ye Chen, some contemptuous thoughts."

"I have made a time accelerator, I will send it in, you just need to design it into an invisible platform. Oh, there is an anti-gravity device, you can find a way to assemble it." Ye Chen was facing the robot. "When I finish my theory and design, I will give them all to Sister Lingyue."

"At your command, sir." The robot nodded slightly.

"Okay, go ahead, I'll take care of myself." Ye Chen was on the robot road.

"Yes, master." Said, turned around.

Ye Chen had no choice but to think: "Compared with Sister Lingyue, these robots have no self-characteristics, they seem to be carved out of a mold, and they only obey the program settings." There is no real self-awareness. "Thinking of Sister Lingyue, that character is a bit stubborn," the strange supercomputer thought, with a strange thought in his heart: "Can people really create their own thoughts?"

Ye Chen left the base above and walked down the passage of the cave. When he reached the ninth floor of the academy, he hesitated and did not go in. Instead, he went to the next floor.

When I came to the tenth floor, just after coming out of the cave, Ye Chen arrived. There was actually an alloy door, and the entire tenth floor was open. What else was going on was impossible to know. I said to myself a little depressed: "I should have asked Sister Soul Moon to give me a pass." Where can I find a robot to guide me now? "On the other hand, Ye Chen approached the gate," the robot said before listening, there were originally nine floors, and now there are thirteen floors. These ten floors are already so mysterious. Is it the same below as here? "Now I don't know where to go. I think it's gone." Standing at the door, reaching for the alloy door.

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At this moment, a beam of red light suddenly shone from the door. At first reaction, Ye Chen wanted to avoid it, but was later stopped. The red light scanned Ye Chen, and an electronic voice said: "The top floor, you can enter." Then the door opened on both sides.

"Well, the top floor, but Sister Lingyue didn't set my level, so how can this thing scan me to confirm it." Don't understand, Xingyu didn't notice it for so long, "When I see Sister Moon's spirit, ask her again."

Inside the gate are two meters long, eighty centimeters wide, and forty centimeters high rectangular boxes. Each box is not stacked, but placed at a distance of about 20 centimeters. In many places, the distance is much larger, and it is estimated that there are different types of items in it. On the tenth floor, there are about 20,000 boxes.

Chang Xingyu walked over and opened a box, only to see that it was a big gun with a length of nearly one meter. "Fight, good guy, that's it." Although the pulse gun may be much worse than the laser weapon in terms of energy intensity and destructive power of direct attack, the advantage of the pulse gun is that it can be attacked by the wall. Unless it is a material that absorbs pulse energy, it will be penetrated. This mountain-hitting effect is far superior to laser weapons in some cases, but one of the main disadvantages is the slow shooting speed, and one shot takes several seconds to convert; it also has a large volume, so that electrical energy can be more fully converted into pulse energy, and its clip is an energy clip, and a single energy clip can emit 20 pulse rays. So, it's not very practical.

They walked to the other side of the box and opened one of them. There was a miniature submachine gun inside, and the clip next to it was an energy block, "Laser gun, good stuff, this is more practical than the pulse gun just now, especially in front of the battlefield, this is a good weapon." Pick up the laser gun, do a few aiming actions, and feel good, "Hehe, Yankee's stuff hits itself, that should be cool." But the space battleship can't go out to sea now, or they can use these new ships to destroy the entire US space fleet. Ah, this ring is also true, obviously I have refined it, why can't I control it freely, only this layer, and can only control where the spiritual power can extend, and finally control the first layer. "With a reluctant sigh, the box was well covered, and he stood up and left the tenth floor, thinking, in another four and a half hours, Ye Chen continued to walk towards the eleventh floor."

After going down about forty meters, Ye Chen came to the eleventh floor, and he was immediately shocked by the huge assembly line in front of him. A 10-meter-high machine was being installed and then transported to a huge warehouse through the assembly line, which could be assembled every two hours.

"Dear, this should be an underground mountain range. The surface area of ​​this eleventh floor alone is three times that of the tenth floor. How big should the warehouse be, and how many machines are there in it!" Sighing, walking around the assembly line, and then coming to the assembly platform, towering like a magical god-like mecha, Ye Chen wanted to fly a plane to fight the United States.

Ye Chen shook his head, threw all the unrealistic ideas out of his mind, and came to the entrance of the warehouse, which was like a huge arena. There is a huge test platform in the center, which contains a variety of test equipment. The periphery is a huge semicircular arc-shaped three-layer platform, stacked. Each floor occupies the same area, and the entire warehouse area is about 300,000 square meters. On the three-story platform in the shape of a semicircular arc, there is a dense arrangement of mechanical armor, of which nearly four thousand pieces are counted.

The load-bearing platform may also be made of a new alloy, or the weight of the machine can crush ordinary reinforced concrete structures. Sighed.

At this time, a machine had just been assembled and was sent to the test platform. Immediately, a blue fluorescent screen rose from the edge of the platform. "Energy mask, it is too advanced here, it has this thing." On the fluorescent screen, an intelligent robot sat in Mecca, and then began shooting tests, laser weapons, live ammunition weapons, many of which fell on these targets. In just three seconds, all the alloy targets were shattered, and the deflected energy beams hit the hood, forming a circle of ripples.

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